Читать книгу Amplifiers - Tom Finegan - Страница 2


Table of Contents


Title Page




I: Leadership + Followership = Amplifiers 1 True Amplifiers Note 2 Leaders Versus Titled Executives Management Matters Traditional Leadership The Charisma Trap Titled Executives and Bosses Notes 3 Followers Versus Subordinates Subordinates Followership Explained The Lone Nut Notes

II: Finding and Developing Amplifiers 4 Finding and Developing Leaders, Followers, and Amplifiers Defining Leadership, Followership, and Amplifiers for Your Organization Finding Amplifiers Developing Amplifiers Developing Amplifier Skills Case Study on Amplifier Development Notes 5 Total Talent and Amplifier Cells Scope of Talent The Continuum of Talent Amplifier Impact on Total Talent The Amplifier Cell and the Power of Three Amplifiers' Impact on Changing Work Patterns Challenges Facing Companies Today Virtual Work and Managing Remote Work Groups Impact of Technology Innovation on How Work Gets Done The Gig Economy and the Side Hustle Career Loyalty in the New Generation of Employees Notes 6 Leadership Styles, Motives, and Traits Leadership Styles Leadership Motives Leadership Traits Notes 7 Followership Styles, Motives, and Traits Followership Styles Followership Motives Followership Traits Note 8 Amplifier Styles, Motives, and Traits Amplifier Styles Amplifier Motives Amplifier Traits Notes

III: Amplifiers in Action 9 Amplifying Corporate Strategy Necessary Ingredients for a Successful Transformation Energy Flexibility Versus Focus Funding Organizational (Re)alignment Resources Time Amplifier Impact on Corporate Strategy Notes 10 Amplifying Change Management Changing the Mix Tasks Behaviors Styles Inclusiveness of Thoughts and Ideas Motives Mindset Culture Notes 11 Amplifying Corporate Racial Justice Actions Leaders and Amplifiers Can Take to Advance Corporate Racial Justice Taking It to the Next Level Echo Chambers, Impact on Corporate Racial Justice Notes 12 Amplifying Life

Recommended Readings

10  Acknowledgments

11  About the Author

12  Index

13  End User License Agreement

List of Tables

1 Chapter 6Table 6.1 Styles in Leadership Development Programs

2 Chapter 7Table 7.1 Followership Styles

3 Chapter 8Table 8.1 Amplifier Styles

List of Illustrations

1 Chapter 1FIGURE 1.1 Leaders, Titled Executives/Bosses, Followers, and SubordinatesFIGURE 1.2 True Amplifiers

2 Chapter 2FIGURE 2.1 Charismatic Leader Trap

3 Chapter 4FIGURE 4.1 Developing Amplifiers

4 Chapter 5FIGURE 5.1 Total Talent Pipeline

5 Chapter 9FIGURE 9.1 Corporate Culture: Inertia Quotient

6 Chapter 10FIGURE 10.1 Creating and Sustaining Amplifiers

7 Chapter 11FIGURE 11.1 Amplify Corporate Racial Justice


Cover Page

Table of Contents

Begin Reading











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