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Jacob, the stone mason’s sona boyhood friend of Jesus, 123:1.4 (1357.1), 123:1.4 (1368.6), 123:1.4 (1410.1), 123:1.4 (1470.1), 123:5.15 (1364.3)Miriam’s betrothal to, 128:5.8 (1414.6)Jacob of Creteprivate interview of, with Jesus, 142:2.1 (1597.1)Jacob’s wellassembly of a crowd at, reason, 143:5.10 (1614.4)Jainismanother name for Suduanism, 131:6.0 (1450.5–6)effect of, on Hinduism, 94:4.1 (1031.2)in sixth century, 92:5.12 (1009.6)on Urantia today, 92:6.10 (1011.8)Jairusplea of, for Jesus’ healing of his sick daughter, 152:0.1 (1698.1)position of, in Capernaum synagogue, 153:1.1 (1707.4), 153:1.7 (1709.1), 154:1.2 (1717.5)James, brother of Jesusassumption of full responsibility for the Nazareth family by, 127:2.9 (1398.1), 128:2.4 (1410.3), 129:2.5 (1422.2)attitude of, toward Jesus’ life mission, 127:3.2 (1399.1), 137:3.3 (1527.6), 154:6.1 (1721.1)baptism of, 135:8.6 (1504.4)birth of, 123:1.5 (1357.2)characteristics of, 127:4.7 (1401.7)conference of, with Jesus, about his marriage, 128:5.7 (1414.5)conversation of the morontia Jesus with, 190:2.3 (2032.1)employment of, in Zebedee’s boatshop, 134:1.1 (1483.3)and Esta, marriage of, 128:7.10 (1418.2)exclusion of, from Jesus’ inner circle of associates, 138:0.1 (1538.1)faith of, in Jesus, 137:3.3 (1527.6), 137:7.1 (1533.5), 154:6.1 (1721.1)graduation of, 127:2.11 (1398.3)and his first Passover, 127:3.3 (1399.2)Jesus’ appeal to Andrew for help for, 192:2.7 (2048.3)childhood teaching of, 123:6.4 (1364.7)the later head of the Jerusalem church, 163:2.7 (1802.3), 166:5.3 (1831.6), 194:4.12 (2068.2)limited faith of, in Jesus, 154:6.1 (1721.1)plan of, to attend Jesus’ baptism, 135:8.2 (1503.5)post-Jesus connection of, with the Christian movement, 154:6.9 (1722.5)reaction of, to Jesus’ nonparticipation in temple discussions, 127:3.5 (1399.4)reception of, into the commonwealth of Israel, 127:3.5 (1399.4)religious nature of, 127:3.2 (1399.1)James Alpheusespecially loved the Master’s simplicity, 139:10.6 (1563.7)identification of, 138:2.6 (1539.9)and Judas Alpheus, about, 139:10.0 (1563.2–1564.5)assigned to the management of the multitudes, 138:10.8 (1547.8)the call of the twins, 138:4.0 (1541.3–1542.1)Jesus’ last words to, 181:2.19 (1959.3)sent out by Jesus two and two, 150:4.1 (1681.8)selection of, by James Zebedee, 138:2.6 (1539.9)see also Alpheus twins; Judas AlpheusJames of Safedidentification of, 158:4.2 (1755.8)James Zebedeeabout, 139:3.0 (1552.5–1553.5)the first apostolic martyr, 77:8.12 (865.5), 139:3.8 (1553.4)frequent fishing trips of, with Jesus, 129:1.5 (1420.2)giving the charge to the new evangelists by, 149:0.2 (1668.2)grasp by, of a truth of the kingdom, 140:8.25 (1582.6), 141:2.3 (1589.1)inquiry of, regarding Jesus’ interpretation of divine forgiveness, 174:1.1 (1898.1)Jesus’ final personal admonition to, 181:2.15 (1958.2)roles of primary interest to, 129:1.12 (1421.2)and John, compatibility of, 139:3.5 (1553.1)inquiry of Jesus by, as to their place in the new kingdom, 137:1.6 (1525.3)mother of, a member of the women’s corps, 163:7.3 (1808.5)offering of selves to John the Baptist for baptism, 135:8.1 (1503.4)preaching partners, 150:4.1 (1681.8)reaction of, to Jesus’ rebuke, 137:1.7 (1525.4)relations of Andrew with, 139:1.1 (1548.5)request by, to punish the inhospitable Samaritans, 162:0.2 (1788.2)sponsors of James and Judas Alpheus, 139:10.1 (1563.2)joining of John the Baptist’s cult by, 135:8.1 (1503.4)labors of, at Philadelphia, 159:5.1 (1769.3)opposition of, to proclaiming Jesus king, 152:2.5 (1700.6)outstanding feature of the personality of, 139:3.4 (1552.8)participation of, in the Pentecostal service, 194:1.2 (2060.2)personal influence of, on the evangelists’ theology, 148:1.2 (1658.1)private conference of, with Jesus, 140:6.14 (1578.1)question of, regarding divorcement, 140:6.6 (1576.6)reaction(s) of, to Jesus’ foresight, 141:7.13 (1594.7)to Jesus’ triumphal entry, 172:5.4 (1884.3)request of, for a prayer to teach believers, 144:3.1 (1619.5)selection of James Alpheus by, 138:2.6 (1539.9)serious illness of, 154:2.4 (1718.5)suggestion of, that the apostles go to the tomb, 191:0.5 (2037.5)a well-balanced thinker and planner, 139:3.7 (1553.3)JamniaJesus’ visit to, 134:7.4 (1492.4)Jansadidentity of, 76:3.3 (849.6)JapanAndite penetration of, 78:5.6 (873.2)outstanding religion of, in present day, 92:6.16 (1011.14)Japaneseexpulsion from the mainland of ancestors of, time of, 79:6.3 (884.6)Salem missionaries’ penetration to the, 93:7.2 (1021.6)Japhiaapostolic visit to, 149:0.1 (1668.1)Jaram the Hittiteidentity of, 93:5.5 (1019.2)JavaAndonic migration to, 64:1.6 (719.1)man, Andonites’ relation to, 64:1.6 (719.1)Jealousyability of, to turn love into hate, 177:4.11 (1926.4)effect of, on the evolving soul, 110:1.5 (1204.3)for man, but never of him, God’s attitude of, 4:3.1 (57.6)man’s possible transcendence of, 52:6.5 (597.6), 160:3.5 (1778.3)racial, need of moral conscience to condemn, 52:6.5 (597.6)source of, 153:3.5 (1712.5)JebusDavid’s establishment of the capital of the united kingdom at, 97:9.11 (1073.1)six wives from the women of, 97:9.10 (1072.8)identification of the city of, 93:2.4 (1015.4)Jehoashidentity of, 97:9.20 (1074.2)Jehonadabdestruction of the real estate agents of Baal by Jehu and, 97:9.19 (1074.1)JehuJesus’ parents’ story of, 124:6.3 (1374.3)Jellyfishan example of single-celled animals in community, 65:2.5 (732.3)in late invertebrate animal age, 59:2.11 (676.2)Jephthahand his daughter, 89:6.3 (980.8)Jeramyidentity of, 133:2.5 (1471.4)Jeremiahassertion by, of Yahweh’s being the God of all nations, 97:6.2 (1067.5)fate of, 97:6.4 (1067.7)the fearless, 97:6.0 (1067.4–7)Jesus’ quotation from, in Capernaum sermon, 145:2.5 (1630.1), 149:6.12 (1677.1)during the evening conference at Gamala, 149:6.12 (1677.1)presentation of God by, as just and loving, 97:6.3 (1067.6)suggestion by, for the surrender of Jerusalem to Nebuchadnezzar, 97:6.4 (1067.7)teaching of, about the tendencies of the human heart, 143:2.5 (1609.6)regarding an era of inner righteousness, 97:8.3 (1071.1), 121:7.5 (1340.3)unhesitating proclamation of downfall of Jerusalem by, 97:9.22 (1074.4)JerichoAndrew’s assignment of apostolic couples to, 141:8.1 (1595.2)blessing the children of, 167:6.1 (1839.6)discussions of Joseph and Mary at the inn in, 122:7.6 (1351.2)ford, John the Baptist begins preaching near the, 135:6.1 (1501.4)historical significance of, 135:6.1 (1501.4)Jeroboamidentity of, 97:9.20 (1074.2)Jerusalemacademies, Jesus’ inspection of, 129:2.7 (1422.4)apostles’ reaction to Jesus’ prediction of the destruction of, 175:4.1 (1910.3), 176:1.0 (1912.3–1914.1)apostolic corps’ departure for, 152:7.1 (1706.2), 173:0.1 (1888.1)belief of apostles regarding kingdom establishment after the destruction of, 171:0.3 (1867.3)believers, Antioch believers’ financial assistance to, 194:4.7 (2067.2)bestowal of the Spirit of Truth not limited to, 194:3.17 (2065.5)brethren, Paul’s controversy with, 194:3.9 (2064.1)church, Abner’s disagreement with Peter and James in regard to the, 166:5.4 (1831.7)James, Jesus’ brother, head of the, 163:2.7 (1802.3), 166:5.3 (1831.6)John a chief supporter of the, 139:4.11 (1555.4)deputation to determine John the Baptist’s identity, 135:9.4 (1505.4)destruction of, by the Babylonians, 97:9.26 (1075.2)former identity of, 93:2.4 (1015.4)holy temple of, center of Jewish theology, 121:6.8 (1339.4)Isaiah’s and Jeremiah’s predictions regarding, 97:9.22 (1074.4)Jesus’ and the apostles’ departure from, cause, 143:0.1 (1607.1)journey to, for the Passover, 147:2.1 (1648.3)sojourn in, prior to the Capernaum crisis, 152:7.2 (1706.3)appearance in, followers’ reaction to, 162:1.3 (1789.2)conviction against going to study at, 124:5.6 (1373.6)decision concerning his public entry into, 152:7.2 (1706.3)first conscious visit to, effect of, 125:0.1 (1377.1)and John Zebedee’s trip to, 134:9.1 (1494.4)journey to, with his parents, 124:6.0 (1374.1–1376.4)last descent into the city of, 172:3.7 (1881.5)thoughts of coming tragedy of, 187:1.7 (2005.5)two-month sojourn in, as a young man, 129:2.6 (1422.3)warning of future trouble for, 176:2.6 (1915.3), 177:0.1 (1920.1)the Master’s last human journey to, 171:8.15 (1877.3)officers, appearance of, to