Читать книгу The Power of Spiritual Intelligence: 10 ways to tap into your spiritual genius - Тони Бьюзен, Tony Buzan - Страница 6
Оглавление‘Men go abroad to wonder at the height of mountains, at the huge waves of the sea, at the long courses of the rivers, at the vast compass of the oceans, at the circular motion of the stars; and they pass by themselves without wondering.’
(St. Augustine)
The first principle of Spiritual Intelligence is the realization that you are a miracle and are wonderful! There is no doubt about it, and you should hold yourself, and others, in awe. Each one of us is more precious, valuable, rare, beautiful and priceless than the most precious and rare ruby or diamond.
A miracle is defined as any ‘amazing or wonderful’ thing or event, or ‘a person or thing that is a marvellous example of something’ – as in ‘a miracle of design’. The word ‘miracle’ derives from the Latin miraculum, a wonder, or wonderful thing. You cannot argue – all the evidence supports the fact that you are amazing. Consider the miracle of your own engineering:
your body is made up of 200 intricately sculptured and mechanically perfect bones; 500 muscles with billions of muscle fibres, and seven miles-worth of nerve fibres to keep it all co-ordinated
your eyes, ears, nose, skin and mouth are each so sensitive and complex that scientists are at a loss to explain how they all work, let alone replicate their functions adequately
your heart is the most amazing mechanical pump yet devised, beating an average of 36 million times every single year of your life
your brain contains a million, million brain cells – equivalent to 167 times the population of the planet – each single one of which is more powerful than the standard personal computers we are relying on more and more!
We also know that you are more unique and more different from each other person on earth than any snowflake is from its fellows.
Moreover, we know that the atoms of which you are made come from the stars. You are, in the very real sense of the word, a Starchild!
Each one of us is capable of the most amazing feats of courage, endurance, heroism and sacrifice, as well, unfortunately, as the worst excesses of greed, selfishness, depravity and cruelty – this is the miracle of being human.
‘Be humble for you are made of earth.
Be noble for you are made of stars.’
(Serbian Proverb)
The Bigger Picture
A common activity for young children all over the planet, who are just beginning to explore the wider dimensions of their world, is to send a letter to a friend or pen pal, addressing it as follows:
My friend Jane Fitzgerald,
16 Paradise Street,
The World,
The Milky Way,
The Universe.
These children are beginning to sense, as the Spiritually Intelligent do, that the universe is their home, and that they live in a series of bigger and bigger neighbourhoods.
It is the universe’s vastness that creates a sense of excitement, wonder and awe, and which raises all kinds of spiritual questions about the meaning of our existence, and our individual place and significance in that universe.
‘Every now and then,
Take a good look at something
Not made with hands;
A mountain, a star,
The curve of a stream.
There will come to you
Wisdom and patience,
And above all, the assurance
That you are not alone in the world.’
(Sidney Lovett)
And this universe is vast:
our Earth is just one of the nine planets in our solar system that circles our sun
our sun is tens of thousands times bigger than our Earth, and yet is only a small example of the ten thousand million suns that make up our local galaxy, on the edge of which we spin
our galaxy is one of a million million galaxies, each one millions of light years across, and each one separated on average by a distance so great that if you travelled at the speed of light for 100 years you would still not bridge the gap!
Imagine how many atoms (the building blocks of all matter) there must be in the Universe, when just one grain of sand from many of the hundreds of thousands of beaches on our small planet contains millions of atoms.
Spiritually Intelligent people actively cultivate an awareness of the magnificence of every living thing and the vast and gigantic beauty of the universe. This awareness has been furthered dramatically by the invention of telescopes and space probes and, of course, manned space flights. Thanks to these instruments, exquisitely beautiful pictures of planets, stars, galaxies and inter-galactic clouds where stars are born, trillions of miles above us, have been beamed directly into our televisions and living rooms. This dawning Spiritual awareness is beautifully encapsulated in the story of astronaut Edgar Mitchell.
