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Sultana was waiting in the wings; Arthur was waiting in the wings. A great plan had matured in his head, and luck helped him in everything. Arthur kept Sultana just for one performance in a restaurant. Further, he no longer needed her, and he planned to get rid of her in such a way that no one could establish her identity and find traces. He found her a suitable replacement, no less worthy than her. It was an Indian woman from Indonesia who was in no way inferior to the Sultan. She is also good-looking, also danced only Indian dances in Indian costumes, and is poor in origin. He plans to replace one dancer with another, and the audience will not feel the difference, and will not have time to get used to the dancer in one evening. But this evening will gather a full hall of people. Arthur rejoiced, and did not think about the problems.

Arthur made frequent flights from one country to another, as he had his dirty business in several Indo-European countries. In one of which he found this Indian woman Guilty. A guard who informed him that Sultana’s father was alive and being cared for by a woman who helped her escape overshadowed his happiness.

– The blockhead. You let him live. Why did I send you? I want you to ruin my whole holiday. Arthur pulled out a gun and took it off the safety and shot the guy in the head. The gun was with a silencer, no one heard the shot, and Arthur called his partner to get rid of the corpse as soon as possible. – People know how to spoil the mood, he said, and stepping over the corpse went outside and went to a restaurant to watch the performance of Guilt. Arthur watched this girl dance perfectly, the audience would not feel the difference, he thought, without taking into account the opinion of the Guilt itself. The girl did not know yet that she was already considered a slave in Arthur’s opinion, and she was going to perform in restaurants in Moscow. Arthur also thought about what actions Sultana’s father had managed to commit against him. This news crept into Arthur’s head and gave him no peace. This girl is nothing but trouble, he thought, looking at the new dancer. Guilt, unaware that evil itself was looking at her, came up to him and seductively let out a wave with her stomach. Arthur gave her a sly wink, and the girl smiled back.

Unlike Sultana, Vina had the advantage that this girl was not a dancer; she worked at a dance school and taught dancing to girls, girls. A friend of her family invited her to work in the restaurant, he asked her to help him. His restaurant had fallen into disrepair and he was on the verge of bankruptcy. Arthur did not suspect that it would not be so easy for him to take this girl to Russia. She was poor, but she was not as lonely as Sultana was. She had a full-fledged family, including brothers. Vina was beautiful, very beautiful, but she did not have such greatness as Sultana, and she was not so proud. Rather, on the contrary, softer. Maybe thanks to her gentleness, Arthur will be able to take this beauty away voluntarily, and in addition to everything, she herself contributes to her removal.

Sultana lived out her days in the staff room. She could not talk to anyone, eat as she was used to, she did not have the opportunity to bathe and clean up. Her life has turned into an even bigger nightmare than it was before coming to Russia.

The first of September came, and all the students started classes. Amir and Lyosha were surprisingly happy about this day. – The day of knowledge has finally arrived.

– Yes, with his funny smile, Lyosha picked up. The girls at the institute were waiting for Amir; they really needed to know everything about the guys they met in the summer.

– What nonsense. You might think that they have written on their feet in detail about every guy they meet.

– “Isn’t that right?”

– Of course not. You can read fate, not a fleeting acquaintance.

– And why are you guessing on your feet?

– I did not study it. I inherited this gift through the male line. He came to me by himself. And my father helped me figure it out.

– Cool. You are lucky. You can find out everything about every person. No, not about everyone. I cannot read my destiny. And my father has not read it until now, and I do not know where danger may await me.

– So no one knows where danger awaits him. That is the whole joke.

– You know, you are right; it is actually easier to live this way. Not knowing what is waiting for you around the corner.

– You see! And don’t forget that I ordered us a table in an oriental restaurant.

– So early. Plenty more time.

– So there are no more free tables. Everything is packed!

– Holy shit. Is it really going to be such an evening there.

– yes. There will even be real oriental musicians.

– You are doing great. And I completely forgot about this oriental dinner.

