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At the baptism of Russia, it is mentioned that Prince Vladimir dissolved his harem. Was there polygamy in Russia? A family for a pagan Slav is a whole world. His peace and procreation, well-being in the family and much more, is above the public. In those days, during the war, the last men in the family were the last to be sent into battle. There also used to be a custom that obliged the brother of a deceased husband to marry his widow. This custom was widespread in Russia until the 16th century. This custom has its roots in ancient times; the elder brother was fully responsible for the children and the spouse of the deceased. There were simply no single families, this is nonsense. At that time, there were no single mothers, orphanages, etc… The most terrible punishment for a Slav is expulsion from the family; it was considered the heaviest punishment, which was practically equivalent to the death penalty.

During the pagan period, domostroy reigned in families, children obeyed their parents implicitly. The main factor in the upbringing of children is the love of children for their parents, complete obedience in childhood and youth, as well as in pagan families there is such a moment «and taking care of them in old age.»

The main function in the pagan family was procreation. If there was no childbearing in the family, then this family was considered incomplete. It is necessary and important to emphasize that a pagan family is a large family. The state has always respected large families, and in the 20th century, Stolypin relied on large families.

In ancient Russia, the family did not have the right to terminate the marriage. In the pagan era, marriages were concluded in words, rituals were performed, and there was an understanding that marriage with one wife is «forever» and extends beyond the grave. But since the main factor in the family was childbirth, and if the wife could not give birth to her husband’s child, then the husband had the right to take another wife. Most often, there was no divorce as such; just the husband took another wife.

Polygamy in Russia was present in all Slavic tribes, from which the Russian ethnos was subsequently formed. In pagan times, polygamy existed among Western, southern, and eastern Slavs. Before the adoption of Christianity, many princes had several wives. The Polish Prince Mieszko had seven wives, the Czech Prince Slavnik had many wives, the Pomeranian prince had several wives, as well as twenty-four concubines. Among the Old Russian nobility, in addition to polygamy, concubinage also flourished. From our Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavovich had a whole harem. He had 300 concubines in two ancient Russian cities of Belgorod and Vyshgorod, as well as another 200 in the village of Berestov. The prince brought concubines from military campaigns; the concubine became a prisoner, and served as entertainment to the prince and his retinue, as well as concubines were the subject of trade.

After receiving baptism, Prince Vladimir immediately dissolved his harem and abandoned his usual life; he turned to his wife Rogneda with these words: «I have been baptized now. I have accepted the faith and the Christian law, now I should have one wife, which I took in Christianity, but you choose one of my nobles for yourself, and I will marry you to him.» The adoption of Christianity in 988 significantly affected the life of the Old Russian nobility.

On the subject of concubinage, there is one very heartbreaking story, which is known from the chronicle. Prince Yaroslav Osmomysl of Galicia (reigned 1157—1187) was so attached to his concubine Anastasia that he decided to marry her. To do this, he needed to get rid of his legal spouse, the daughter of Yuri Dolgoruky. The prince planned to send his lawful wife to a monastery. Having learned about this, the boyars did not allow him to do this, they sided with the princess, raised an uprising, and burned Anastasia alive. The prince sent Anastasia’s son to prison. The prince was sworn to live with his lawful wife.

Who are the Slavic gods? Gods are a rather late invention of the human mind. The most ancient people did not believe in gods, it is difficult to believe in what you do not see. Almost nothing is known about the religion of the ancient Slavs, the first sources about Slavic culture appear in the 6th century. This is fragmentary information in written sources; they appeared after reaching the borders of the Byzantine Empire. The Slavic religion was formed for quite a long period, it was a process of intertwining the ancient Slavs from the Indo-European community with the mythology and religion of neighboring peoples of the II—I millennium BC. Therefore, naturally, there is a significant Indo-European layer in the Slavic religion. It is assumed that this period includes images of the god of thunderstorms and fighting squads (Perun), the god of cattle and the other world (Veles), the image of the faceless deity Yarilo, and the deity of the Sky-Father (Stribog). In addition, Indo-European gods include such images as the Mother of Cheese-the Earth, the associated goddess of weaving and spinning (Mokosh), the solar deity (Dazhbog), and many others. In the first half of the 1st millennium BC, the mythology and religion of the Slavs were significantly influenced by the Celts and the steppe Iranian-speaking population of the Scythians, Sarmatians and Alans.

The main features of Slavic paganism as a worldview are the belief in the animateness of nature (animatism and animism), the cult of ancestors and supernatural forces that are constantly present. And take part throughout the life of each person, the developed lower mythology, the belief in the possibility of influencing the state of things in the world by means of primitive magic.