arrest Jesus, 154:7.1 (1723.4)persecution of believers in, 143:6.6 (1616.2)reaction of, to Abraham’s espousal of Jesus’ teachings, 148:8.1 (1665.4)vs. Rome as a field for Jesus’ study of mankind, 132:4.3 (1461.1)scribes and believing disciples, gathering of, at the apostolic camp, 158:4.1 (1755.7)shall be trodden down by the gentiles, 176:1.4 (1913.3)the shrine of the Hebrews’ faith, 185:1.1 (1987.5)temple of Baal and one of Yahweh in, 97:9.21 (1074.3)Jerusemacknowledgment of installation of Urantia’s rulers, time of arrival of, 74:4.5 (832.5)activities of, varieties, 46:5.29 (526.4)Adam and Eve on, 74:1.0 (828.2–829.2)Adamites, self-government of, 45:5.6 (515.5)Adams and Eves, parenthood training of nonreproducing ascenders by, 45:6.5 (516.3)administrative mount of, 53:1.1 (601.3)Andon’s and Fonta’s fusion with their Adjusters on, 63:7.2 (717.3)an architectural sphere, 41:1.3 (456.2)ascendant citizens, resistance of, to Lucifer’s proposals, 53:3.2 (603.3), 53:7.12 (608.8)ascending mortals’ preparation on, for constellation sojourn, 15:7.6 (174.6), 47:7.4 (537.4)for, on fifth mansion world, 47:7.4 (537.4)astronomic observatory of, location, 46:5.30 (526.5)beauty of, human words inadequate for archangel to describe, 46:4.9 (523.3)broadcasts, 46:3.1 (522.1)children of any Adam and Eve, immortality of, 51:1.8 (581.5)circles, classification of, 46:5.0 (523.4–527.2)identity of, 46:4.2 (522.6)location of four and twenty counselors in center of, 45:4.1 (513.4)citizen(s), day of clearance of, for Edentia, 47:10.6 (540.2)nonindwelling of Adam and Eve as, by Thought Adjusters, 76:5.2 (852.1)citizenship, about, 47:10.0 (539.3–540.3)attainment of, by Andon and Fonta, 63:7.1 (717.2)by Jesus, 191:3.3 (2041.2)Melchizedek schools of, 45:7.3 (517.5), 114:2.1 (1251.4)reattainment of, by Adam and Eve, 76:6.3 (853.4)a stage in mortal ascension career, 39:4.8 (435.1), 43:8.4 (494.3)class graduation from seventh mansion world to, 47:9.3 (538.8)corps of twenty-four, designation of a resident governor general for Urantia every hundred years by the, 114:3.1 (1252.5)council of one thousand, function, 45:7.4 (517.6)current ruler of, 35:9.1 (393.1)definition, 32:2.11 (359.8), 34:4.11 (378.5), 67:3.1 (756.2)distance of, from physical center of Orvonton, 32:2.11 (359.8)end of Lucifer rebellion on, 53:9.7 (611.6)executive council, membership of, 45:3.9 (512.9)the first heaven, 47:10.2 (539.4)step on the way to Paradise, 46:4.9 (523.3)the four and twenty counselors of, 45:4.0 (513.4–514.11)freedom of archrebels on, 53:7.13 (609.1)Gabriel’s establishment of his forces on Father’s sphere of, 53:5.4 (605.8)Galantia’s headquarters on, 37:2.6 (407.6)headquarters of celestial life on, 45:5.1 (514.12)home planet of Adam and Eve, 51:0.3 (580.3)identification, 15:7.5 (174.5), 15:14.6 (182.5), 35:9.1 (393.1)local management of, by Material Sons and Daughters, 45:5.5 (515.4)Machiventa Melchizedek’s headquarters on, 45:4.16 (514.6)Material Sons and Daughters as permanent citizens of, 37:9.12 (415.4)Melchizedeks’ influence on, 45:7.1 (517.3), 46:5.14 (524.5)natural preserves of, grandeur of, 46:2.1 (520.6)Nebadon education on worlds of progress associated with, 37:6.1 (412.1)physical aspects of, 46:1.0 (519.2–520.5)prison worlds, Satan’s place of detention, 53:9.4 (611.3)provision of spornagia for, 47:0.4 (530.4)regime, purpose of, 15:7.6 (174.6)relation of Urantia’s solar system to, 41:10.5 (466.4)residential and administrative areas of, 46:4.1 (522.5)Satania architectural spheres including, number of, 45:0.1 (509.1)day as reckoned on, 33:6.9 (372.4)headquarters, 15:7.5 (174.5), 15:14.6 (182.5), 32:2.11 (359.8), 46:0.1 (519.1)schools of, height of musical expression in the, 44:1.11 (500.2)services, ascenders’ attitude toward their, 46:5.28 (526.3)spironga of, comparable to midway creatures of Urantia, 46:4.7 (523.1)subsatellites of, number and size, 45:0.1 (509.1)transporters from local planets to, 39:4.15 (436.1), 39:5.10 (438.3)upheaval on, during Lucifer rebellion, 53:6.3 (606.6)vs. Urantia, comparison of, grotesque, 46:2.6 (521.3)Urantia advisory council’s location on, 45:4.1 (513.4)welcome of mansion world graduates, 47:9.4 (539.1)Jesusallusion of, to legion of angels, 38:6.1 (421.4)alone in the hills, 134:9.5 (1495.2), 151:0.1 (1688.1)ascension of, 193:5.3 (2057.5)attitude of the lad, to the Jewish ceremonial system, 125:2.4 (1379.5)choice of this world for his seventh bestowal by, 128:0.1 (1407.1)conferences of, with the directors of the celestial hosts, 158:1.6 (1753.2), 161:3.3 (1787.5)encountering of Gabriel in the Perean hills by, 136:3.4 (1513.1)farewell of, to Lazarus, 174:0.1 (1897.1)gentile schools of philosophy in times of, 121:4.0 (1335.10)influence of, on Paul’s doctrines, 121:7.7 (1340.5)interest of, in music, 123:6.5 (1364.8)at Jerusalem, 125:0.0 (1377.1–1385.1)Jewish attitudes during the times of, 121:2.7 (1334.1)John’s record of the life of, 121:8.10 (1342.5)leading of Cana wedding procession by, 137:4.1 (1528.4)the living, the only hope of a unified Christianity, 195:10.11 (2085.3)as the living way, 117:3.3 (1281.5), 166:3.7 (1829.4)Luke’s record of the life of, 121:8.8 (1342.3)Mark’s record of the life of, 121:8.3 (1341.4)Matthew’s record of the life of, 121:8.4 (1341.5)vs. Mithras, 98:6.4 (1083.4)morontia appearances of, 190:0.0 (2029.1–2036.3)see also Morontia(s)—;Jesus' Experiencesmortal goal’s attainment on Mount Hermon by, 134:8.4 (1493.3)of Nazareth, restatement of the life and teachings of, 121:8.14 (1343.3)not the Jewish Messiah, 122:4.2 (1347.4), 126:0.3 (1386.3)Occidental religions in times of, 121:5.2 (1336.6)ownership of a house in Capernaum by, 129:2.4 (1422.1)Paul’s doctrines as influenced by teachings of, 121:7.7 (1340.5)peace of, a definition, 181:1.10 (1955.1)permission to terminate his incarnation bestowal given, 136:3.5 (1513.2)preparation of, for service to fellow mortals of all Nebadon, 127:6.14 (1405.6)teachings of, vs. Christianity, 94:7.8 (1036.2), 121:5.13 (1337.9), 121:7.8 (1340.6)the triumphant, portrayal of, by John, 196:2.3 (2092.1)the truth of the promise of, to some day return to the world of his terminal bestowal, 119:8.8 (1319.1)various names of, 128:1.10 (1408.7), 129:3.2 (1423.4), 129:4.1 (1424.5), 134:7.2 (1492.2), 182:1.9 (1965.3)visit of, to the Nazarite colony, 142:8.1 (1605.3)Jesus-Adolescenceadolescence of, 124:5.3 (1373.3), 126:0.1 (1386.1), 126:5.12 (1394.1), 127:0.0 (1395.1–1406.1)adventurous and aggressive nature of the boy, 123:4.8 (1361.8)a citizen of the commonwealth of Israel, at twelve, 123:5.2 (1362.3)communication of, with his Adjuster, at fifteen, 126:0.1 (1386.1)disappointment of, with the consecration rituals, 125:0.5 (1377.5)early knowledge of, about the Jerusalem temple, 124:3.6 (1370.4)effect of Joseph’s death on education plans for, 126:2.3 (1388.3)embarrassment of the teachers of the Law by questions of, 125:4.3 (1382.1)exploration of Jerusalem by, 125:2.5 (1379.6)first appearance of an assigned messenger to, 124:6.15 (1376.1)and second days in the temple, of the boy, 125:4.0 (1381.3–1382.2)trip of, to the temple, 125:0.4 (1377.4)Joseph’s one demonstration of anger toward, reason, 124:3.8 (1371.1)Nahor’s plan for, 123:6.8 (1365.3)objection of, to the doorpost parchment, 124:4.7 (1372.4)questions of, concerning his Messiahship, 126:3.10 (1390.5)sale of his harp by, 127:4.10 (1402.3)two purposes of the youthful, 126:2.5 (1388.5)views the temple, 125:1.0 (1378.3–1379.1)weeping over Jerusalem by the twelve-year-old, 125:4.2 (1381.4)Jesus-Adult Life Before Baptismachievements of, with the attainment of adulthood, 128:1.1 (1407.6)early manhood, 128:0.0 (1407.1–1418.6)invitation to, to become a religious teacher in Alexandria, 128:5.2 (1413.7)later adult life of, 129:0.0 (1419.1–1426.1)prayer of, on the hilltop, 128:7.2 (1417.1)and problems of the nationalist movement, 127:2.7 (1397.5)as a respected citizen of Nazareth, activities of, 128:5.9 (1414.7)Jesus-Arrest and Trialsalone in Gethsemane, 182:3.0 (1968.2–1970.1)apparent interest of, when on trial, in only his bestowal mission, 184:3.16 (1983.8)appearance of, after his trial and scourging, 185:6.3 (1995.2)appears before Pilate, 185:2.0 (1989.4–1990.12)arrest of, 183:3.0 (1973.3–1975.3)attitude of, toward Herod Antipas, reason