Prefatory Note
Why Ireland Fought
I. Prelude
II. The Bullying of Serbia
III. The Crime Against Belgium
Under the Heel of the Hun
I. A World Adrift
II. “Europe against the Barbarians”
III. Termonde
IV. Malines
V. In Ostend
Treating Belgium Decently
Belgium in Peace. Work of Three Generations—Comparisons with Ireland—Some Memories
“Zur Erinnerung”. A Letter to an Austrian Fellow-student
Silhouettes from the Front
I. The Way to the Trenches
II. The Long Endurance
III. Rhapsody on Rats
The New France
The Soldier-priests of France
The Gospel of the Devil
I. Bismarck
II. Nietzsche
III. Treitschke and the Professors
Trade or Honour?