Читать книгу On Common Ground - Tracy Kelleher, Tracy Kelleher - Страница 4


Dear Reader,

I live in a small college town. Every spring, the azaleas bloom in candy cane colors, the daffodils and tulips blanket the lawns and flowerbeds and the spirited alumni return for their class reunions. These annual rituals bring together the bittersweet memories of past joys and disappointments as well as the promise of beautiful and fulfilling things to come—all the elements of a great romance, in my opinion. Is it any wonder that I had to write a series of stories set during Grantham University’s reunions? I hope you enjoy reading this first installment as much as I took pleasure in writing it.

Let me mention the inspiration for my heroine, Lilah Evans. I happened to read an op-ed piece by New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof on the organization Run for Congo Women and its founder, Lisa Shannon. As a woman and a mother, I couldn’t help but be moved by Ms. Shannon’s valiant efforts, and I knew I wanted to create a heroine who embodied her spirit. While I was influenced by elements of her story, the characters and events in my book are, of course, strictly fictional.

As always, I love to hear from my readers. Email me at tracyk@tracykelleher.com.

Tracy Kelleher

On Common Ground

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