for, 126:5.7 (1393.4)toward his accusers before Pilate, 185:2.16 (1990.12)before the court of Sanhedrists, 184:0.0 (1978.1–1986.3)Herod, 185:4.0 (1992.3–5)betrayal and arrest of, about, 183:0.0 (1971.1–1977.5)David’s farewell to, 182:2.10 (1967.5)first prayer of, in the garden, 182:3.1 (1968.2)Herod’s attitude toward, 154:0.2 (1717.2), 185:4.1 (1992.3)indifference of, to the doings of the Sanhedrin, 168:3.7 (1847.7)Pilate’s private examination of, 185:3.0 (1991.1)trial of, before Pilate, 185:0.0 (1987.1–1996.6)Jesus-Attitudes and Abilitiesability of, as a camel driver, 133:9.1 (1481.3)to concentrate, 127:3.15 (1400.7)to help maladjusted human beings, 132:4.2 (1460.6)as a linguist, 134:1.6 (1484.3)as a metalworker, 128:2.3 (1410.2)to recognize truth, 126:3.8 (1390.3)as a storyteller, 126:2.6 (1389.1), 130:7.1 (1438.4)to understand confused and distressed mortals, 128:1.5 (1408.2)attitude toward accepting his family responsibilities, 126:2.3 (1388.3)asceticism, 136:3.3 (1512.7)earthly life and the world, 196:2.9 (2093.3)his being the Messiah, 126:3.6 (1390.1)lifework, 125:5.10 (1383.3)Mary’s attendance at the Passover, 125:0.4 (1377.4)personal combat, (1368.6) 124:2.4, 124:2.4 (1368.6), 124:2.4 (1469.3)the Pharisees, 140:8.22 (1582.3)Philip’s foolish questions, 139:5.7 (1557.1)sinners, 188:5.2 (2018.1)use of superhuman power, 136:6.5 (1518.4)wholesome recreation, 124:3.9 (1371.2)indifference of, to future educational arrangements for him, 124:3.5 (1370.3), 125:2.11 (1380.6)nonteaching of fasting and self-denial by, 142:8.1 (1605.3)not a personal example for Urantia mortals, 140:10.3 (1585.1)and the Passover, 125:2.0 (1379.2–1380.7)physical, mental, and emotional development of, 127:1.3 (1395.7), 128:1.3 (1407.8)proficiency of, as an entertainer, 126:2.6 (1389.1)refusal of, to compromise with evil, 136:8.8 (1521.3)to defend self against a fellow man of sonship status, 133:1.4 (1469.3)to join Zealots, 127:2.2 (1396.7)to visit the Roman public baths, 132:4.5 (1461.3)reverent attitude of, toward nature, 123:5.14 (1364.2)sagacity of, in his temple questions, 125:5.8 (1383.1)skill of, as a harpist, 123:6.5 (1364.8)statement of his position with reference to the nationalist movement, 127:2.8 (1397.6)the untiring patience of, 127:3.15 (1400.7)willingness of, to defend self against one other than a son of God, 133:1.4 (1469.3)Jesus-Baptism and Forty Daysage of, at baptism, 136:2.8 (1512.4)announcement of "my hour has come" by, 135:8.3 (1504.1)appearance of, at end of forty-day isolation, 136:10.1 (1523.6)baptism of, about, 136:2.0 (1510.4–1512.4)discussion with his brothers prior to, 135:8.2 (1503.5)and the forty days, 136:0.0 (1509.1–1523.6)significance to his public career, 128:1.8 (1408.5)decisions of, during the forty days, concerning establishing the kingdom in power, 136:9.0 (1521.4–1523.5)self-preservation, 136:7.0 (1519.5–1520.1)supernatural help, 136:5.0 (1516.1–1517.2)use of his creator prerogatives, 136:6.0 (1517.3–1519.4)divine powers to attract attention, 136:8.0 (1520.2–1521.3)the will of the Father, 136:10.0 (1523.6)defeat of Caligastia on Mount Hermon by, 134:8.6 (1493.5), 136:3.1 (1512.5)disappearance of, after his baptism, 135:8.6 (1504.4)end of purely human life of, 136:2.7 (1512.3)forty-day postbaptismal retirement of, 136:3.0 (1512.5–1514.1)habitat of, during his forty-day isolation, 136:4.14 (1515.8)the Immanuel conference as recalled on the day of his baptism by, 129:3.9 (1424.4)meeting of John the Baptist and, 135:8.0 (1503.4–1504.5)plans of, for public work, 136:4.0 (1514.2–1515.8)postbaptismal forty-day seclusion of, purpose, 136:3.3 (1512.7)vision of his heavenly status at baptism, 136:2.4 (1511.3)Jesus-Crucifixion and Resurrectionburial of, 188:1.0 (2012.4–2013.7)on the cross, reaction of Judas to sight of, 186:1.4 (1998.2)smile of, at sight of his mother, brother, and sister, 187:2.8 (2007.7)the crucifixion of, about, 187:0.0 (2004.1–2011.7)events during, 187:2.0 (2006.5–2008.1)immediately following, 187:6.0 (2011.5–7)preceding, 186:0.0 (1997.1–2003.3)those who saw, 187:3.0 (2008.2–7)death of, about, 187:5.0 (2010.2–2011.4)date, 186:5.1 (2002.2)time, 187:5.5 (2011.1)discovery of the empty tomb of, by his human associates, 189:4.0 (2025.2–2027.4), 189:5.0 (2027.5–2028.1)disposition of the material remains of, 189:2.0 (2022.5–2024.2)events between the burial and resurrection of, 188:2.0 (2014.1–3), 188:3.0 (2014.4–2016.5)experience of death by, 129:4.5 (1425.4)first postresurrection act of, 189:1.10 (2022.1)journey of, to Golgotha, 187:1.0 (2004.5–2006.4)last hour of, on the cross, 187:5.0 (2010.2–2011.4)lessons from the death of, 188:5.0 (2017.9–2019.6)meaning of the death of, 188:4.0 (2016.6–2017.8)prediction of events of his death and resurrection by, see Sayings of Jesus, predictionsrefusal of, to avoid the cross, 188:5.11 (2019.4)the resurrection of, about, 189:0.0 (2020.1–2028.1)date, 189:1.1 (2020.4)events immediately following, 189:3.0 (2024.3–2025.1)preceding, 189:0.1–3 (2020.1–3)in morontia form, 189:1.0 (2020.4–2022.4)status of, during the tomb experience, midwayers’ indefiniteness as to the, 188:3.5 (2015.1)and the thief on the cross, 187:4.0 (2008.8–2010.1)time in the tomb, 188:0.0 (2012.1–3)willingness of, to subject himself to the cross, 188:5.11 (2019.4)Jesus-Family Lifeadjustments of his feelings and impulses to needs of family welfare by, 123:3.9 (1360.4)of his views of religious practices to those of his parents by, 124:4.9 (1372.6)attendance of, on Jude, in Jerusalem prison, 128:6.6 (1415.6)attitude of, toward baby brother James, 123:2.4 (1358.1)toward Ruth and her playmates, 128:6.10 (1416.3)avoidance of partiality toward members of his family by, 128:1.14 (1409.4)Bethlehem sojourn of family of, reason for, 122:8.4 (1351.8)care of his family, the first obligation of, 126:3.5 (1389.8)compassion of, for his mother at Cana, 137:4.9 (1530.1)conformity of, to his family usages, 125:6.12 (1384.8)a dutiful son, 126:0.2 (1386.2)family-rearing experience of, 124:5.2 (1373.2), 127:1.7 (1396.4)as a father to his brothers and sisters, 126:3.2 (1389.5)formulation of the "Lord’s Prayer" by, 126:3.3 (1389.6)forsaken by his family, 154:6.9 (1722.5)his family’s arrival at Capernaum, 154:6.0 (1721.1–1723.3)inability of, to understand forbidden Sabbath play, 123:4.3 (1361.3)Joseph’s and Mary’s temptation to favor, 124:3.2 (1369.8)love of, for his family, 129:0.2 (1419.2)a man of peace, influence of, on his family, 128:7.4 (1417.3)Mary’s recognition of, as head of the family, 127:3.13 (1400.5)modification by, of family’s religious forms, 124:4.8 (1372.5), 127:4.9 (1402.2)number of brothers and sisters, 126:2.2 (1388.2)Passover trip of, with Jude, 128:6.3 (1415.3)pledge of obedience of, to his earthly parents, 125:6.11 (1384.7)reaction of, to the birth of sister Miriam, 123:2.3 (1357.7)to his parents’ attitude toward the temple episode, 125:6.8 (1384.4)refusal of, to accept special consideration by his parents, 124:3.2 (1369.8)reply of, to his mother’s rebuke in the temple, 125:6.7 (1384.3)responsibilities of, as head of his father’s family, 126:2.2 (1388.2)Sabbath afternoon strolls of, with his brothers and sisters, 127:3.8 (1399.7)walks of, 123:5.12 (1363.5)seeming indifference of, to possible worry of his parents, 125:6.1 (1383.4)separation of, from the Nazareth family, 129:0.3 (1419.3)solicitude of, for his mother, 129:0.1 (1419.1)success of, as a father to Joseph’s family, 127:1.8 (1396.5)taking of James to his first Passover by, 127:3.1 (1398.5)teaching of his brothers and sisters by, 126:1.3 (1387.3)weaning of Nazareth family by, 128:2.4 (1410.3)willingness of, to conform to the desires of his earthly father, 125:6.12 (1384.8)Jesus-Human and Divine Naturebeginning self-consciousness of his divinity and destiny by, 126:0.1 (1386.1), 128:1.8 (1408.5)combined nature of, his gift to the world, 153:2.12 (1711.4)consciousness of, of his potential power, 128:7.1 (1416.6), 161:3.1 (1787.3)contact of, with human experience, 123:5.6 (1362.7), 126:5.2 (1392.9)craving of, for confidential friendship, 126:3.14 (1391.4)the creator of all Nebadon, 124:6.17 (1376.3), 132:7.9 (1467.5)as Creator and creature, 128:7.6 (1417.5), 136:1.6 (1510.3)decision of, to adopt the title "Son of Man," 126:3.8 (1390.3)divine humanity of, 101:6.17 (1113.6)a divine Son, 119:7.5 (1317.1), 120:4.5 (1331.5), 122:5.3 (1348.3), 136:2.7 (1512.3), 157:4.2 (1746.6), 169:4.13 (1857.4), 178:0.1 (1929.1), 194:3.19 (2065.7)escape from both social extremes of human existence by, 129:4.4 (1425.3)experience of human feelings and emotions by, 129:4.5 (1425.4), 168:1.2 (1844.1), 182:3.7 (1969.2)living by, (1405.7) 127:6.15, 127:6.15 (1405.7), 127:6.15 (1405.7)genuineness of the humanity of, 136:8.7 (1521.2)growing awareness of his creatorship by, 128:1.13 (1409.3)of his pre-existence by, 127:0.1 (1395.1)of the nature of his bestowal by, 126:1.1 (1387.1)human, about, 129:4.0 (1424.5–1426.1)consciousness of, asleep between death and resurrection, 188:3.9 (2015.5)partially pictured by Matthew, Mark, and Luke, 196:2.3 (2092.1)will of, technique of making one with will of his Father, 182:3.6 (1969.1)human and divine minds of, his ability to use one or both at will, 137:4.2 (1528.5), 161:3.0 (1787.3)nature of, evidence of, 127:1.2 (1395.6)coexistence of, 196:2.3 (2092.1)heart of, torn by opposing desires, 136:4.11 (1515.5)life of, a transcendental bestowal of God in the form of man, 195:10.2 (2084.2)a true and genuinely human life, 129:4.7 (1425.6)living of a normal and natural life by, 129:4.3 (1425.2)of a perfected life by, 140:8.19 (1581.6)the man, 196:1.0 (2090.2–2091.9)a man among men, 6:8.6 (80.3), 55:11.7 (635.9), 100:7.7 (1102.4), 121:8.3 (1341.4), 128:1.4 (1408.1), 128:4.9 (1413.5), 129:4.1 (1424.5), 136:5.5 (1517.1), 140:5.2 (1573.4), 141:7.14 (1594.8)man as well as God, 136:8.3 (1520.4)mastery of hard realities of life by, 194:3.4 (2063.2)of his human mind by, 128:5.6 (1414.4), 129:1.14 (1421.4)natural growth of, as a child of the realm, 128:0.1 (1407.1)of Nazareth, the Father’s incarnated Son, 7:5.4 (86.5), 32:0.3 (357.3), 98:7.2 (1084.1), 120:4.5 (1331.5), 128:0.1 (1407.1), 169:4.10 (1857.1)the Planetary Prince of Urantia, 136:3.1 (1512.5)sovereign ruler of a universe, 176:4.1 (1918.4)the titular Planetary Prince of Urantia, 93:0.2 (1014.2)Nebadon’s fascination with the unfolding life of, 124:5.3 (1373.3)the perfected man of a universe, 100:7.17 (1103.5)son of the realms, 142:7.15 (1604.10)possession of unlimited power by, 138:6.5 (1543.3)prays like a man but performs like a God, 161:2.6 (1786.1)preparation for career of, as a perfected God-man, 129:1.15 (1421.5)purely human, final act of, 136:2.3 (1511.2)a revelation of man to God, 120:2.8 (1328.5), 141:7.4 (1593.5), 184:4.6 (1985.1), 186:2.11 (2000.3), 186:5.6 (2002.7)at his best, 16:9.6 (196.2)self-consciousness of, of his two existences and his combined natures, 137:4.2 (1528.5)sign of the divinity of, 173:5.4 (1895.2)the Son of God, 161:1.8 (1784.5), 196:2.2 (2091.11)the sovereign ruler of our universe, 176:4.7 (1919.4)was the truth, 100:7.2 (1101.6), 130:1.1 (1428.1), 141:7.6 (1593.7)the youth, and the creator, 124:1.8 (1367.4)Jesus-Infancy and Childhoodaccident to, in his seventh year, 123:4.5 (1361.5)age of, at return to Nazareth from Alexandria, 123:1.2 (1356.5)Alexandrian believers’ gift to the baby, 123:0.3 (1355.3)arrival of Thought Adjuster of, 123:2.1 (1357.5)birth of, date, 122:8.1 (1351.5)the only supernatural announcement of, 119:7.6 (1317.2)a brilliant and lovable child, 126:1.5 (1387.5)student, 123:5.9 (1363.2)childhood activities of, 123:1.6 (1357.3), 123:3.4 (1359.5)trips of, to Galilean cities, 124:1.12 (1368.1)early childhood of, 123:0.0 (1355.1–1365.4)play life of, 123:4.3 (1361.3)favorite childhood stroll of, 122:6.1 (1349.8)first farm experience of, 123:1.7 (1357.4)freedom from responsibility of, 125:0.1 (1377.1)harvesting of grain by, 124:1.11 (1367.7)illness of, 123:2.15 (1358.12)Passover trip of, 124:6.1 (1374.1)flight to Egypt with the baby, 122:10.4 (1354.3)friendship of, with Jacob, 123:1.4 (1357.1)health of, during the Alexandrian sojourn, 123:0.3 (1355.3)infancy of, 122:0.0 (1344.1–1354.3)language achievements of the boy, 123:2.14 (1358.11), 123:5.1 (1362.2)later childhood of, 124:0.0 (1366.1–1376.4)of Nazareth, birth of, 122:8.0 (1351.5–1352.3)a Jew by natural birth, 175:2.1 (1909.1)normal development of the child, 123:2.16 (1359.1)weaning of the baby, 123:0.1 (1355.1)youthful, trips of, with his father, result, 123:3.8 (1360.3)Jesus-and John the Baptistconversation of, with John at his baptism, 135:8.7 (1504.5)first visit of John with, 123:3.4 (1359.5), 135:0.3 (1496.3)joining of, by John’s disciples, 135:10.3 (1506.5)last message of, to John the Baptist, 135:11.4 (1507.3), 144:8.3 (1626.8)meeting of, with John, during his eighteenth year, 127:3.11 (1400.3), 135:2.2 (1497.4)refraining of, from delivering John from prison, explanation, 135:11.4 (1507.3)see also John the BaptistJesus-Love and Ministryaffection of, for the Bethany family, 127:6.5 (1404.4), 167:4.2 (1837.1)association and communication of, with man, 161:1.8 (1784.5)blessing the little children, 167:6.0 (1839.6–1840.5)character of the love of men and women for, 127:6.1 (1403.5)comparison of the love of his heavenly Father with that of his earthly father by, 125:0.6 (1378.1)counseling the rich man, 132:5.0 (1462.2–1465.4)desire of, as to the Jews, 125:6.9 (1384.5)evening conferences of, at Zebedee’s home, 129:1.10 (1420.7)fatherhood of God revealed by, 2:6.4 (41.2)God of love revealed by, 5:4.6 (67.4), 132:4.2 (1460.6), 136:9.7 (1522.6), 143:1.6 (1608.3), 159:4.5 (1768.1)high evaluation of man by, 100:4.4 (1098.1)identification of, with different types of men, 139:11.8 (1565.5)interest of, in the individual, 138:8.9 (1545.10), 140:8.11 (1580.6)learning by, of how various people lived, 125:2.12 (1380.7)love of, for children, 128:6.11 (1416.4)and service of, for mortal men, 188:4.9 (2017.4), 196:3.19 (2095.3)love of God perceived by the young, 125:0.6 (1378.1)a merciful and understanding sovereign ruler, 128:1.7 (1408.4)personal contact with the sick in Bethsaida hospital by, 148:2.1 (1658.4)counsel of, to a certain rich man, 132:5.14 (1463.8)love of, for men, effect, 188:5.3 (2018.2)ministry of, 132:4.0 (1460.5–1462.1)work of, with the religious teachers in Rome, 132:0.4 (1455.4)requirement of a life of loving service by, 191:5.3 (2043.1)respect of, for sincere scribes and Pharisees, 126:0.3 (1386.3)social ministry of, 132:6.0 (1465.5–7)tarrying time of, in Galilee, 137:0.0 (1524.1–1537.5)the technique of social contact of, 132:4.2 (1460.6)an understanding comrade, 138:8.9 (1545.10), 171:7.5 (1874.8)an unpretentious layman, 196:1.4 (2090.5)went about doing good, 141:3.6 (1590.1), 161:2.9 (1786.4)Jesus-Mission and Gospelactivity(ies) of, during second preaching tour, 149:0.3 (1668.3)in Pella, 137:0.1 (1524.1), 169:0.1 (1850.1)assurance of, of the friendliness of the universe, 133:1.4 (1469.3)beginning of public work of, time, 136:0.1 (1509.1), 141:0.1 (1587.1)brotherhood, identification of the, 194:4.9 (2067.4)concept of the kingdom held by, 170:2.0 (1859.12–1861.7)earth life of, 117:5.4 (1286.2)emphasis of, on his teachings rather than on his achievements, 128:4.6 (1413.2)the exemplification of a new and original plan of life, 141:7.7 (1594.1)experience of mortal life on worlds settled in light and life by, 129:4.5 (1425.4)inability of, to disclose the idea of his mission, 127:2.7 (1397.5)life and death of, for a whole universe, 188:4.6 (2017.1)the light of mankind, 122:4.1 (1347.3)mission of, to the world, 126:3.8 (1390.3), 127:0.1 (1395.1), 136:6.8 (1519.1), 140:6.2 (1576.2), 142:2.2 (1597.2), 143:1.4 (1608.1), 148:6.10 (1664.2), 153:2.4 (1710.2), 153:2.6 (1710.4), 153:3.2 (1712.2), 156:4.2 (1737.3), 162:4.1 (1793.5), 165:3.2 (1820.1), 169:1.2 (1850.9), 175:1.7 (1906.4), 180:3.9 (1947.8), 180:6.8 (1952.4)for the universe through bestowal on Urantia, 4:5.6 (60.5), 21:4.5 (240.1), 120:0.4 (1324.1), 120:0.7 (1324.4), 120:1.4 (1326.1), 128:0.2 (1407.2), 128:7.6 (1417.5), 136:6.3 (1518.2), 141:7.9 (1594.3), 157:6.3 (1749.2), 188:5.11 (2019.4)the new and living way from man to God, 101:6.17 (1113.6), 129:4.7 (1425.6)a new revelation of, the great hope of Urantia, 195:9.2 (2082.7), 195:10.1 (2084.1), 195:10.16 (2086.2)the one objective of, 136:9.6 (1522.5)the Prince of Peace, 68:3.5 (766.6), 93:10.7 (1025.3), 136:9.7 (1522.6), 137:8.7 (1536.4), 175:2.1 (1909.1)quandary of, concerning the