Читать книгу Mctavish And Twins - TRISHA DAVID - Страница 10



PADDY and Matthew were well away.

Mike and Erin burst through the back door as one—to find the yard empty. Paddy had been hitched to the trough. There was no Paddy and no Matthew.

‘Where...?’ Mike gazed round, fast. There was no sign of boy or horse.

‘Paddy wanted something to eat,’ Laura faltered. ‘At least, we thought he did. So me and Matt took him over into the wheat paddock—just to give him a taste...’

‘The wheat paddock...’ Mike was already starting to run, his big hand gripping Laura’s. Erin ran too, unsure of where they were going but darned if she was being left behind. ‘Laura, you did say Matt was on the horse?’ Mike demanded. They were halfway across the yard, Laura being half carried by the speed of Mike’s run.

‘Matt wanted to get up on Paddy’s back,’ Laura sobbed, breathless from running. ‘So we held Paddy near the gate and Matt climbed on. And Matt said “Giddyup” and Paddy did. They rode all the way up the paddock and Paddy was going really, really fast and Matt yelled “stop” but Paddy didn’t...’

Neither did Mike. He ditched Laura’s hand and his long legs left both Erin and Laura behind. By the time Erin reached the gate behind the house, Mike was already through, shading his eyes and trying desperately to see across the sea of wheat.

Mctavish And Twins

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