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All through the win-ter, long and cold,

Dear Minnie ev-ery morn-ing fed

The little spar-rows, pert and bold,

And ro-bins, with their breasts so red.

She lov-ed to see the lit-tle birds

Come flut-ter-ing to the win-dow pane,

In answer to the gen-tle words

With which she scat-ter-ed crumbs and grain.

One ro-bin, bol-der than the rest,

Would perch up-on her fin-ger fair,

And this of all she lov-ed the best,

And daily fed with ten-der-est care.

But one sad morn, when Minnie came,

Her pre-ci-ous lit-tle pet she found,

Not hop-ping, when she call-ed his name,

But ly-ing dead up-on the ground.

The Infant's Delight: Poetry

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