claim of his mission, 126:3.10 (1390.5)real career of, beginning of, 126:5.12 (1394.1)realization of, of the purpose of his earth existence, 127:0.1 (1395.1)recall of his pre-bestowal Paradise experience by, 129:3.9 (1424.4)restatement by, of his purpose in coming to Urantia, 145:3.9 (1632.8)a statement of his mission by, 132:6.3 (1465.7)supreme mission of, 127:6.16 (1406.1)teaching of, about the kingdom, 170:4.0 (1862.9–1863.14)vs. those of mystery cults, 121:5.13 (1337.9)the terminator of one age and the inaugurator of a new dispensation, 136:1.3 (1509.5)the world’s deliverer, 122:4.2 (1347.4)see also Sayings of Jesus; Sermons of JesusJesus-Occupations and Travelsacquaintance of, with north Palestine, 128:3.2 (1411.2)at Antioch, 133:8.0 (1480.6–1481.2)as boatbuilder and fisherman, 129:1.5 (1420.2)caravan trip of, to the Caspian Sea region, 134:2.0 (1484.5–1485.2)a carpenter from Nazareth, 20:6.3 (229.2), 129:1.7 (1420.4)creation of new style of boat by, 129:1.3 (1419.6)and the Damascus episode, 128:4.0 (1412.4–1413.5)early manhood of, 128:0.0 (1407.1–1418.6)engagement of, as a tutor, 129:2.9 (1422.6)expertness of, as a yokemaker, 124:1.7 (1367.3)identities of, during his Mediterranean trip, 129:3.2 (1423.4)as an interpreter see Interpreter(s), Jesus' work asmeditations of, at carpenter’s bench, 126:3.11 (1391.1)in Mesopotamia, 133:9.0 (1481.3–1482.1)mining experience of, at Iron, 146:4.2 (1643.3)reputation of, as a boat designer, 129:1.3 (1419.6)skill of, as a carpenter, 127:1.6 (1396.3)time spent at the caravan repair shop by, 128:2.3 (1410.2)tour of, from Beersheba to Dan, 134:7.5 (1492.5)trip of, to Syria, 134:7.1 (1492.1)wages of, as a fifteen-year-old carpenter, 126:5.5 (1393.2)work of, in a smith’s shop, 124:1.11 (1367.7), 128:2.3 (1410.2)years of travel of, 129:1.15 (1421.5)Jesus-Parentsancestry of Joseph, the father of, 122:1.1 (1344.4)of Mary, the mother of, 122:1.2 (1345.1)denial of any connection with the house of David by, 122:4.4 (1347.6)disillusionment of, as to omniscience of his parents, 123:3.2 (1359.3)earth parents of, about, 122:5.0 (1348.1–1349.7)realization by, of superhuman aspect of their son, 124:4.4 (1372.1)his parents’ ignorance of their son’s identity as Universe Creator, 124:4.4 (1372.1)Joseph’s family’s attitude toward the teachings of, 122:5.10 (1349.6)awareness of the identity of, as a child of promise, 123:0.3 (1355.3)love of his parents for, 126:0.2 (1386.2)Mary’s belief in the Messianic mission of, 125:6.13 (1385.1)Jesus-Personalityattitude of, toward tradition vs. progress, 149:2.11 (1671.6)balanced character of, as appreciated by Thomas, 139:8.7 (1562.1)capacity of, for humor and play, 123:4.3 (1361.3)charm and personality of, 141:3.4 (1589.5)deliberate disassociation of his varying life episodes by, 128:4.5 (1413.1)differences of the adolescent, from other youths, 126:3.13 (1391.3)disinclination of, to use his power, 138:6.5 (1543.3)the divine nature of, 161:2.0 (1785.1–1787.2)emotional characteristics of, 129:4.4 (1425.3)temperament of, as inherited from his parents, 122:5.3 (1348.3)factors in the make-up of, 136:8.7 (1521.2)faith of, characteristics, 196:0.0 (2087.1–2090.1)freedom from subconscious delusions and superfluous illusions of, 100:5.11 (1100.2)the gracious and casual ministry of, 171:7.0 (1874.4–1875.5)influential characteristics of, 190:0.2 (2029.2)Joshua ben Joseph, 92:7.12 (1013.7), 98:7.8 (1084.7), 109:6.6 (1200.6), 117:3.4 (1281.6), 119:7.5 (1317.1), 122:1.1 (1344.4), 122:8.2 (1351.6), 128:1.2 (1407.7), 134:8.6 (1493.5), 136:2.3 (1511.2)of Nazareth, attainment by, of potential spirit personality, 1:6.8 (30.7), 100:7.1 (1101.5)identity of, 120:0.9 (1325.2)a strong and forceful personality, 141:3.5 (1589.6)organization of his mind by, method of, 127:2.12 (1398.4)perfect symmetry of character of, 100:7.0 (1101.5–1103.7)personality changes in, 134:9.9 (1495.6)presentation of perfected human personality in the life of, 129:4.6 (1425.5)spiritual charms of, 141:3.4 (1589.5)development of, as the Son of Man, 129:4.2 (1425.1)inspiration, a life of, as lived by, 140:10.3 (1585.1)strength and forcefulness of, on intellectual and spiritual levels, 141:3.5 (1589.6)Tiberius impressed by bearing and manner of, 132:0.1 (1455.1)tolerance of, 140:8.30 (1583.4)voice of, 125:5.1 (1382.3), 139:7.6 (1560.2), 143:5.4 (1613.2), 154:6.5 (1722.1), 183:3.5 (1974.3), 189:4.10 (2026.4), 190:2.3 (2032.1)Jesus-Reaction to Life Situationsdecision of, concerning personal necessities, 136:6.2 (1518.1)to deprive himself of all superhuman co-operation, 136:5.3 (1516.3)not to become an earthly father, 127:6.8 (1404.7)regarding his mortal bestowal, 158:3.5 (1755.5)as to use of his universe endowments, 136:9.6 (1522.5)destruction of all his permanent writing by, 136:4.2 (1514.3)difficult situation of, in the Zealot matter, 127:2.6 (1397.4)driving the animals from the temple by, 173:1.7 (1890.2)fairness of, to opponents, 125:5.8 (1383.1)inauguration of the bloodless Passover by, 127:6.7 (1404.6)indignation of, at presence of courtesans in the temple, 125:1.2 (1378.4)at scene of commerce, confusion, and ridicule in the temple, 173:1.6 (1890.1)life of, on earth, characteristics of, 195:10.2 (2084.2)mortal life of, reaction of his fellow mortals to, 129:4.6 (1425.5)noninterest of, in plans for study in Jerusalem, 124:6.13 (1375.7)reaction of, to Antioch, 133:8.2 (1480.7)to approach by two courtesans in Rome, 133:3.6 (1472.5)to ceremonies of day of atonement, 134:9.3 (1494.6)to Ezra’s and Rebecca’s proposal of marriage, 127:5.3 (1403.1)to Greek competitive games, 124:3.7 (1370.5)to separation of women from men worshipers, 125:0.4 (1377.4)to the slaughter scenes in the temple court, 125:1.4 (1378.6)reaction of Nicodemus to conference with, 142:6.8 (1602.7)rebuke of Martha for anxiety over trifles by, 162:8.3 (1798.1)lack of faith by, 168:1.12 (1845.3)tax problems of, 126:5.5 (1393.2)willingness of, to learn from even the humblest, 126:2.3 (1388.3)Jesus-Relation to Godcommunication of, with the Father, at the tomb of Lazarus, 168:2.2 (1846.1)concept of God held by, 5:4.13 (68.1)dedication of, to doing the will of the Paradise Father, 125:6.11 (1384.7), 129:3.5 (1423.7)the exemplification of the Paradise Father’s love, 133:1.3 (1469.2)the Father’s business, vs. world affairs in life of, 126:0.2 (1386.2)interest of, in making a fuller revelation of God, 125:5.8 (1383.1)life of, and mortal concept of God, 2:6.4 (41.2), 102:8.7 (1128.3), 103:9.4 (1141.2), 194:2.6 (2061.4)lone sojourn of, with God, on Mount Hermon, 134:8.0 (1492.8–1494.3)a most extraordinary day in the life of, 124:6.15 (1376.1)of Nazareth, a religious man doing the will of God, 196:1.1 (2090.2)oneness of the Father and, 120:4.3 (1331.3), 161:1.8 (1784.5), 161:2.9 (1786.4), 169:4.2 (1855.3)personal Deity referred to by, 1:7.1 (31.1)presents God as the Universal Father, 92:4.8 (1008.1), 196:0.9 (2088.4)refusal of, to acknowledge the wrath of God, 125:0.6 (1378.1)revelation of himself to God as a perfected son by, 142:7.15 (1604.10)the Son of even the Elohim God, 169:4.10 (1857.1)subjection of, to the will of his Paradise Father, 128:1.12 (1409.2), 128:7.2 (1417.1), 129:3.5 (1423.7)teaching of, concerning doing the Father’s will, 140:8.3 (1579.5), 142:2.4 (1597.4)trusted God, 100:7.7 (1102.4)and will of his Father in heaven, 125:6.11 (1384.7), 196:0.2 (2087.2)Jesus-Religious Lifearrangements made for Jerusalem study of, at fifteen, 125:2.11 (1380.6)attainment of high levels of conscious contact with his Thought Adjuster by, 129:1.14 (1421.4)attendance of, at his first Passover, 123:5.2 (1362.3)attitude toward accepting his family responsibilities, 126:2.3 (1388.3)asceticism, 136:3.3 (1512.7)earthly life and the world, 196:2.9 (2093.3)his being the Messiah, 126:3.6 (1390.1)lifework, 125:5.10 (1383.3)Mary’s attendance at the Passover, 125:0.4 (1377.4)personal combat, 124:2.4 (1368.6), 133:1.4 (1469.3)the Pharisees, 140:8.22 (1582.3)Philip’s foolish questions, 139:5.7 (1557.1)sinners, 188:5.2 (2018.1)use of superhuman power, 136:6.5 (1518.4)wholesome recreation, 124:3.9 (1371.2)communication of, with his Personalized Adjuster, 174:5.10 (1904.1)completion of the knowledge of creature life by, 128:1.1 (1407.6)of the mastery of his human mind by, 