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Using his foot, Oliver nudged the door open. Anger flared within him. The office had been tossed.

Oliver returned his gun to the back of his jeans. He followed Darling into the small, disheveled room. She stood in the doorway, eyes roaming over the mess. Then, like a switch had been flipped, she hurried to the other side of the desk and started to move through drawers on the floor.

“It’s gone, Oliver!”

“What’s gone?” But before she could answer, it dawned on him. “The security tape.”

Darling nodded, clearly upset. An overpowering urge to comfort her pushed him forward. He put his hands on her shoulders, making her look up into his eyes. The moment from the night before played back into his mind.

She was close enough to kiss.

“Oliver, there’s something I need to tell you.”

“Yes?” His voice dropped low. Her green-eyed stare could stir up a drove of feelings in mere seconds.

“I think I know who did this,” she whispered. “And you aren’t going to like it.”

Private Bodyguard

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