I met Edgar Mitchell in 1973, a couple of years after he had flown to and around the moon on the Apollo 14 mission. His experiences had radically changed his life, and he had established an institute for the study of humanity and the environment. He told the following story:
The Astronaut’s Story
The training at NASA for the flight to and around the moon was very, very, thorough. The astronauts had simulated every stage of the flight in terms of duration and daily activities – they had literally ‘gone to the moon and back’ while on Earth!
Indeed the training had been so thorough that Mitchell reported virtually no emotions of fear or exaltation when they took off, because it felt so familiar and ‘normal’.
This familiarity continued all the way to the moon, everything running smoothly, on schedule and, as far as the crew were concerned, almost robot-like. They arrived and began to prepare for their journey to the ‘dark side of the moon’.
This, like everything else, had been rehearsed. The trip was to take only an hour or so. The significant thing about being on the dark side of the moon was that for the first time on the journey, the sight of the earth would be totally blocked from view, and no radio or television waves could either penetrate or go round the moon. The astronauts would be totally excommunicated from Earth!
Mitchell said that the first five minutes on the dark side were fine, but after that the simulation training began to peel away, and concern, a touch of fear, and his imagination began to kick in. He began to think more and more about Earth – about his wife and children, his home, his neighbourhood, his friends and the places they met, and the changing colours of the seasons.
As his imagination expanded, time began to stretch, as it does when you are waiting for someone you love who is late. But this was not just one person Mitchell was waiting for. This was everyone and every thing that he loved. He began to wonder whether there were some strange time-warp effects on the dark side of the moon, and whether he and the others were trapped in an eternal night. Mitchell reported that the minutes began to feel like days; the time behind the moon was becoming eternity.
After what seemed like aeons, they came out the other side.
And there, at last, was the Earth!
But the Earth was not as Mitchell had imagined. In his mind it had been the giant planet on which the universe of his home and family existed. What he saw now was a tiny blue planet floating in the vast inky blackness of space. Surrounding it was a fragile, wafer-thin covering of white – our entire atmosphere. Mitchell felt that he could literally reach out with his hand and flick the Earth, like a tiny pearl, into oblivion.
That moment, and that sudden realization of the fragility of our local home in the vastness of our big home, caused a paradigm shift in Edgar Mitchell. When he returned to Earth he felt far more compassion and concern for his fellow living beings, and decided to devote the rest of his life to helping protect this delicate, unique and beautiful planet.
A love of and respect for Nature is very characteristic of the Spiritually Intelligent. The tribal peoples we so often admire for their Spiritual Intelligence, such as the Native Americans and the Aborigines of Australia, are renowned for their deep concern for the conservation of the environment, for their respect and love for animals and other living things, and for their reverence for and awe of the Universe. This springs from an affiliation to and with the earth, and a feeling of responsibility to act as its guardians.
Nurture Yourself in Nature
Spiritual inspirations often make themselves known through music and poetry, and musicians and poets often see nature as their muse.
Byron, in Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage wrote:
‘There is a pleasure in the pathless woods,
There is a rapture on the lonely shore.
There is society, where none intrudes,
By the deep Sea, and music in its roar …’
Similarly the visionary poet, artist and mystic William Blake wrote:
‘When thou seeest an eagle, thou seeest a portion of Genius. Lift up thy head!’
And when writing of an ideal approach toward the Universe, Blake penned the immortal lines:
‘To see a World in a Grain of Sand
And a Heaven in a Wild Flower
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand
And Eternity in an hour.’
Beethoven, Mozart and many other great musicians used Nature as their inspiration, incorporating into their music the songs of birds, the sounds of wind and water, the calls of animals and the sounds created by peasants and farmers going about their business. The entire four movements of Beethoven’s Symphony no. 6 (Pastorale) were based on a walk in the countryside!
Nature has a way of rewarding those who investigate her, by enhancing their insights into all things, and thus raising their Spiritual Intelligence. One such example of someone who has been increasingly awed by the beauty and complexity of Nature is the British broadcaster Sir David Attenborough, whose prize-winning series on animals, plants and the natural world have amazed and inspired millions of viewers across the planet. Perhaps none have been more captivated by the wonders of nature than Sir David himself.
