Читать книгу A Man Of Honor - Tina Leonard - Страница 8



Tessa Draper—The father of her baby is gone. Are her growing feelings for his brother real or caused by the danger that surrounds them?

Cord Greer —Protecting Tessa is second nature, as is hiding the love that burns in his heart.

Hunt Greer—Two strangers claim he’s dead. So why are they still looking for him?

Nan Ashley—Cord’s neighbor treats him like a son. Now she wants Tessa for a daughter.

Hester Draper—Tessa’s mother has nothing good to say about anyone. Will becoming a grandmother melt her cold heart?

Sheriff Grimes —A cop on a mission or a crook looking for an easy arrest?

Colonel John West—Hunt’s mentor was a second father to him.

Salvador and Rossi—Their code demands a life for a life.

Eleanor—Tessa’s new puppy is darling, but no watchdog.

A Man Of Honor

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