Читать книгу The Truth About Harry - Tracy Kelleher - Страница 3


Dear Reader,

The life of a reporter is often filled with uninspiring daily assignments. But what if, under unusual circumstances, a reporter actually got to exercise a self-indulgent flight of fancy regarding one of the least-coveted of duties—writing an obituary?

What if, indeed?

Lauren Jeffries finds out the repercussions when an obituary that she has liberally embellished inadvertently gets published. Not only is her journalistic integrity compromised, but she also finds herself enmeshed in an international art theft. And even more dangerously, she tangles with Sebastian Alberti, the investigator on the case.

Never has a case of “misapplied” identity led to so many twists and turns and sexy interludes. Yes, those sexy interludes.

And here I said a reporter’s life was dull!

All the best,

Tracy Kelleher

The Truth About Harry

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