129:1.14 (1421.4), 134:8.4 (1493.3)confidence of, that no real harm could befall him, 133:1.4 (1469.3)frequent solitary retirement of, at Gilboa, 144:1.8 (1618.2)habits of, as to prayer, 126:1.1 (1387.1)meditation and prayer in the Bethany garden by, 125:4.1 (1381.3)of Nazareth, the earth life of, the highest religion in Nebadon, 102:8.7 (1128.3)no provision for self-examination in the religion of, 140:8.27 (1583.1)perfection of living of, 161:2.4 (1785.4)personal religion of, 140:8.19 (1581.6)positive quality of the morality of, 140:10.5 (1585.3)preparation of, for trip to Mount Hermon, 134:8.1 (1492.8)religion of, 5:4.5 (67.3), 99:5.3 (1091.2), 196:2.0 (2091.10–2093.5)religious life of, attained in the realistic world, 196:2.9 (2093.3)how to study, 5:4.15 (68.3), 196:0.10 (2088.5)nonportrayal of, by New Testament, 196:2.1 (2091.10)value of knowing the, 2:0.2 (33.2), 196:1.3 (2090.4)sinlessness of, 5:4.15 (68.3), 128:1.5 (1408.2)transformation of the difficulties of time into the triumphs of eternity by, 127:6.12 (1405.4)unawareness of his Adjuster’s arrival by, 123:2.1 (1357.5)was great because he was good, 100:7.17 (1103.5)youthful, and his prayers, 123:3.6 (1360.1)Jesus-School Experiencesacquirement of early education by, 123:2.3 (1357.7), 124:3.5 (1370.3)beginning study of Greek by, 123:3.1 (1359.2)challenge of chazan, concerning images, 124:1.3 (1366.4)chazan’s interest in the boy, 123:5.9 (1363.2), 124:3.5 (1370.3)date of graduation of, from the synagogue school, 124:5.4 (1373.4)a diligent pupil, 123:6.1 (1364.4)discontinuance of drawing and modeling by, 124:1.5 (1367.1)early education of, 123:2.3 (1357.7), 123:5.8 (1363.1)graduation of, from the Nazareth synagogue school, 123:5.2 (1362.3), 124:6.1 (1374.1)hunger of, for knowledge, 125:4.3 (1382.1)intellectual and theological training of, by the chazan, 123:5.8 (1363.1)scholastic standing of, reward, 123:6.1 (1364.4)school days of, in Nazareth, 123:5.0 (1362.2–1364.3)study of nature by, 123:5.14 (1364.2)Jesus-Sermons and Discoursesaddress of, to apostles and workers, 152:5.3 (1704.2)at Pella, 170:0.1 (1858.1)answer of, to the spies’ charge of Sabbath breaking, 147:6.4 (1654.3)apostles’ private talks at Bethsaida with, 140:6.14 (1578.1)discussion(s) of, with the apostles, on the answer to prayer, 168:4.0 (1848.1–1849.4)with the Bethany family, 125:2.7 (1380.2)with Ganid, on the functions of the human mind, 133:7.6 (1479.6)with Nabon, 132:3.1 (1459.1)with Stephen, 128:3.5 (1411.5)first conducting of a synagogue service by, 126:4.1 (1391.5)last discourse of, to his apostles, on events of the future, 178:3.0 (1934.3–1935.2)trip to the temple by, 175:0.1 (1905.1)participation of, in discussions at Urmia, 134:3.4 (1485.6)sermons, see Sermons of Jesustalk of, on evil, sin, and iniquity, 148:4.0 (1659.8–1661.2)on the "Grace of Salvation," 169:1.0 (1850.8–1853.3)on purpose of affliction, 148:5.0 (1661.3–1662.2)teaching(s) of, concerning man’s social attitude, 140:8.11 (1580.6)and later Christian teachers of Urmia faculty, 134:6.14 (1491.8)as to practice of the golden rule, 147:4.0 (1650.2)in the temple, 142:1.0 (1596.3–9), 162:6.2 (1795.6)at Tyre, 156:5.0 (1737.5–1740.10)temple discussions of, 125:5.0 (1382.3–1383.3)Jesus-Teacher and Healeradeptness of, in asking and answering questions, 132:4.2 (1460.6)analysis of the teaching methods of, 159:5.17 (1771.1)authority of, in the discussion of religion, 129:1.10 (1420.7)direction of Ganid by, in collecting religious teachings of the world, 130:3.5 (1432.5), 131:0.0 (1442.1–1454.5)educational techniques of, 127:4.2 (1401.2)expression of principles for truth preachers by, 159:3.0 (1765.3)fame of, changing basis of, 149:2.6 (1671.1)as a healer, 146:4.2 (1643.3), 149:1.1 (1668.5)spreading of, over Galilee, 141:1.1 (1587.3)familiarity of, with the Scriptures, 125:6.2 (1383.5)at Jairus’s house, 152:1.0 (1699.1–1700.1)as the Jewish tutor, 129:3.2 (1423.4)life of, a commentary on his teachings, 140:8.2 (1579.4)miracles of, see Miracles of Jesusof Nazareth, decision of, concerning himself and certain Scriptures, 136:9.8 (1522.7)parables of, see Parables of Jesusat the pool of Bethesda, 147:3.0 (1649.1–1650.1)questions of, to the scribes, 125:5.2 (1382.4)reaction of, to Capernaum healing, 145:3.11 (1633.2)reading of the scriptures at the Sabbath services by, 123:5.4 (1362.5), 127:3.8 (1399.7)real life and teachings of, obstacles to understanding the, 140:8.19 (1581.6), 195:10.8 (2084.8), 195:10.15 (2086.1)time for rediscovery of the, 195:9.5 (2083.1), 196:1.2 (2090.3)recounting by, of the origin of the Passover, 125:2.2 (1379.3)reference of, to universe mansions, 30:4.17 (341.7), 47:0.1 (530.1), 133:4.6 (1474.6), 167:6.3 (1840.2)refusal of, to advertise evil, 140:8.21 (1582.2)spoke as one having authority, 138:8.8 (1545.9), 192:3.2 (2050.2)taught with authority, 100:7.5 (1102.2), 145:2.11 (1630.7)the teacher, 124:2.8 (1369.4), 124:5.6 (1373.6), 125:5.8 (1383.1), 138:6.2 (1542.7), 141:7.7 (1594.1), 145:2.11 (1630.7), 148:0.3 (1657.3)use of parables by, 151:1.1 (1688.3)wept, at tomb of Lazarus, reasons, 168:1.2 (1844.1)a youthful original thinker and skillful teacher, 124:1.13 (1368.2)Jesus-Trip to Romeat Carthage, 130:7.0 (1438.4–1439.6)chance meeting of, with two Corinthian courtesans, 133:3.6 (1472.5)with two travelers from India, 129:2.9 (1422.6)conversation(s) of, with Ganid and Gonod about Buddha, 132:7.3 (1466.3)with Marcus, 132:4.7 (1461.5)with Mardus, the Roman Cynic, 132:2.0 (1457.4–1458.7)with a Roman senator, 132:4.5 (1461.3)with the Roman soldier, 132:4.6 (1461.4)in Rome, with a Greek physician, 132:4.5 (1461.3)with a wealthy slaveholder, 132:4.5 (1461.3)at Cyrene, 130:6.6 (1438.3)farewell of, to Gonod and Ganid, 133:9.4 (1481.6)gaining knowledge of races and classes of men in Rome by, 132:4.1 (1460.5)Ganid’s comparison of, with the Father in heaven, 133:9.4 (1481.6)places visited by, after leaving Rome, 133:0.0 (1468.1–1482.1)sojourn of, at Rome, 132:0.0 (1455.1–1467.5)stops made by, on the way to Rome, 130:0.0 (1427.1–1441.2)talks of, with Angamon, results, 132:1.1 (1456.7)in Corinth, with hungry souls, 133:4.13 (1476.1)tour of, of the Roman world, summary, 130:0.0 (1427.1–7)trips of, about Rome, 132:7.0 (1466.1–1467.5)use of time during his Mediterranean tour by, 130:0.5 (1427.5)Jesus-Twelve Apostlesapostles of, as his friends, 180:1.6 (1945.3)tension between John’s disciples and, 144:0.2 (1617.2)apostles learning from living with, 140:10.2 (1584.5)apostolic-holiday activities of, 154:2.2 (1718.3)approach of, to Peter, to wash his feet, 179:3.2 (1938.4)assembling of his apostles for ordination by, 140:0.2 (1568.2)assembly of twelve apostles every evening for instruction by, 138:6.1 (1542.6)call of, to the Alpheus twins, 138:4.0 (1541.3)to Matthew, 138:3.1 (1540.4)to Simon Zelotes, 138:3.3 (1540.6)to Thomas and Judas, 138:5.1 (1542.2)choosing of the first four apostles, 137:1.0 (1524.2–1525.5)comments of, on apostles’ healing failure, 158:6.1 (1758.2)commission of, to John Zebedee, 129:2.3 (1421.8)consecration of the apostles by, 140:9.1 (1583.7)discussion of, with Nathaniel about the Hebrew scriptures, 159:4.0 (1767.3–1769.2)and his apostles leaving Galilee, 141:1.0 (1587.3–1588.3)influence of the life of, on the apostles, 140:10.2 (1584.5)instruction of, as to the apostles’ proclamation message, 141:7.6 (1593.7)named as the Deliverer by Peter and for the twelve, 157:3.5 (1746.2)ordination of his apostles by, 140:0.0 (1568.1–1586.1)of the seventy by, 163:0.0 (1800.1)questioning of the apostles by, after the foot-washing service, 179:3.8 (1939.6)reaction of, to Nathaniel’s query concerning the Golden Rule, 147:4.3 (1650.4)rebuke of James and John by, 137:1.6 (1525.3)of Peter by, reason, 158:7.4 (1760.1)training of the kingdom’s messengers by, 138:0.0 (1538.1–1547.11)see also Apostle(s)Jesusonian gospellack of, in present-day Tibet, 94:10.3 (1038.7)need for, in India, 94:4.10 (1032.2)New Testament only meagerly, 196:2.1 (2091.10)Jethroinfluence of, on Moses and the Israelites, 96:5.3 (1058.1)Jew(s)any individual, status of, before God unaffected by national rejection of Jesus, 175:2.1 (1909.1)attitude of, toward the duties of fatherhood, 127:2.8 (1397.6)toward Samaritans, 137:7.11 (1535.3)belief of, as to the