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Finding Wisdom is a valuable masterpiece. Lady Tywana R. Fredenburg takes you on a journey through scripture providing a book of the highest quality on wisdom. I can truly say that this book is God ordained. Lady Tywana breaks scripture down in a simplistic fashion for easy understanding. It is a goldmine of information and insights. It is a model of meticulous research, and it sparkles with exemplary exegesis.

Dr. Jason A. Fredenburg

Senior Pastor of Authentic Church

James the brother of Jesus received letters from believers discussing the problems they were facing. James response was to ask God for wisdom. In the day and time we are living in we need wisdom, both spiritual and practical to overcome in this brief time we have here on earth. Minister Tywana Fredenburg shares insight from her life, those around her and from the Word of God in a colorful, heartfelt easy to understand way. Her practical insight will take years of struggle off of your life enabling you the reader to enjoy more times of peace.

Dr. Larry G. Mack Jr

(TCT) Total Christian Television

Looking at what's going on In this world today, and especially in our country, this book is right on time. We are tremendously impressed with it. Finding wisdom will prove to be a blessing to everyone that reads it. It is profound yet at the same time very clear. Wisdom is the principal thing. (Proverbs 4:7)

Pastor And Evangelist Vincent E. Mathews Sr.

"Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding."

-Proverbs 4:7-

My late uncle had a saying he would often quote which said, "Do Bible." It simply meant to apply the Word of God to your life. This is wisdom in a nutshell, applying the knowledge you have acquired. In this short yet potent book, Tywana will guide you on a life transforming and preeminent quest: the quest for wisdom. Her Word-based insight will give you invaluable and timeless principles to apply to your life. May you be not just a bank of knowledge, but a well of wisdom.

In Christ,

Pastor Kellen Brooks

Lead Pastor of Pentecostal Temple Church Of God In Christ. Inkster, MI.-

Proverbs 4:7 (KJV) reads, Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding. The world is lacking wisdom today. Everyone seems to be doing what is right in their own eyes. The author is presenting us with a better way. We would be wise to follow her instructions to seek wisdom. “Finding Wisdom” is a right on time book. A must read for parents and mentors.

Lois Allen-Richardson

Licensed Minister

Present Council Member Ward 1

Former Mayor Pro Tem

City of Ypsilanti

If you are in search of wisdom, this book is your road map. With the word of God at the forefront, Tywana provides simple solutions to conquering our daily struggles by asking five questions: Is it right? Is it good? Is it helpful? Would God approve? Would your parents/spouse approve? My heart and eyes are now open to seek the wisdom that God has for us through daily prayer and meditation.

Robin N. Tolbert

Elementary Principal

Finding Wisdom

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