Arthur was trying to find out what Sultana’s father had managed to do against him. What he managed to tell the police, and how the search is progressing. This information did not give him peace of mind, Arthur wanted to personally fly to this area and find out everything, but out of fear of attracting attention to himself, he said goodbye to this thought. “I’ve seen enough of this town,” he thought. And I decided to send a well-tested person. Arthur had people who served him like dogs. But there were few of them. And he got rid of the rest as soon as he didn’t need them. He himself was preparing for the opening of a restaurant in Moscow, and was going to fly there in the coming days. He was more interested in how to take the Blame with him. Something told him that there would be more problems with her than with Sultana. It was easier to get rid of Sultana, Vina was too necessary and famous a person. Her search could create too many problems, but Arthur was obsessed with revenge, and revenge clouded his eyes. At his own risk, he negotiated with the owner of the restaurant where the Wine was performed. But these negotiations were in vain. – Her family will not do it. The man answered, and spread his hands. Arthur decided to talk to the Guilt itself, deciding not just to bribe her, but also to recoup. Promising that as long as she works for him, her family will not need anything. The fault itself was not against this trip, it remained to persuade the family, and the girl took on this complexity. Of course, Arthur could not understand the purpose of Vina’s visit to Russia, but her goal was simple. Vina fell in love with this villain and was ready to go anywhere just to be with him. This happened when Arthur began to come to their restaurant and stay there, the wine was already dancing there at that moment. He often came to this restaurant to look after a girl for work; it could be a waiter or a dancer. No one suspected where the girls were disappearing. Everyone thought they were just quitting. And his next victim was Guilt. She took over negotiations with her parents and a few days later the plane with Vina and Arthur flew to Russia. Vina had no idea who she was falling in love with.

Arthur was ready to do anything to find a replacement for Sultana. And when he finds a replacement for the Fault, he will have to either return it or get rid of it. But he wasn’t thinking about it now, his head was busy opening the “Oriental Fairy Tale”. There was exactly a week left before the opening, and Arthur, to his misfortune, decided to show Vina Moscow. He did it not out of love for her, but in order to appease her and win her over. Vina took it all completely differently and her eyes shone with brilliance. Arthur did not notice this, he was thinking about his plans, and placed the Wine in one of his apartments, not very far from the restaurant. He did not want to arouse any suspicion towards himself and created the promised conditions for Guilt. Vina had a connection to the house when she wanted to, and everything went well. She was guarded as carefully as Sultana, only she did not know about it, and she did not really go anywhere without Arthur’s escort. Food was delivered to her apartment, and she did not need anything.

Meanwhile, Sultana, who was mourning her father, was obsessed with revenge, she so wanted to take revenge, or even destroy her tyrant, who had done to her and her father what she is going through now. But Sultana understood that she had almost no chance of salvation. She had not spoken to anyone since arriving in Moscow, she did not know the language, no one contacted her, there were three days left before her performance, and all these days she had to stay locked up. One of these days, Amir went to the morgue after studying, he accepted this invitation with pleasure, not expecting it from himself. When he entered the morgue building, he immediately smelled death and felt sick. The morgue is a creepy place. Moreover, this applies to people with supernatural abilities. It seemed to Amir that he could hear the voices of the dead, or even see souls walking along the corridor. But moments later, the visions disappeared. – Don’t be afraid. Said the guy. – We should be afraid of the living.

– “You’re right. Amir looked around in horror, not daring to go forward.

– “You’re going to have to go through this anyway. They will take you to the morgue anyway. All students go through this.

– I know. Somehow, I am not ready.

– It is better to step over yourself right away. This guy was acting so naturally. He was just born to work in the morgue. Amir got the impression that he came to the museum for a tour. This guy was acting so lively. He was always saying something. – Look at me. He said, and passed his hand over himself. – I have been working part-time here at night for six months, and nothing, I am used to it.

– Are you working part-time? So it’s a side job for you.

– Yes. Everything suits me. And the money is good. I am my own boss. Shut down and work. And you can’t please the living.

Amir bit his lower lip. – Now I fully understand why girls run away from you. Amir was scared to be with this guy in the morgue. And he, not daring to go any further, took a few steps back.

– Where are you going? Do not be afraid to come in. It is easier to work here at night. There are no bosses.

– No thanks. I will come on this tour with my guide and a group.

– Are you scared? I do not bite. You said something to me about my girls. So why are they all running? Amir has already taken a determined step towards the front door.

– Lets not do it today. I am not ready today. And taking a decisive step, he opened the door.

– I hope we will see each other again.

– Absolutely. With these words, Amir left the morgue building and walked with a quick decisive step to the metro station.

– Well, how was the meeting with a friend! Lyosha uttered these words with interruptions, between each word he laughed with restraint.

– What is so funny? Amir asked in all seriousness. At the same time, he himself restrained laughter.

– Nothing. That is why I am asking.

– Morgue, this is actually a serious excursion. She needs to be taken seriously, and that is why you are coming with me next time.

– How is that?

– That is it. I am afraid of my new friend. I wonder why girls run away from him!