new heaven and the new earth, 135:5.4 (1500.4), 176:1.6 (1913.5)comparison of, with Buddhists, philosophically, 132:7.5 (1467.1)concepts of God of the, 96:1.0 (1052.4–1054.5), 132:7.5 (1467.1), 141:4.1 (1590.4), 142:2.1 (1597.1)contribution of, to spread of the gospel, 121:2.4 (1333.6)dictating of, to Pilate, reason for, 185:1.8 (1989.2)dispersion of the, extent of, 121:2.4 (1333.6)effect of the Babylonian captivity upon, 93:9.9 (1023.6)expectancy of a wonder-working deliverer by the, 136:9.11 (1523.3)family life of a, Ganid’s observation of, in Corinth, 133:3.1 (1471.5)future of, apocalyptists’ prediction of, 135:5.2 (1500.2)and gentile(s), equal numbers of, in group addressed by Jesus at the turn of a dispensation, 174:5.4 (1903.1)gospel belongs to both, 143:1.5 (1608.2), 191:6.2 (2044.3)potential of, to carry the new gospel to the world, 121:7.0 (1339.6–1341.1)healed lepers who were, obedience of, to instructions to go to priests, 166:2.4 (1827.9)independence of, threefold reason for, 121:2.8 (1334.2)at Jerusalem, vs. the Jews of Philadelphia, 166:5.3 (1831.6)Jesus a, 141:7.7 (1594.1)kingdom concept of the, 170:1.9 (1859.2), 170:5.11 (1865.1)lack of humor of, 156:2.8 (1736.5)a Levantine race, 121:1.1 (1332.2)Mesopotamian taboos assumed by the, 95:1.2 (1042.3)Messianic concepts of the, 136:1.0 (1509.3–1510.3), 136:9.2 (1522.1)a name for certain tribes of Semites, 96:2.3 (1055.1)of Nazareth, liberal attitude of, toward the gentiles, 123:5.7 (1362.8)no recorded secular history of the, 97:8.1 (1070.4)not a miraculous people, 97:9.29 (1075.5)Paul’s attempt to remake Jesus’ teachings to please the, 166:5.4 (1831.7)racial sin a theory of the, 136:1.4 (1510.1)reaction of, to Pilate’s reference to Jesus as the "king of the Jews," 185:5.9 (1994.3)relation of, to Abraham, 130:3.4 (1432.4)a religion without science of the, 155:1.4 (1726.1)and Samaritans, 124:6.1 (1374.1), 137:7.11 (1535.3), 143:3.1 (1610.4), 143:4.0 (1612.1–3), 143:5.1 (1612.4), 162:0.1 (1788.1), 164:1.4 (1810.2), 166:2.1 (1827.6), 185:1.6 (1988.5)spiritual stagnation of the, 155:3.3 (1727.3)superb family life of the, influence of Egypt on the, 95:5.8 (1048.2)superiority of family devotion of the, 121:3.10 (1335.9)theory of the, of a sin-cursed human race, 136:1.4 (1510.1)world mission of, spiritual, not political, 121:2.8 (1334.2)Jewelsof mentation, transmission of, by the Voices of Wisdom, 28:5.7 (310.9)modern peoples’ veneration of their, 85:1.3 (945.1)Jewishauthorities, coolness of, to Judas, 186:1.2 (1997.5)refusal of, to know the Father, 180:6.1 (1951.2)surprise of, at Jesus’ preaching in the temple, 162:1.8 (1789.7)beliefs, Hellenized, effect of contemporary philosophies on, 121:6.3 (1338.6)birthmark, Christian morality a, 121:7.7 (1340.5)brethren, Jesus’ suggestion to Matthew regarding work with his, 181:2.13 (1957.3)captives, Isaiah the second’s comfort to the, 97:7.7 (1069.2)ceremonial system, loyalty of apostles and believers to the, 194:1.5 (2060.5)reaction of the boy Jesus to the, 125:2.4 (1379.5)training of the boy Jesus in the, 122:5.4 (1348.4)children, play life of, 123:4.2 (1361.2)and Christian Bibles, the origin of the, 97:9.20 (1074.2)consciousness, origin of, in Judah, 97:9.2 (1071.7)culture, Jerusalem the center of, 123:6.8 (1365.3)family groups, strength of, and cultural stability, 84:7.1 (939.4)life, investigation of, by Family Commission of Twelve, 122:0.2 (1344.2)two outstanding examples of, 177:2.6 (1922.4)guards, flight of, from the tomb to their homes, 189:2.4 (2023.3)history, Jesus’ recall of traditional events of, 126:1.2 (1387.2), 127:3.3 (1399.2), 128:1.14 (1409.4)influence on European civilization, 121:1.6 (1332.7)law, and the death sentence, 184:3.13 (1983.5)neighbor as defined by, 164:1.2 (1809.4)leaders, appearance of, at Golgotha, purpose, 187:2.6 (2007.5)assault of Jesus on, 153:1.2 (1708.1)believing, meeting of, at home of Nicodemus, 164:2.1 (1810.3)bribing of the guards by the, 189:2.5 (2023.4)desire of, to kill Jesus, reason, 162:7.3 (1796.5)sensed by apostles, 178:2.2 (1932.5)Messiah, Jesus’ question as to his relation to a possible, 126:3.6 (1390.1)Paul’s proclamation of a, 121:1.2 (1332.3)morality, in Paul’s Christianity, 121:7.7 (1340.5)nation, Jesus’ concern for the coming tragedy for the, 175:1.5 (1906.2), 176:1.2 (1913.1), 187:1.7 (2005.5)people, cultural stability of the, cause, 84:7.1 (939.4)Jesus’ growing pity and love for the, 126:0.3 (1386.3)last appeal to, 175:0.1 (1905.1)rejection by, consequences for, 174:5.7 (1903.4)situation of the, in the times of Jesus, 121:2.0 (1333.3–1334.6)practices, Paul’s attitude toward, 194:3.9 (2064.1)priests, altering of Hebrew history by the, 74:8.11 (838.3), 97:8.7 (1071.5)unintentional influence of, on Occidental world, 97:7.3 (1068.3)religion, Ganid’s interest in the, 133:3.1 (1471.5)of the Old Testament, origin of, time and place, 97:10.0 (1075.6–1076.6)rulers, apostles’ awareness of determination of, to exterminate Jesus, 178:2.2 (1932.5)plan of, regarding the disposal of Jesus’ body, 188:1.1 (2012.4)sacred writings, gift of, to the child Jesus from Egyptian friends, 123:0.3 (1355.3)soldiers, Salem doctrine’s spread in Europe by, 98:0.3 (1077.3)spiritual leaders, noneffect on individual Jews of rejection of Jesus by, 175:2.1 (1909.1)teachers, older, belief of, regarding reincarnation, 164:3.4 (1811.5)theology, Melchizedek teachings the basic doctrines of, 98:0.4 (1077.4)mistake of effort to connect gospel teaching directly to, 149:2.3 (1670.4), 181:2.23 (1961.2)tutor, Jesus as the, 129:3.2 (1423.4)view of religion, vs. that of Jesus, 140:8.30 (1583.4)JezebelJesus’ parents’ story about, 124:6.3 (1374.3)Jezreelapostolic visit to, 149:0.1 (1668.1)Joabringleader of plot to make Jesus king, 152:2.5 (1700.6)Joannaa member of the women’s corps, 150:1.1 (1678.5)reading of Scriptures at apostolic Sabbath services at Tiberias by, 150:3.1 (1680.3)at the tomb, 189:4.4 (2025.5), 189:4.7 (2026.1)treasurer of women’s corps, 150:1.2 (1679.1)wife of Chuza, the steward of Herod Antipas, 150:1.1 (1678.5), 189:4.4 (2025.5)Joashidentity of, 97:9.21 (1074.3)JobBook of, an example of the teachings of the Salem school, 95:1.10 (1043.5)direct appeal of, to God, 148:6.8 (1663.6)drama of, significance of the, 97:8.2 (1070.5), 148:6.0 (1662.3–1664.4)reply of, to counsel of his friends, 148:6.6 (1663.4)story of, a masterpiece of Semitic literature, 148:6.2 (1662.4)JogbehahThe seventy’s labors in, 165:0.1 (1817.1)John the Baptistabout, 135:0.0 (1496.1–1508.7)Abner and his associates rumored to be followers of, 156:6.7 (1741.7)advance proclamation of the kingdom by, 191:4.3 (2041.6)apostles of, conference of, with Jesus’ apostles, 144:6.0 (1624.12–1626.1)Jesus’ special teaching of, 144:7.2 (1626.3), 162:9.3 (1798.4)apostles’ retirement at Gilboa to await the fate of, 144:0.2 (1617.2)arrest of, 135:10.3 (1506.5), 135:12.1 (1508.1)attack of, on Herod Antipas, 135:10.2 (1506.4)baptism of Jesus by, 128:1.8 (1408.5), 129:3.9 (1424.4), 135:8.4 (1504.2)by, purpose, 135:6.4 (1502.2), 137:8.10 (1536.7)begins to preach, 135:6.0 (1501.4–1502.6)beheading of, 135:12.7 (1508.7)birth of, 135:0.1 (1496.1)bitter prison experience of, 135:11.1 (1506.6)childhood visit of, with Jesus, 123:3.4 (1359.5), 135:0.3 (1496.3)as the coming Messiah’s advance herald, 135:3.3 (1498.2)comparison of, with Elijah, 135:4.5 (1499.5)confusion of, concerning the coming kingdom, 135:3.3 (1498.2), 135:7.1 (1503.1)conversation of, with Jesus at Jesus’ baptism, 135:8.7 (1504.5)conviction of, of the approaching end of the old order, 135:3.2 (1498.1)counsel of, to disciples, teachers, and various others, 135:6.8 (1502.6)death of, 135:12.0 (1508.1–7), 144:9.1 (1627.6)Judas’s reaction to, 157:7.2 (1751.1)disappointment of, at Jesus’ failure to contact him, 135:11.3 (1507.2)disciples of, Jesus’ apostles’ difficulties in harmonizing with, 143:3.1 (1610.4), 144:0.2 (1617.2)early teachings of, basis of, 135:4.3 (1499.3)effect of Jesus’ last message on, 135:11.4 (1507.3), 144:8.6 (1627.3)Elizabeth’s son, date of birth of, 122:2.7 (1346.2), 135:0.1 (1496.1)Gabriel’s prediction of the mission of, 122:2.3 (1345.5)fame of, in Palestine, 135:8.1 (1503.4)final leave-taking of Jesus by, 135:9.9 (1506.2), 137:2.1 (1526.1)finish of the earth work of, 