Читать книгу The Texan's Cowgirl Bride - Trish Milburn - Страница 3


“I had a good time tonight,” Travis said.

“Me, too.” Great, in fact. Savannah headed for the porch before she did something crazy like invite him to spend the night, and not on her couch this time. She already had too much on her mind. She didn’t need to add a serious relationship to the mix.


She turned and watched him walk slowly toward her, still looking too good to be true in the dim light. “Yeah?”

“You going to let me take you out again sometime?”

“Maybe.” Damn if her voice didn’t crack a little.

The wooden steps creaked as he climbed one then two, putting himself eye to eye with her. “I guess that’s better than a no.”

She smiled a little and realized her butterflies had returned with a vengeance. She started to turn away, but a voice inside her head screamed at her to not let him go. Not allowing the time to talk herself out of it, Savannah reached up and framed Travis’s face with her palms, heart racing as she looked up at him and gently drew him closer.

The Texan's Cowgirl Bride

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