Читать книгу Hidden In Plain Sight: A Study of the Revelation to John - Uchenna Mezue - Страница 9



The first section of the Revelation sets the frame to the whole work. The Revelation is the last warning to the world communities that make up the World of Matter, especially the human spirits, the world wanderers. It announces that the Material Spheres stand on the brink of judgment, describes the advent of the judge, the details of the judgment, and finally the establishment of the Kingdom of God in the Material Spheres.

Logically therefore section one starts with an urgent Message of warning to the seven world communities, which however in each case holds a promise of hope. In the greetings that start the section, John emphasizes the inevitability of the events of the Revelation. Chapter one concludes with John specifically identifying the seven churches or communities for the reader and the substantiate guardians of the communities through whom the events of the Revelation are mediated and who as we will see later are the heralds of the events.

John is directed to write a letter to each of the seven world communities or churches. The letter is to prepare them for the events that must soon take place and indicates to each community their actual standing and what they need to do if they are to be victorious. The imminent judgment by the Son of Man is emphasized and ends by admonishing that each individual must listen to the Message of the Spirit of Truth to the churches. The Message to the seven churches (Universes of the planes of Matter) is given by the Son of Man to strengthen the striving ones in each community, those alert enough to pass during the sifting judgment. These ones will enter a period of intense purification (the kingdom of a thousand years) during which they will undergo experiences that will clarify them if they prove worthy. Only those who overcome during this period will be rewarded.

The book of Revelation is thus actually a preparation for the churches, which alerts us of the events that will be occurring before, during and after the coming of the Son of Man and is a Message of warning.

In the admonition to the first community, Ephesus, we are told that the Judge, the Son of Man actually journeys through or walks through the Worlds of Matter represented by the golden lampstands. His experiences in the various communities and the Message He leaves for the striving ones in each, to be a strength for them during the period of purification then follows. He warns striving ones in each community comprising a Universe of the World of Matter that they must listen to this Message; nevertheless only those who overcome the peculiarities of their various propensities (individually and collectively as a Universe) will be rewarded. Two things are necessary, they must listen to the Message and they must overcome.

The details of the work of the Son of Man, the scroll or Message of Truth He brought, the sifting and purification, the millennium and finally the judgment of the World of Matter especially focused on Ephesus is the subject Matter of the rest of the Revelation.

The Lord of the Universes is coming for the Judgment.

Two judgments are described in the Revelation – the judgment of the human spirits in the Worlds of Matter (the sifting, the direct judgment of the Son of Man also known as the final judgment) and the judgment of the wrong in the World of Matter and by extension the beings that remain clinging to it (still carried out by the Son of Man but through the influence of His Star). The first judgment occurs at the time of the physical incarnation of the Son of Man, after the binding of Lucifer and just before establishing the judgment.

The second is a progressive period over a symbolic period of a thousand years with increasing intensity as the Star’s grip on the World became more complete. The period of the thousand year Kingdom wrongly called the millennium (because it is not actually a measure of time) starts with the binding of Lucifer in the abyss and ends with his release and the final accounting for Lucifer and those that failed the period of Grace that the epoch represent. Thereafter the reign of the Son of Man, which had been instituted when He incarnated, fully manifests. He, now as the King of Kings seen on a white charger, takes full possession of the purified Worlds of Matter annexing it or incorporating it into the Spiritual kingdom. He is now said to remain with the human spirits forever and to be their God.

It is important to remember that although the Son of Man addresses the 7 Universes differently, the circumstances, the experiencing and the variations in the degree of maturity are similar in the different communities. Thus depending on our standing the admonitions to any of the communities may apply to us more pertinently.

Hidden In Plain Sight: A Study of the Revelation to John

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