Slavic polytheism (belief in nature) is not the religion of one closed community. This is the religion of small communities connected by a single origin, language and elements of culture, and nothing more. This religion is deeply rooted in the history of the development of Slavic communities. The pagan Slavs worshipped the elements, believed in the kinship of people with various animals, offered sacrifices to the deities inhabiting everything around. Each Slavic tribe had its own gods, For example, the rites of the northern Baltic and Novgorod Slavs were very different from those of Kiev and the Danube. The Slavs never had a single idea of the gods, since the Slavic tribes in pre-Christian times did not have a single state, so they were not united in beliefs. Some gods are similar to each other, but have nothing in common with each other.

As with most peoples of the world, in the paganism of the ancient Slavs there was an idea of a single god. That is, it was a god above all the numerous gods. Who could directly influence all the processes taking place in the universe?

Rod is the main deity in the Slavic Pantheon. The Creator of everything, the primordial spirit, the Primordial God, the Prabog. The genus is also called the Supreme God or the Most High and Belbog, the White God, Sventovit. Sventovit translates as the Knight of Light. Dark – Dark Knight, or Chernoboga, the opposite of Belbog. The genus is the ancestor; all other gods obey him, because they are descended from this primordial deity, the closer they stand to their ancestor, the stronger their power.

The Eastern Slavs actually had two supreme gods. Most Slavs – especially revered Yar or Yarilo (in some tribes: Khoros). Horse is a borrowed god from Iranian mythology. So the Slavs called the sun, which was considered a living supernatural being, giving people warmth and light. Tribal nobility, engaged in military campaigns, defended their tribal lands from enemy attacks, this was their main occupation. They worshipped the thunder god Perun more. The god Perun was especially revered by vigilantes and warriors.

Svarog is one of the highest gods of the Slavic-pagan pantheon. This is a particularly revered god, the creator of Heaven and Earth. It is believed that Svarog endowed people with blacksmithing and taught them to forge metal products. Any forge itself is a temple of Svarog, and the anvil and hammer are symbols of Svarog. It is also known that the Slavs revered fire as a natural element, whose father was Svarog and affectionately called Svarozhich. Svarog is also considered the patron saint of warriors and weapons.

The patron god of cattle, Volos or Veles, was very revered. It was believed that this god patronizes the reproduction and damage of livestock, good offspring of meat and fat, the size of milk yield. Also, this god is considered the guardian of the forest, patronizes hunters and warriors. The god Veles, he has many personifications – the god of wisdom, the patron of the magi, can guide on the path of spiritual self-knowledge in the world of Reality, as a god-magician, the leader of magicians, the patron of the animal world, he is also addressed as the god of prosperity. The god Veles accompanies souls between the gates of the otherworld, helps to cross between the worlds of the doers, the lord of the underworld.

Of the female deities, Mokosh or Makosh is known. The goddess of fate, prosperity, family happiness. Makosh is one of the goddesses of childbirth. She is revered as the goddess of the harvest. Her sign is present in the ornaments of clothing, in spring with her hands raised up, in autumn with her hands lowered down. Makosh is one of the revered goddesses of the Slavic pantheon. She is revered as the goddess of needlework. He really dislikes the lazy, and those who depart from traditions. Her name is also Mati Spinning, her main occupation is spinning. He sits high in the heavenly palace and spins the threads of fate together with a share and a short time. If there was a difficulty on your way, or something went wrong, then Makosh tied a knot on your way. Makosh is especially revered by women, she is asked to create a marriage, the birth of healthy children.

There is also a particularly revered goddess Lada. The goddess Lada is one of the most important goddesses in the pagan pantheon. She is the daughter of a Genus (sometimes considered the female hypostasis of a Genus) and a Duck. The duck is the mother of all mythological birds, and Lada is very often depicted as a white swan. She is also the mother of Zhiva, Leli, Lelya and Morana. Morana (Madder, Morena, Mara, Morzhana, and Black Mother) is the goddess of winter, death, queen of the night, a mighty and formidable deity of the Slavs. Whole books have been written about Slavic gods. The Slavic pantheon of gods has more than a hundred deities.

In addition to the gods who personified the elements and phenomena, the Slavs revered the spirits – owners of specific natural objects and patrons of a particular house. So, in each house, according to the ideas of the Slavs, there was a house spirit. He was often personified with a schur (ancestor), believing that this was the spirit of the long-dead founder of the family. The brownie was considered a domestic deity; the whole life in the house in which he lives depended on him: the very integrity of the house, the health and family well-being of the owners, wealth, property, and pets. The owners of the house always tried to appease the brownie and left him some food for the night. Moving to another place, the Slavs took their brownie with them with the help of a special ceremony.

