Читать книгу Little Wolf, Terror of the Shivery Sea - Ian Whybrow, Tony Ross - Страница 15


Window Seat, Reading Room

Dear Mum and Dad,

Oh, I get it now. Blackfur was a Pie Rat spelt PIRATE! I asked Stubbs and he said, “ARK!” meaning look it up in the enzarklopedia. So we did. Sad to say, I only read a short part because just then, Smells came by being Jack and the Cabbagestalk. So he chopped up the page I was reading with his chopper, then he ate it saying:

“Bee By Bo Bum, I like paper, yum yum yum.”

Not funny.

Normus said, “Hoy, be fair Smells – no bashing pages. Save bashing for big giants.” Smells did not like Normus telling him off, so he chopped up his trout net saying, “Be quiet, I hate you, Normus. I only like Yeller now!”

I said (wise voice), “There, I told you he was only a short friend, Normus.” That is Y Normus has gone off for a sulk. I can hear him outside hitting trees - bonk, e e - a r r r , crash.

Lucky Yeller still wants to be my chum.

Yours tuttingly,

Little Cheesedoff

Little Wolf, Terror of the Shivery Sea

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