– “He probably takes them to the morgue on their first date!” Friends laughed at the poor guy for a long time. – Why should we go there at all?

– “I don’t know. For some reason, it skidded. Let us go together while they invite.

– Okay, come on. Let us go to the restaurant first, and then to the morgue. The restaurant is more interesting. There are live girls there!

– You are all about your own.

On the opening day, the restaurant was lively and many people crowded around the entrance. As already mentioned, all the tables were ordered and even more, there were those who just wanted to come during the performance, and since there were no empty seats, the audience watched the performance standing up to watch the dance. Lyosha and Amir arrived earlier to enjoy oriental cuisine and an oriental-style interior. I must admit that this host was generous, and did not skimp on the interior and treats for guests. Everything was decorated with exquisite taste and chic. The menu of this restaurant was also designed with taste, and fully corresponded to the interior of the cafe.

– And here the truth is like in a fairy tale.

– Yes, but be careful with Oriental women.

– Thanks for reminding me. Lyosha was looking around animatedly. It was his first time in an institution decorated with such a subtle oriental taste.

The musicians were already ready to play their instruments. They were sitting in their seats. The uniform of all employees of the restaurant was also in the Oriental style. It was something medieval, reminiscent of the period when men wore dresses. The waiters and cooks were men. There were two waiter girls, they served certain tables, and they were forbidden to talk to customers. Alternatively, they just did not know the language. The ceiling was painted with a fine oriental painting, and Lyosha just went into himself admiring this beauty. But the most important highlight of this restaurant was that the tables were in Oriental style, and the guests were sitting on pillows. It was a surprise for the guests, the guests found out about it when they entered the restaurant. This highlight was surprisingly exciting, and the guests were simply delighted. The seats were occupied, the musicians played their instruments, and after making a pause, the owner of the restaurant came on stage. After greeting the guests, he congratulated the guests and himself on the opening and left. The musicians continued to play and there was a performance on stage, several numbers were presented before Sultana came out.

When Sultana came out, complete silence reigned in the hall. She created an atmosphere of rigor and at the same time, she quickly captivated with her rhythm. Everyone looked expectantly at the girl whose face was not visible. Sultana felt like a fish in water. And thanks to the fact that her face was not visible, no one knew what she was feeling right now. In fact, it was her last dance and the last hours of her life. Sultana had several performances and all took place with interruptions. At the very end of the dance, she took off her headscarf and showed her face. Lyosha and Amir’s table was not far from the stage and Amir was able to see the girl’s face in close-up. A shiver ran through his body and it seemed to him that they were familiar. – Strange, where did I see her?

– Do you know each other?

– No. But I have a strange feeling. Lyosha grinned and said nothing.

The next two dances Sultana danced with an open face, it was a dance with a sword and a dance with a candlestick on her head. The audience applauded standing and those who did not have enough seats did not want to leave. Amir was also in no hurry to leave, and they sat until closing time.

Nobody wanted to leave. All the guests did not even get up from their pillows and most of them booked their tables for the next performance.

– When is the next performance?

– If I am not mistaken, three days a week, Thursday, Friday, Saturday.

– That is, tomorrow?

– Yes. Tomorrow. What happened to you? You got a crush on the Sultana.

– Sort of.

– I will order a table.

– Thank you. I will pay for the treat.

– So I do not mind. With these words, they left the restaurant and went home.

By his origin, Arthur had Arab roots, which is why he had such a subtle and rich oriental taste. He had been accustomed to money since childhood, and this habit of getting rid of people originated in him since childhood. Arthur had a younger brother, the children grew up with their father, since their parents divorced, and the children belonged to their father’s family. The boys did not know their mother and grew up in cruelty. Their father died when they were old enough, they never managed to find their mother. Their father bequeathed them his business, in half, together with his brother. But since Arthur was quite cunning and cruel, he got rid of his brother and appropriated everything for himself. Thus, he became such a wealthy villain. All the people who worked for his father and did not want to be his supporters, they just disappeared without a trace. His brutality grew with his power. His dirty deeds grew with his years, and now he has achieved such results as business in different countries. Arthur was very pleased with his heights, and the success of tonight only made him even more excited.

Now, his main problem was how to silently get rid of Sultana. He did not want to get rid of her just like that, and a thought was maturing in his head. As previously stated, Sultana was a Muslim, and she had not yet had contact with a man. Arthur wanted to sell it to a very rich man for one night. This thought was spinning in his head, and he wanted to put it into action. Then of course get rid of her body.

Lyosha and Amir came to their apartment. – Tell me, are you into her?

