Читать книгу Bankroll - Tom Malloy - Страница 7



I would first like to thank Bob from Montclair State University, who was my Freshman Writing teacher. Bob’s class was like a psychotherapy session. He started by going through all the educational traumas students had been put through by the old-school writing system. When I left his class, I knew I could write.

I would also like to thank all the producers I’ve worked with and will hopefully continue to work with, including Aimee Schoof and Isen Robbins, Russ Terlecki, Robert Royston, and Sylvia Caminer.

Also, thanks to my parents who really taught me I could achieve anything if I put my mind to it. You hear stories all the time of people succeeding “in spite of” their upbringing. I’m the exact opposite. I fully believe any success I have is “because of” my parents.

Lastly, I really need to thank all the sharks in the film business who have tried to take a bite out of me in the past, screwed me over, or tried to steal from me. Seriously, without the lessons you taught me, I would never have gotten where I am today. I love you all, I forgive you all, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart!


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