If you think about the following, you will understand why he and others, such as Jane Goodall and Dian Fossey in their work with endangered apes and gorillas, have become so fascinated by the natural world.
How did a plant learn to mimic the shape, colourings and scent of a female wasp in order to attract the male to mate with ‘her’ and thus pollinate the flowers?
How did a giant seed evolve that requires a forest fire once every 50 years to burn off its casing and allow it to reproduce?
How does the Monarch Butterfly know the way from Europe to its precise nesting ground in Mexico?
How does the salmon, after years swimming the oceans, know exactly where its original spawning ground is?
This reverence for life and living things is an important part of Spiritual Intelligence; if you habitually swat flies, bugs and spiders, go to the bottom of the class!
Brought to Life by Near-Death Experiences!
Many Spiritually Intelligent people report that it was often a near-death trauma that ‘woke them up’ from their spiritual sleep. One such experience certainly had me appreciating life more after it than before!
Teri and his Second Life
A good friend of mine, Teri, was a very fit and athletic man, a cyclist, rock-climber and caver. The end of his ‘first life’ came when climbing down the sheer face of a smuggler’s cave. He grabbed a small outcrop of rock and it came away in his hand. His last conscious moments were spent realizing that he was falling backwards 180 feet, cracking his head on a rocky jut on the way down, and ending up in a bloody heap at the bottom with a smashed knee, broken leg, foot, arm, ribs, a punctured lung and a cracked skull.
Teri’s ‘second life’ began in hospital when he regained consciousness and realized that he had been ‘born again’. Everything appeared to him much brighter, more memorable and meaningful. Thirty years on Teri still reports that being given a ‘second life’ comprehensively changed his attitude to every day in that new life. Each day is a gift, and he spends each day enjoying every moment of it. He is known as a wonderfully caring and compassionate man, with a gift for putting others at ease with his generosity and humour.
As he so succinctly puts it: ‘Well, when you get a second chance at life, it does make you see things differently and appreciate what you’ve got a lot more, doesn’t it?’
Tony and the ‘Floating Balloon’
On holiday in the Caribbean, I was taking an early-morning swim in an exquisitely beautiful bay with crystal-clear blue water, mirror flat from the calm of the night before. Not particularly paying attention to where I was going, I ended up doing a long and leisurely series of back-strokes. When I stopped to turn around, I saw what looked like a blown-up balloon on the surface of the water, and without thinking (always dangerous!) I swam towards it. I noticed that the colour of the water underneath it appeared to be not so much blue as a beautiful lavender. Suddenly my brain recognized the danger signs, and screamed at me:
‘Portuguese Man-of-War!’
Terrified, I swung about in the water – too late. The beautiful purple tendrils wrapped themselves around my waist and legs and sent me rocketing out of the water in pain. It felt as if I had been wrapped in barbed wire through which giant electric shocks were being pulsed.
I suddenly remembered (and understood!) the many reports I’d heard of people who had died of such an experience. For the next 10 or 15 minutes I was like some Walt Disney cartoon character with my legs thrashing like an outboard motor in the effort to get back to shore! With every stroke I wondered whether the poison was going to kill me rapidly, or lock all my muscles into an immovable rigidity that would lead me to drown.
The fact that you are reading this book means that you know I made it! I spent a little time in hospital, and came out still shocked, having been taught a number of lessons by Mother Nature – among them that I need to be more observant and more alert to danger.
Most importantly, however, I had learnt, while facing the prospect of having no days left, to pay much more attention to appreciating and enjoying the ‘gift’ of every day that I had and would be given.
Do You Make a Difference?
‘God sleeps in the rock,
dreams in the plant,
stirs in the animal,
and awakens in mankind.’
(Sufi teaching)
Believing that they can make a difference is another hallmark of the Spiritually Intelligent.
Do you make a difference?
Of course you do! Everything you say, do or create affects the environment and the people around you, and it and they affect others, and so on for infinity and eternity. This cause and effect can be confirmed by Chaos Theory – according to which a butterfly beating its wings in the Amazon rainforest can cause sufficient air turbulence to eventually cause a typhoon in Java.
