Читать книгу Christine de Pizan and the Fight for France - Tracy Adams - Страница 9


Note on Translations and Manuscripts

In using Jean of Burgundy rather than John of Burgundy, my goal was to avoid inconsistency when juxtaposing the latter with such examples as Jean Gerson and Jean de Montaigu, never rendered John. Rather than refer to individuals by their territories or ancestral homes, I use first names throughout (e.g., Jean, Louis, and Christine rather than Burgundy, Orleans, or de Pizan). I have used “of” rather than “de” when the name refers to a territory. Although “Christine de Pizan” gives pause, I have used the name by which she is internationally known. To avoid confusion, I refer to Louis of Orleans as such even before he becomes the Duke of Orleans in 1392, and I use “Armagnac” to refer to Orleanists after 1410.

Where the translations are not mine, I have indicated the sources.

The bibliography contains only manuscripts that I have consulted personally, whether in person or online. I have not included the URLs for those available online because this changes so rapidly that the list would be outdated before this book is in print. In citing Christine’s works, I use the titles used by the editors and translators of her published works.

Christine de Pizan and the Fight for France

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