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Bronte found herself facing a clearly hungry Connor…


Standing directly in the last remaining beams of the setting sun, Bronte watched Connor’s eyes darken. “This is crazy,” he muttered, just before burying his hands in her hair and slanting his mouth against hers, the hot wetness of his tongue begging for entrance.

Bronte’s knees went weak and she melted against him for support. She suddenly realized Connor’s arousal pulsed against her stomach. She drew a sharp breath, trying to clear her head. Connor groaned something, then launched a renewed attack on her mouth.

Helpless to resist him, and not sure she wanted to anyway, Bronte arched her back in invitation. An invitation he obviously accepted, Bronte decided, when he backed her up against the rough bark of the tree, well out of sight of any onlookers. The low-hanging branches created a fragrant cocoon around them. The sun finally slipped over the horizon, leaving them in deep, secretive shadows.

Bronte shuddered as Connor’s hand seared her flesh through her dress. Then he dipped his finger inside the low neckline and his hot skin made contact with hers. Desire pooled between her thighs, making Bronte whimper.

Who would have guessed that serious, brooding Connor McCoy could bring a woman to the brink with just a kiss?

Never Say Never Again

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