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In this book, Tom Catton has interwoven the liberation teachings of the Buddha with twelve-step recovery. A passionate practitioner of both traditions, he offers his deeply felt words and stories as an invitation to discover that freedom that is unconditioned by the particular circumstances of our lives.

It has been my good fortune and privilege to have known Tom for many years. Between the covers of this book you will come to know a man whose generous and compassionate heart has blessed many people. He does not talk about love; he writes from the ground of love that moves within him. He points to the transformative possibilities at the heart of Buddhism and twelve-step recovery.

This book is the product of an unfolding spiritual odyssey. It is a journey of inner discovery that will be of reassurance and inspiration to those wishing to embark on their own spiritual journey. I am grateful that Tom has documented his life in this heartfelt and deeply human way.

Gavin Harrison

Author of Petals and Blood: Stories, Dharma & Poems of Ecstasy, Awakening & Annihilation and In the Lap of the Buddha

May I Sit with You?

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