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Chapter 4


The following morning, Eva awoke within a pleasantly calm surrounding. A gentle breeze blew peacefully through drying leaves above. The rustling treetops were supplemented by the sound of chirping birds. It was the recurrent music of nature.

The storm clouds had cleared. The rain had ceased, and the innocent young girl could see her surroundings clearly once again. The sun’s light slowly climbed from the east into the sky above. It was astounding how light could alter one’s mood so unavoidably.

Having never been lost before, Eva considered the possibility that she may not find her way back to the village. In order to find food, water, and safety before the day’s end, they had to get moving. She nudged Amir with her elbow a few times to wake him.

“Come on Amir,” she urged. Eva stood up and peeled the fallen wet leaves from her body. “We need to get going. Our way home can’t be far.”

Amir yawned and stretched as he stood and surveyed the surrounding forest. To Eva’s surprise, the boy was wise beyond his years.

“Just as we were tempted by the wind,” said the boy “we must follow the elements to find our way home. Don’t worry… the water will lead us there.”

“I’m not sure what you mean,” said Eva with a confused look on her face. “I don’t see any streams or rivers to follow.”

“Last night,” Amir explained, “as the rain fell into the forest, we too fell into this place. Notice however, that the rain has since moved on.”

“So, like I said,” Eva teased, “We need to get going.”

“Clouds gather over the great seas,” continued the wise young boy, “then carry their rains to distant lands. The droplets are scattered as they fall into the most unfamiliar places. Nevertheless, they make their way home. They do this by going with the flow, not by fighting the current. The fallen sprinkles come together, becoming greater as they approach the sea. They journey through foreign territory, as if they had been there before.

“There is always a path of least resistance, and it is there that the water flows. No need to panic, if we do as the rain does, we will find our way home."

Little did Eva know, the seed which one day would grow into a spectacular discovery, had just been planted in her mind. For now however, she simply prepared to move out.

“Well with a brain like that, it looks like I’ll be following you," Eva said.

Eva and Amir briefly observed their immediate area, but noticed nothing of interest. They began pushing their way through the woods in search of anything that might help them get home.

They had not been walking long when Eva’s foot got caught on a low growing vine, causing her to trip and fall hard to the ground. She twisted her ankle as her body spun awkwardly during the fall. The sudden pain caused her to grasp at her lower leg. She closed her eyes and began to cry.

Amir had been walking slightly ahead, but immediately turned back and knelt down to comfort his injured friend. It didn’t take him long to notice the swelling in her ankle.

He calmed her fears by assuring her that he could help, and then gathered some nearby twigs and tall grass. Using only the raw materials, he quickly fashioned a brace, and used it to stabilize the injured joint. While it didn’t do much for the pain, it would enable her to walk without risking further injury.

He also found a thick, freshly fallen branch in the vicinity, perhaps from the previous night’s storm. He broke off a piece about three feet in length, and gave it to Eva for balance and support.

Grabbing hold of Amir’s arm with one hand, and the stick with the other, Eva slowly stood up and thanked him for his support. She could not help but wonder how the young boy knew so much about first aid, but she was glad he was there.

“Thank you,” she said sincerely. “I’m not sure what I would have done without you.”

“Well, for starters,” Amir replied with a smile, “you would not be lost in the woods.”

The Great Mystery

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