There is also a fairy-tale character who came to us from the world of ancient Russia – this is Baba Yaga. Now, she is considered an evil witch, and she exists only in fairy tales. Where did it come from? Let us try to figure out who Baba Yaga is. In fact, there is no precise and unambiguous opinion. According to some sources, she is considered the patron of the forest and animals, a kind ancient Greek goddess who guards the underground entrance to the kingdom Far Away (the afterlife). But there is another version that the word «yaga» took its origin from the word «yogi», and Baba Yaga herself is from India. Maybe that is why she is considered a hermit living in the forest, away from people and settlements. This is how hermit yogis used to live. This woman practiced yoga and treated people with herbs. According to other sources, she got this name because she was a very quarrelsome, angry and quarrelsome woman; in Russia, such people were often called Yagishnoyu.

Some researchers believe that Baba Yaga may have emigrated to us from the Northern part of the planet. In ancient times, in order to protect themselves, the inhabitants of the North built their dwellings on poles; this was done so that wild animals could not penetrate into the dwelling of reindeer herders. Thanks to this, at a height, the snow did not completely cover the house, and it was possible to get out of the snow blockage. These buildings in their shape resemble Baba Yaga’s dwelling – a hut on chicken legs. One version says that Baba Yaga was named after the plant «yagel». Once she lived in an area where yagel – deer moss grows, it has long been called «yag». Everyone saw that Baba Yaga wore a sleeveless fur coat, and there is a possibility that her name came from a simple phrase – baba in a yaga (a fur coat without sleeves). In addition, there is a belief that Baba Yaga had Asian roots and, accordingly, had an Asian name. Perhaps the expression came from there: «Fu-fu, it smells like Russian spirit.» The fact is that each race has its own body odor, and most often people can smell from a distance belonging to a person from another race.

After the advent of Christianity in Russia, Baba Yaga became a negative fairy-tale character. Yet, in fairy tales, there is some truth: a hut on chicken legs covered with moss, a sleeveless vest, etc. The pantheon of Slavic Gods is immense, and it is impossible to name all the names, since each name is a great deed in the vastness of the universe.

Slavic witches can also be attributed to this topic. Who are Slavic witches? The word Vedas means knowledge. To know means to know. A woman who has certain knowledge. Unlike Christian statements that claim, that a Witch is an evil woman flying on a broom and serving the devil, in fact, a Witch from Old Slavonic is a Knowing Mother.

In the pre-Christian period, women with the status of witches were highly respected members of society. This honorary title in Vedic culture was given to a woman who raised virtuous offspring. The Slavs were Orthodox -they glorified (as they say now – pagans). With the advent of Judeo-Christianity, negative information about witches spread to Russia.

Who are Vesta, the Bride, the Witch, the Sorceress and the Witch?

Our ancestors had an institute of female priesthood; all girls were trained before marriage and potentially had such abilities. Slavs revered the goddess of spring Vesta. She was respectfully greeted on the day of the vernal equinox – she brings spring to the Earth, good news and nature wakes up with her arrival. All this symbolizes the awakening of the Earth after a long winter sleep.

According to the ancestral traditions of the Slavs, Vesta is a girl who is trained in all the wisdom of marriage (knowing), a knowledgeable, caring mother in the future, and a good host, a faithful, wise and loving wife. Only after the girl acquired such knowledge did she have a chance to become a wife. Everyone knows that harmony in the family, comfort and atmosphere almost completely depends on the woman. Vesta cannot have a bad husband, because she is wise. Most likely, the ancient Slavs did not even know what a divorce was.

The «bride» is not a wine girl who takes care of herself for her husband. The bride is the girl who has not yet received the news of the upcoming wedding. Only after the wedding, the girl became a Vesta, knowing that the girl’s mother should prepare her for marriage. Vesta should be prepared to give her husband (family) healthy offspring.

As soon as Vesta gave birth to her first child, she became a Knowing Mother or, for short, a Witch.

The witch could teach and cure. But there came a time when many knowledge was banned, and those who preached them were expelled. They interfered with those in power. Illiterate people are easier to manage. The word Witch has become a curse.

The birth of a girl in a Slavic family has always been a blessing from Heaven. Her parents knew that with her birth, love itself, joy, and divine light came to the family. The times have come when harmony and happiness have lost their value. Girls from childhood without knowing it to show their divine nature: they are more obedient than boys are study better; try to create beauty and harmony around themselves, caring and kind. Raising a daughter, parents show gentleness, she cannot be severely punished, or loudly swear in her presence. The task of parents is to preserve her purity and develop female character traits. After all, the world was held on these divine qualities. The girl, who was instilled with all the necessary skills from childhood, and helped to reveal the qualities of female nature, became the guardian of the happiness of all people.

A witch is an intermediary between Heaven and Earth. The word Witch has the same root as the Vedas, what she does is she knows the secret. A witch is given a gift at birth; she has ancient knowledge, wisdom, clairvoyance, an innate gift to know the relationship of the subtle world and the physical, spiritual vision. A witch can know the cause of death, communicate with the souls of the dead, and learn about a mistake made in a past life that now affects a person’s life. In modern terms – karma, diagnostics, clairvoyance.

Choosing religion you choose fate

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