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A Member of the Mystik Krewe

For reasons having partially

To do with Carnival as it

Runs out of steam just off of St.

Charles Avenue in March of nineteen

forty-six, an Ole Miss end

Has Celestine the Oyster Girl’s

Assistant’s former girlfriend’s breast

Entirely out, and to the mild

Approval of the bar, is, with

A ballpoint pen, inscribing there.

I’m seventeen; I’m underage.

It is the first time I have seen

A ballpoint pen. And now that boob

(The football player) hands to each

And all, as though it were his cast

To autograph, the fragrant globe,

The white geography. I have at hand

The offered whole. What shall I write?

Another writer, not yet I,

Takes hold, and for a moment knows.

The pen is cold; a hot skin tight.

The flesh is there. What shall I write?

No Second Eden

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