Читать книгу Dental Implants for Hygienists and Therapists - Ulpee R. Darbar - Страница 4




Title page



1 History of Dental Implants

2 OsseointegrationConceptFactors affecting Osseointegration- Implant Related- Environment RelatedSuccess vs SurvivalNew Concepts

3 Implant SystemsComponentsFixtureTransmucosalImplant TypesProsthetic- Abutments- Screws- Torque WrenchLaboratoryImplant systems

4 Patient Selection and Indications for TreatmentPatient Selection- Generic Planning- Site Specific PlanningIndications for implant TreatmentFollow up care

5 Surgical and Prosthodontic ProtocolsSurgical Protocols- Timing of Implant Fixture Placement- Computer Guided placementAugmentation Procedures- Timing- Techniques- MaterialsProsthodontic Protocols- Type of Prosthesis- ComplicationsLoading ProtocolsConstructing the ProsthesisFitting the ProsthesisPost insertion InstructionsOutcomes

10 6 Peri-Implant TissuesAnatomyHealthDisease- Factors to consider- Periimplant Mucositis- Peri-implantitisAssessmentTreatment

11 7 Maintenance Care around Dental ImplantsDefinitionPrinciplesComponentsIntervalsTreatment During Maintenance careCriteria for Success and Failure Dental Implant Retained Restorations

12 8 Role of the Hygienists/TherapistsRole as a ClinicianRole as an EducatorImplant SystemsImplant Restoration TypesSurgical Procedures

13  Index

14  End User License Agreement

List of Illustrations

1 Chapter 1Figure 1.1 Subperiosteal implants in the mouth.Figure 1.2 Blade vent implants.Figure 1.3 Ramus implants.Figure 1.4 Mandibular tranossteal implant.Figure 1.5 a, b: The Branemark two-piece implant...

2 Chapter 2Figure 2.1 Bone to implant contact in osseointegration.Figure 2.2 Primary (mechanical) stability vs secondary...Figure 2.3 Osseointegration showing the ...Figure 2.4 Healing time lines for implant placement and restoration.Figure 2.5 a. b: Zirconium implants. a: Straumann. b: Ceraroot.Figure 2.6 Cylindrical implants used with a press...Figure 2.7 Parallel-sided and tapered implants.Figure 2.8 Hybrid-designed implant (parallel sided at...Figure 2.9 a, b: Different implant thread configurations...Figure 2.10 Shows the progressive change...Figure 2.11a The progressive change in the implant shape...Figure 2.11b Range of different implants.Figure 2.12a Electron Micrographs of the different...Figure 2.13a Implant diameters to match the type...Figure 2.13b Different implant lengths.Figure 2.14 The different types of bone quality...Figure 2.15 a, b, c: Drill sequence showing...Figure 2.16 The all on four concept.Figure 2.17 Mini implants compared to standard implants.

3 Chapter 3Figure 3.1 a, b, c: Component...Figure 3.2 Implant screw replicating a tooth root...Figure 3.3 A: Implant fixture...Figure 3.4 Cross section of different...Figure 3.5 a: External connection:...Figure 3.6 Two-piece implant (tissue-level)...Figure 3.7 Placement of the two...Figure 3.8 A 24-year female has one-piece...Figure 3.9 Zygomatic implants.Figure 3.10 a, b, c: Impression techniques...Figure 3.10b Closed-tray technique.Figure 3.11 a. Abutment level impression...Figure 3.12 a, b, c: Range of abutments...Figure 3.13 a: Gold and titanium abutment...

4 Chapter 4Figure 4.1 Tooth replacement controls...Figure 4.2 a: Denture wearer showing...Figure 4.3 a, b: Gingival tissue...Figure 4.4 Assessing gingival tissue...Figure 4.5 Anatomy of the gingival tissues...Figure 4.6 Bone/ridge mapping using sectioned casts.Figure 4.7 Cone beam scans showing the radiographic...Figure 4.8 a, b: Conventional diagnostic...Figure 4.9 Virtual diagnostic wax ups showing ...Figure 4.10 Patient journey...Figure 4.11 a–h: Show a patient...Figure 4.12 Patient with hypodontia.

