Читать книгу The Tarnished Necklace - Trish Inc. Duffin - Страница 12

Chapter 10 Rejection


It was Wednesday afternoon. As usual the men were in the fields. Maria, her mother and sisters were busy working away, this time it was tending to the plums. The rattle of a gig drew their attention to the front of the house and Maria groaned. Jasper was at the reins, formally dressed. He knocked on the door and stood there expecting to be let in. Maria opened the door, her apron sticky with plum juice, hair stuck to her forehead and her hands were covered in juice. “Good afternoon Mr Peterson. How may I help you?” she enquired, wishing he would just go away.

“Miss Scott, the very person I wanted to see. I was passing by and wondered if you would like to go for a small ride on such a lovely day.”

Maria sighed and held up her sticky hands. “As you can see, I am in no position to go out. Thank you for the kind offer though.”

She turned to go in but he laid a restraining hand on her arm. “Would you consider going out for a picnic this Sunday afternoon then?”

Maria looked at him carefully. “No thank you. I intend to visit a good friend that day as she hasn’t been well.” What a whopping great lie!

Jasper commiserated with her. He made it quite clear his offer was open, should her friend recover or if she would choose to make it another day. He then placed his hat on his head, said his goodbye and departed.

Maria removed her apron before washing her arms and face. She then collected the basket of food that was prepared for the men. “May I take this out please, Ma?” Susan nodded, suspecting the true underlying reason for the request. She didn’t challenge Maria over her lie to Jasper. Maria headed out the door and quickly found her father. He pointed over to where Peter was working - another ten minutes walk over to the east. She found him stacking hay, sweat pouring off his face and a dark stain running down the back of his shirt. He looked very cheerful as she waved her basket of food. She sat down on the ground and waited until he started eating. “I need your help,” she said with a sigh.

Peter glanced up, his mouth full of bread, lettuce, tomato and cucumber, “Hmm?” he ventured.

Maria continued. “Jasper came over and asked me to go out for a ride this Sunday. I lied to him. I said I was going to go visit a sick friend. What do I do?”

Peter smiled as he had suspected that Jasper would come around, and equally suspected that Maria would spurn him. He sighed, swallowed and looked over before taking a big swig of water. “You have to be up front with Jasper. You must let him know where he stands.”

Maria looked horrified at that suggestion. “I can’t do that. It would be rude!”

Peter sat there quietly, pausing for a moment before replying. “Maria, it is just as rude to keep the poor man in the dark and not be honest with him.” Maria didn’t look convinced, so Peter continued. “Listen, it comes with being an adult. You have a young man wanting to court you. It is up to you to tell him not to waste his time. “He tilted her chin up with his finger and made her look him in the eye.” Tell him you aren’t interested and we will find something to do this Sunday. I promise you that.” The light touch of his finger on her chin remained until she nodded in agreement.

The following morning her father wasn’t dressed in his work clothes. It turned out he was going into town to collect some more twine and sacking for the harvesting. Maria persuaded him to wait a few minutes and she dashed upstairs to pen a letter to Jasper.

Dear Jasper. I realise I haven’t been entirely honest with you. I appreciate your affection to me but I do not hold similar feelings for you. I fear you are wasting your time attempting to court me. Please, do not be offended. I write this letter to save you further frustration.

Sincerely Maria Scott.

She gave the letter to her father and asked him to personally hand it over to Jasper. As Andrew rode off his fingers itched to open it, but he exercised great restraint. He went into town, made his purchases and spent a bit of time talking to some friends before returning home. At one stage a small note edged out of his shallow pocket. It eventually fluttered to the ground before being swirled around, finally resting in the long grass. Andrew came home, got changed and headed straight out into the fields, his errand for Maria completely forgotten.

The Tarnished Necklace

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