You and your soul are ‘immortal’ whether you wish them to be or not! The real choice you have is whether that ‘immortality’ affects the human race and the planet in a positive way; whether you wish to leave it to chance; or whether you wish to work to its disadvantage. The Spiritually Intelligent person obviously chooses the first of these options!
Now that you are aware of your own magnificence, the vastness and the beauty of the universe in which you live, of the wonderful nature of Nature, and the fact that your spirit is immortal, you are ready for a good Spiritual Workout.
Spiritual Workout
1 Remind Yourself How Miraculous You Are
Remind yourself just what a magical work of design you really are. Make it a point to track down more information about the extraordinary capabilities of your human body and brain. Go to your local library or bookstore and dig out some of the popular science books around at the moment – on everything from brains to genes! Alternatively, watch some of the popular science programmes on TV. Constantly apply this knowledge to your own self-awareness and to the development of your self-confidence.
2 Remember that Everyone is Miraculous
Apply your new-found knowledge of your own magnificence to everyone around you – your friends, family, children, colleagues, people you meet on the street, and yes (this is a book on Spiritual Intelligence!), even your enemies. Once you begin to realize that everyone is as unique a person as you are, you will find yourself looking at people in a new light: each one with the spark of divinity in them. Decide what you can do to appreciate, help and learn from them more.
3 Learn from Your Life’s Events
Look back over your life and its major events, traumas, pains and failures. Realize that every one of these is something that is strengthening your Spirit. Do everything you can to help that experience accelerate your growing strength – seek out the positive aspects, the silver linings, and all the possible lessons you can learn.
4 Learn to Appreciate the Natural World
Spend some time appreciating the multi-sensory beauty that surrounds you. Go for walks in the countryside as often as you can, or in parkland or some beautiful botanical garden (if you are lucky enough to live near one). Drink in the fresh air, the different scents and sounds, and the peace. Try doing this alone, as well as with your family or friends.
5 Play the ‘Uniqueness Game’
Consider how many thoughts you have had in your life so far. Now think how many other people could have thought exactly the same thought, at exactly the same time, in exactly the same place?
You are unique amongst all the human beings who have ever lived, who do live and who will ever live. You are alone in this vast universe. But by being alone, you become like the six billion other human beings on the planet who are also alone. You are together in being alone! Think about it, and marvel at your simultaneous individuality and community.
6 Star Gaze!
Look up at the stars at night and try and get to know the different constellations – better still, invest in a basic telescope and really begin to explore the heavens. It is an amazing fact, but the entire universe you are seeing, you are recreating in your head! Just think – the tiny, microcosmic you can take in, hold and recreate the universe!
7 Ask Yourself Questions
Asking yourself questions such as:
Does the universe end? If so, how and where? And if not, how not?
Could our entire universe be simply an atom in a much bigger universe?
Is there a unifying force that makes all this work? And if so, what is it?
Let your imagination roam – better still, ask your friends and colleagues too, and see what sort of creative, imaginative answers you can come up with. Read books by cosmologists and scientists who are exploring the frontiers of knowledge about the universe and its inhabitants.
8 The Weather
Whenever you are encouraged by the media, friends or your own personal thoughts to moan about the weather, think of the other options!
Mercury: 1000 degrees centigrade on its sunny side, airless, more radiated than a microwave, and near absolute zero centigrade on its dark side!
Venus: 450 degrees centigrade average temperature, battered by over 400-mile-an-hour sulphuric acid winds, with never any sight of the night-time sky.
Mars: often minus 100 degrees centigrade. Hardly any atmosphere and no oxygen. Sun just visible as a big star. Inhospitable to life.
Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune: all giant planets with gravity so strong you would be crushed the minute you set foot on them, which you couldn’t do anyway, as their surfaces are liquid gasses. Average winds of 1000 miles per hour that never cease. No oxygen.
Pluto: a tiny, airless planet less than the size of our moon with no sunlight, no atmosphere and a temperature near absolute zero.
In contrast, Planet Earth: Paradise! So delicately balanced to guarantee your survival that changes of less than 1 per cent in the ‘formula’ that created it would have made it inhospitable to life and therefore to you.