Читать книгу Health Service Support in a Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Environment - United States. Department of the Army - Страница 11
2–2. Health Service Support Command and Control Planning Considerations
Оглавлениеa. Battle situational understanding is of great importance on the NBC battlefield. The number of casualties from each NBC attack will overwhelm any single medical unit or MTF causing the medical commander/leader to take action. To the extent possible, the commander/leader should be prepared for the requirement instead of reacting to it. To ensure responsive C2 the HSS plan must consider:
Likely targets (C2 nodes, main supply routes (MSR), supply nodes, troop concentrations, key terrain features, key forces, or other high value targets).
Patient estimates (conventional, NBC, and TIM).
Availability of HSS resources (preestablished support plans).
Availability of required nonmedical support (patient decontamination teams).
Ability to maintain operations if C2 is lost at any HSS level.
Ability to maintain C2 operations when normal communication systems have been disabled due to EMP effects or other system failures.
Ability to maintain C2 operations while the unit is operating in mission-oriented protective posture (MOPP) Level 4 (reduced audio and visual acuity).
The requirements for immunizations, pretreatments, barrier creams, prophylaxis, insect repellents, and other medical countermeasures to protect the forces.
The resource requirements for treatment, MEDEVAC, and hospitalization (including care for enemy prisoners of war [EPW]).
b. Clearing the battlefield will require preplanning and close coordination at all levels. Early resuscitation, stabilization, and prompt medical evacuation (MEDEVAC) are mandatory for survival of the sick and wounded.
c. For conventional operations C2 see FM 8–10. Field Manual 8–55 provides HSS planning for conventional operations.
d. Provisions for emergency medical care of civilians, consistent with the military situation. All non-DOD civilian care must be approved by the AO Commander in Chief/senior official and coordinated with the civil affairs unit and/or country team. For eligibility of care determinations guidance, see FM 8–10.
e. For additional information on planning operations in an NBC environment see FMs 8–10, 4–02.10, 4–02.4, 4–02.6, 4–02.283, 8–9, 8–10-6, 8–10-26, 8–284, and 8–285. Higher headquarters must distribute timely plans and directives to subordinate units to ensure that the subordinate unit's HSS plan supports their plan.