5 Chapter 5Figure 5.1 a: Flapless implant placement...Figure 5.2 Surgical tray showing...Figure 5.3 a–f: Drilling sequence...Figure 5.4 Second-stage surgery...Figure 5.5 Different timings...Figure 5.6 Skull showing the fenestrations...Figure 5.7 Thin gingival...Figure 5.8 a–c: cases showing...Figure 5.9 Principles of guided...Figure 5.10 a–d: Cases...Figure 5.11 Different types...Figure 5.12 Different materials...Figure 5.13 a–c: Immediate...Figure 5.14 Computerised...Figure 5.15 a–c: Ball...Figure 5.16 Fixed...Figure 5.17 Access...Figure 5.18 Resin-based...Figure 5.19 a–c: Minor...Figure 5.20 a, b: Major...Figure 5.21 Impression...Figure 5.22 Encode...Figure 5.23 Locating...

6 Chapter 6Figure 6.1 Shows...Figure 6.2 Probing...Figure 6.3 a: Biologic...Figure 6.4 Peri-implant...Figure 6.5 Factors...Figure 6.6 Peri-implant...Figure 6.7 Peri-implantitis.Figure 6.8 a, b: Incorrect...Figure 6.9 Air polisher:...Figure 6.10 a, b: Topical...Figure 6.11A Resective...Figure 6.11B Regenerative...Figure 6.12 a, b, c:...Figure 6.13 Cumulative...Figure 6.14 Treatment...

7 Chapter 7Figure 7.1Figure 7.2a Healthy...Figure 7.2b Healthy...Figure 7.3 Early signs...Figure 7.4 Shows the presence...Figure 7.5 Showing the probing...Figure 7.6 a, b, c, d: Probing...Figure 7.7a Recession...Figure 7.7b Bone levels...Figure 7.8 a, b, c, d:...Figure 7.9 a, b: Loose...Figure 7.10 a–d:...Figure 7.11 a, b:...Figure 7.12 a, b, c, d, e:...Figure 7.13 Water pick/flosser.

8 Chapter 8Figure 8.1 Members...Figure 8.2 Information...Figure 8.3 Role...Figure 8.4a: Patient...Figure 8.4b: Post...Figure 8.4c: Patient...Figure 8.4d: Patient...Figure 8.4e: Radiographs...

List of Tables

1 Chapter 1Table 1.1 Progressive Development of Methods...Table 1.2 Some of the Mainstream Dental Implant Systems.

2 Chapter 2Table 2.1 Factors Affecting Osseointegration.Table 2.2 Different Generations of Implant...Table 2.3a Criteria for Success as Suggested by Albrektsson et al. 1986.Table 2.3b Reported Success Criteria for Dental Implant...Table 2.4 Factors Affecting Implant Success Rates.

3 Chapter 3Table 3.1 Connection Types Associated with Different Implant Systems.

4 Chapter 4Table 4.1 Principles of Treatment Planning for the Implant Patient.Table 4.2 Medical conditions that can affect implant treatment.Table 4.3 Components that should be considered during the Intraoral...

5 Chapter 5Table 5.1 Timelines for Dental Implant Placement.Table 5.2 Barriers Most Commonly Used for Guided Bone Regeneration;Table 5.3 Different Graft Materials Used for Augmentation.

6 Chapter 6Table 6.1 Similarities and Differences between the Tissues...Table 6.2 Different Classification Systems Used for Peri-Implantitis.Table 6.3 Treatment Modalities for Peri-Implant...

7 Chapter 7Table 7.1 Plaque Indices Used for Plaque Assessment...Table 7.2 Clinical Practice Guidelines to Assess Peri-Implant...Table 7.3 Definition of Implant Success and Failure...

8 Chapter 8Table 8.1 Clinical Criteria Used to Describe Success and Failure...



Title page


Table of Contents


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End User License Agreement









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Dental Implants for Hygienists and Therapists

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