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“Is this my son, Sabrina?”

So this was how it was going to be. She hadn’t planned to tell him on a beautiful, sunny May day in front of the hometown crowd, but he’d asked. “Yes. Joe is your son.”

Jonas studied the baby, and Joe seemed to study him in return. “I assume my name is listed as the father on the birth certificate?”

“Yes, it is. Of course it is.” Sabrina took Joe back from his father, who seemed reluctant to part with his newfound son. “We have an appointment, Jonas. I’m sorry.”

“What kind of appointment?”

“Six-month checkup and shots.”

“I feel I should be there.”

Sabrina stopped and looked up at the tall, handsome man whom she’d once loved with all her heart.

“I’m not trying to butt into your life, Sabrina. When Joe sees the doctor, I want to be there. Every time.”

“Fine. You can hold him when he cries.”

“He won’t cry. He’s a Callahan.”

A Callahan Wedding

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