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Of Almonds


To make Almond Biscate

Steepe one pound of Almonds so long in cold water, till they will blanch, then put them in Rose-water, and beat them in so much Rose-water as will keep them from growing to an Oyle, and no more; take one pound of Sugar beaten very fine, and sifted through a Searce, take the whites of six Eggs beat to a froth, as you use to doe for other Bisket, with a spoonfull of fine flower, set the Almonds and Sugar on a soft Charcoal fire, let them boyle together till they be very thick, and so let them stand till they be almost cold, then beat the Eggs and that together, put in a little Muske for the better tast, if you please, then lay them upon papers, in what proportion you will, and dry them in an Oven, with a slack fire.

To make Almond Milke

Take a rib of Mutton or Veale, or rather a Chicken, boyle it in faire water, put thereto French Barley, a Fennill root, a Parsly root, Violet leaves, Strawberry leaves, and Cinquefoyle leaves, and boyle them all together, till the meat be over boyled, then strayne out the liquor from the rest, while they are boyling blanch a proportion of Almonds answerable to the liquor, beat them well in a clean stone Morter, and then grind them therein with Rose water and Sugar, and when they are well ground put in all your liquor by little and little, and grind with them till they be all well Compounded, and then strayne it into a faire glasse, and use it at your pleasure.

An approved Medicine for the running of the Reines

Make Almond Milke of Plantine water, or else boyle Plantine in the liquor whereof you make your Almond Milk, take a quart of it, and put thereto three spoonfulls of Lentive farine, and three spoonfulls of Cinamon water, take of this at six in the morning, a good draught, two hours before dinner another, at four of the clock in the afternoon, a third, and two hours after supper a fourth; and twice or thrice between meals, eat a spoonfull of Conserve of Red Roses at a time.

Oyle of Almonds

Take Almonds, blanch them, and put them into a pot, and set that pot in another pot of water that boyleth, and the steam of the seething pot will arise and enter into the pot with the Almonds, and that will become Oyle when they are stamped and wringed through a cloath. Thus they make Oyle of the kernels of Filberts, Walnuts, &c.

A Barley Cream to procure sleep, or Almond Milke

Take a good handfull of French Barley, wash it cleane in warme water, and boyle it in a quart of sayre water to the halfe, then put our the water from the Barley, and put the Barley into a pottell of new clean water, with a Parsley, and a Fennell root, clean washed, and picked with Bourage, Buglos, Violet leaves, and Lettice, of each one handfull, boyle them with the Barley, till more then halfe be consumed; then strayne out the liquor, and take of blanched Almonds a handfull, of the seeds of Melons, Cucumbers, Citralls, and Gourds, husked, of each halfe a quarter of an ounce, beat these seeds, and the Almonds together, in a stone morter, with so much Sugar, and Rose-water as is fit, and strayne them through a cleane cloath into the liquor, and drink thereof at night going to bed, and in the night, if this doth not sufficiently provoke sleep, then make some more of the same liquor, and boyle in the same the beads, or a little of white Poppey.

An Oyntment to kill the Worms in little Children

For stomach Wormes, annoynt the stomach with Oyle of Wormwood, and the belly with Oyle of sweet Almonds, for belly Wormes take all of Wormwood, Oyle of Savine, and the Powder of Aloe Cicatrina

A Book of Fruits and Flowers

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