– To be honest, no.

– And then what?

– When she came to the edge of the stage, I smelled death. I saw death walking beside her. But I could tell by her eyes that she knows this and doesn’t want to die. I could not mistake this smell for anything else.

– You are at it again. The whole world cannot be saved, much less a dancer. You just will not be able to contact her. She is well guarded.

– And here it is possible. I will order it. I will come up with something and order it.

– Nothing to yourself. Well, you give. See for yourself. If you are so set up, then it is up to you.

Amir was not the only one who wanted to order Sultan. After her performance yesterday, the restaurant received calls and even customers came to order a dancer. But the dancer disappeared without a trace, and this disappearance caused a sea of indignation.

On Saturday evening, the restaurant hall was as full of guests as on the opening day. The evening also began festively, it was Sultana’s time, but to everyone’s surprise, a completely different girl came on stage. Indignation was heard in the hall. But this murmur quickly subsided, out of respect for such a charming young dancer, and Vina began her performance with an Indian folk dance. As Arthur expected, the audience did not feel the difference, and fascinated the audience. The majority of the audience was sure that Sultana would definitely return, and these young girls would delight them in turn. The only guest who knew the reason for her disappearance was Amir.

– She will not appear on this stage again.

– Are you sure?

– Absolutely.

– And what should I do now?

– It remains only to pray.

– And how did you smell the smell of death?

– You know, when I first went into the morgue, I immediately smelled this smell. Now I will definitely not confuse it with anything. I felt the same yesterday as I did that night.

– To be honest, I feel sorry for her. You know, I am sure there is something wrong here. The guy who performed yesterday is kind of muddy. He has such a criminal face. Amir silently listened to Lyosha and thought about his own. “You’re right. It is actually muddy. Is there something wrong here, just what? With these words, they paid for the order and left the restaurant.

– What are you going to do?

– The first thing I will do is call Igor, really on Monday. I will not bother him on Sunday. Then we will see. Do not forget that we have an excursion to the morgue tonight. You know, it seems to me that you and I will be interested there. Amir switched from one topic to another so quickly that Lyosha felt uneasy.

After her brilliant performance, a terrible imprisonment awaited the Sultan. She was placed in some kind of basement and the door was closed. It was a restaurant basement where canned food was stored. She recognized this basement because she had been in it once. The night passed, in the morning it was heard how the work shift came, but everyone passed by her room. So a day passed, the girl was wearing an oriental costume in which she danced the last dance, and for exactly a day neither food nor water entered her stomach. She sat leaning against the door with the corner of her ear, hoping to hear and understand something, but it was all in vain. So the morning passed, and finally at lunchtime she heard movements in the hallway and realized that the front door had opened. Hearing Arthur’s voice, Sultana froze. Russian Russian was one of the languages Arthur knew, but he did not like Russian and did not speak it well. Fortunately, Sultan Arthur spoke in Lao, since his interlocutor knew this language. Arthur was talking to one of the guards who took part in the attack on Sultana’s father’s house. Sultana tried to hear every word as best as possible. They opened the door to ventilate the room and after smoking, a cigarette exchanged a few words in Lao.

– First I will finish her, and then I will personally fly to Poipet to finish her father. I am tired of this family. That is enough. They took too much time and effort. Do not let me down, or that fool let me down, leaving her father alive. She is here in this basement, you grab her in the evening, put her in the car, and then I will tell you what to do. With these words, the door closed and the voices died down. Sultana remained in the same position, but her heart beat joyfully. She found out that her father was alive. It makes sense to live, there is where and for what to return. And she decided to fight for her life.

There was not much time left until the evening, in her favor was the fact that the person who was supposed to grab her knew the Lao language, so he was his own. “Where is my passport now?” And what time is it now?

Everything was quiet in Poipet. Ahmed felt well enough, and could even get out of bed already. He had not received any news from Sultana and did not know whether she was alive or not. It was killing him, and the only thing that kept him alive was the hope that his daughter was alive and could be saved. The police were searching, including Arthur, he was already a suspect in several crimes, but no one could accuse him of anything, he always managed to get away with it. This time his position was shaken, there were too many clues pointing to him, and various rumors were circulating about him not only in this city, but also throughout Cambodia.

Arthur understood his situation, and to some extent in the depths of his soul, he was losing his peace. But he didn’t want to realize it and pretended that nothing was happening. His dirty deeds gradually surfaced. The police found the corpses of men and women who were once wanted, their relatives were looking for them, and over the years, their traces were lost. And gradually the moment came when it was time to answer.


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