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“Alyssa, all you have to do is hold on to me and I’ll get us out of this.”

She shook her head. Her blue eyes didn’t drop their stare. It finally clicked in place for Caleb. He should have realized why she was so terrified.

An overwhelming wave of feeling surged through him. Without a second thought he angled her face up. Then he met her mouth with his own.

The kiss was meant to distract Alyssa from her fear, to give her something else to focus on. Caleb also hoped it reminded her that he was there, down in the trenches with her. That, no matter what, he’d get her to safety.

Yet all thoughts and intentions fell away as the warmth of Alyssa’s lips pressed against his. Those pink, pink lips aroused something almost primal in Caleb. He wanted it to last. He wanted her…

The Deputy's Witness

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