135:11.3 (1507.2)first preaching of, 135:6.1 (1501.4)visit of, with Jesus, 123:3.4 (1359.5), 135:0.3 (1496.3)followers of, concern of, over Jesus’ leaving John in prison, 141:1.4 (1588.2)forty days of preaching by, 135:9.0 (1505.1–1506.2)general instruction by, 135:6.8 (1502.6)Herodias’s hatred of, 135:12.2 (1508.2)Herod’s superstitious fear of, and his attitude toward Jesus, 145:3.12 (1633.3), 154:0.2 (1717.2)a heroic but tactless preacher, 135:6.7 (1502.5)Jesus’ favorable word for the message of, 135:8.1 (1503.4)last message from, 135:11.4 (1507.3), 144:8.1 (1626.6)reference to, as the Elijah of prophecy, 158:2.2 (1754.2)use of the cult of, 92:5.13 (1010.1)kingdom concept of, 170:1.3 (1858.5)last questions of, to Jesus, 135:11.4 (1507.3)loneliness of, in prison, 135:11.1 (1506.6)meeting of Jesus and, during Jesus’ eighteenth year, 127:3.11 (1400.3), 135:2.2 (1497.4)at the site of baptism, 135:8.0 (1503.4–1504.5)normal childhood of, 135:0.2 (1496.2)onetime camp of, at Pella, 163:5.1 (1806.2)physical description of, 135:1.4 (1497.2)preaching of, immediate appeal of, to Jewish nation, 136:1.5 (1510.2)preaching of repentance by, 136:0.2 (1509.2), 140:10.1 (1584.4)predominant field of work of, 165:1.3 (1818.1)presentation of his flocks to the Nazarite brotherhood by, 135:4.2 (1499.2)in prison, 135:11.0 (1506.6–1507.3)reaction of, to Andrew’s and Peter’s proposal to join Jesus, 137:1.3 (1524.4)relation of the apostles to the followers of, 141:1.5 (1588.3)sad confusion of, after separation from Jesus, 135:10.1 (1506.3)self-regarded as last of the Israel prophets, 135:4.2 (1499.2)sojourn at Engedi of, 135:4.3 (1499.3)taking of Nazarite vow at fourteen by, 135:1.1 (1496.6)teaching of prayers to his disciples by, 144:1.10 (1618.4), 144:3.13 (1620.11)test of faith and loyalty to Jesus by, 135:11.1 (1506.6)uncertainty of, as to the scope of the kingdom of heaven, 135:9.5 (1505.5)on Urantia advisory council, 45:4.17 (514.7), 114:2.3 (1252.1)John Hyrcanusdestruction of Samaritans’ temple by, 143:4.2 (1612.2)John Markbelief of, concerning Peter’s night vision, 152:4.4 (1703.4)bringing of a basket to Jesus by, 177:0.4 (1920.4)calling of the leading disciples to the home of, 193:6.1 (2057.8)careful watch of Jesus by, 182:0.1 (1963.1)death of the father of, 192:4.5 (2051.2)departure of, with the apostles, for Galilee, 192:0.4 (2045.4)desertion of his sentinel post by, 182:2.12 (1967.7)early home life of, significance, 177:2.0 (1921.5–1923.1)flight of, from the garden, 183:3.9 (1975.2)hiding by, in a shed in Gethsemane, 183:0.3 (1971.3)Jesus’ secret arrangement with, regarding the Last Supper, 178:2.9 (1933.6)observation by, of activities of last moments in the garden, 182:2.12 (1967.7)only human observer of Jesus awaiting his betrayer, 183:0.5 (1971.5)plea by, to accompany Jesus into the hills, 177:1.1 (1920.5)reaction of, to the day alone with Jesus in the hills, 177:1.5 (1921.3), 177:5.3 (1927.4)record of Jesus’ life written by, 121:8.3 (1341.4)serving of breakfast to, by morontia Jesus, 192:1.8 (2047.1)spending of a day "with God in the hills" by, 177:1.0 (1920.5–1921.4)stringent ideas about divorce not held by, 140:8.14 (1581.1)summoning of apostles to the home of his father by, following the death of Jesus, 188:3.2 (2014.5)of Jesus’ leading disciples to his mother’s home, following the ascension, 193:6.1 (2057.8)welcoming of Jesus and the twelve to the new camp by, 176:2.9 (1915.6)to the site of the Last Supper by, 178:3.6 (1935.2), 179:1.1 (1936.6)witnessing by, of events from Gethsemane through the crucifixion, 182:0.1 (1963.1)John Zebedeeabsence of, during the conversion of the thief, 187:4.7 (2009.6)age of, when chosen as an apostle, 139:4.1 (1553.6)at death, 139:4.15 (1555.8)arrival of, at Golgotha, 187:2.7 (2007.6)avoidance by, of reference to "casting out devils," 145:2.13 (1631.1)bringing of his mother to Golgotha by, 187:2.7 (2007.6)care of, by his granddaughter, 139:4.12 (1555.5)characteristics of, 139:4.4 (1554.2)effect of James’s untimely death on, 139:3.5 (1553.1)experience of, at the pool of Bethesda, 147:3.2 (1649.2)favorable attitude of, toward proclaiming Jesus king, 152:2.5 (1700.6)following of Jesus by, to the home of Annas, 183:4.3 (1976.1), 184:0.3 (1978.3)identity of, 139:4.2 (1553.7)influence of Jesus’ life on, 129:1.12 (1421.2)and James, compatibility of, 139:3.5 (1553.1)Jesus’ activities cared for most by, 129:1.12 (1421.2)commission to, 129:2.3 (1421.8)and Jude, escorting of Mary from Golgotha by, 187:4.7 (2009.6)lifelong silence of, as to his questioning by Pilate, 185:3.1 (1991.1)lonely vigil of, during Jesus’ abuse by the guards, 184:4.2 (1984.3)marching of, at side of Roman captain, 184:2.1 (1980.2)marriage of, to his brother James’s widow, 139:4.12 (1555.5)Nalda’s recounting to, of her conversation with Jesus, 143:5.12 (1614.6)one of Jesus’ pallbearers, 188:1.3 (2013.2)the only apostle at the crucifixion, 187:2.7 (2007.6)participation of, in the Pentecost preaching, 194:1.2 (2060.2)a personal aide of Jesus, 139:4.3 (1554.1)position of, by Jesus’ mother at the cross, 187:2.7 (2007.6), 187:4.7 (2009.6)presence of, with Jesus before Pilate, 185:0.1 (1987.1)with Jesus during his trial, 184:3.2 (1982.3), 185:3.1 (1991.1)promise of, to Jesus, regarding his family, 129:2.3 (1421.8)recognition of Jesus’ humanity by, 141:7.14 (1594.8)of the morontia Master by, 192:1.3 (2046.1)relations of, with Andrew and Peter, 139:4.1 (1553.6)with Jesus, 139:4.2 (1553.7)remaining by, at Golgotha, until the removal of Jesus’ body, 187:6.2 (2011.6)the Revelator, the four and twenty elders of, 45:4.1 (513.4)the sea of glass of, 47:10.2 (539.4)selection of Judas Alpheus by, 138:2.7 (1539.10)a son of Zebedee, 129:1.5 (1420.2), 129:2.10 (1423.1), 134:9.1 (1494.4), 139:4.11 (1555.4)the son of Zebedee, the inspiration for the Gospel of John, 121:8.10 (1342.5)status of, during Jesus’ arrest and trial, 183:5.4 (1977.4)story of the crucifixion by, 187:4.4 (2009.3)tact and sagacity of, 139:4.13 (1555.6)vision of, 34:4.11 (378.5), 47:10.2 (539.4), 53:7.7 (608.3)youngest of the twelve, 139:4.1 (1553.6)Joint meetingsquarterly, Jesus’ and John’s apostles’ plans for, 144:6.6 (1625.3)JonahJesus’ discourse on, 130:1.0 (1428.1–1429.2), 159:4.4 (1767.6)Joppaapostolic visit to, 152:7.3 (1706.4)discourse on Jonah at, 130:1.0 (1428.1–1429.2)Jordanbaptism of Jesus in the, 127:3.12 (1400.4), 128:1.8 (1408.5), 129:3.9 (1424.4), 129:4.2 (1425.1), 135:2.2 (1497.4), 135:8.6 (1504.4), 136:2.2 (1511.1), 137:6.1 (1532.3), 138:7.3 (1544.2), 141:1.2 (1587.4), 150:7.1 (1683.6), 157:7.5 (1751.4), 163:5.1 (1806.2)camping of Joseph and Mary by the, 122:7.5 (1351.1)first sight of the, by the boy Jesus, 124:6.5 (1374.5)John the Baptist’s baptizing in the, 134:9.8 (1495.5), 135:6.4 (1502.2), 135:6.7 (1502.5), 135:8.3 (1504.1)journey up the, 134:9.8 (1495.5), 135:6.1 (1501.4), 135:7.2 (1503.2)river, the apostles’ preaching along the, 192:4.4 (2051.1)Joseidentification of, 124:4.8 (1372.5)Joseph, brother of Jesusattitude of, toward belligerent playmates, 127:4.5 (1401.5)birth of, 123:4.9 (1362.1)characteristics of, 127:4.7 (1401.7)limited faith of, in Jesus, 154:6.3 (1721.3)onetime residence of, in old Nazareth home, 134:1.6 (1484.3)preparation of, for becoming head of the Nazareth family, 128:5.7 (1414.5)relation of the youthful Jesus with his brother, 124:4.3 (1371.6)Joseph, father of Jesusancestry of, 122:1.1 (1344.4)as a builder, success of, 123:3.7 (1360.2)death and burial of, 126:2.1 (1388.1)dream of, 122:4.0 (1347.3–6)family of, Jesus’ grief at absence of, from Bethsaida goodbye visit, 141:0.2 (1587.2)financial status of, at birth of Jesus, 122:7.4 (1350.6), 122:10.2 (1354.1)inability of, to answer Jesus’ questions, 124:6.14 (1375.8)and Mary, the couple, racial and personality endowments of, 122:1.0 (1344.4–1345.2), 122:5.5 (1349.1)efforts of, to answer Jesus’ questions, 123:2.3 (1357.7)Gabriel’s choice of, as earth parents of Michael, 122:0.3 (1344.3)the home of, 122:6.2 (1350.1)journey of, to Bethlehem, 122:7.0 (1350.3–1351.4)to Egypt, 122:10.4 (1354.3)length of sojourn of, in Alexandria, 122:10.4 (1354.3)marriage of, 122:2.2 (1345.4), 122:5.9 (1349.5), 122:7.1 (1350.3)reaction of, to the boy Jesus’ conduct in Jerusalem, 125:6.5 (1384.1)return of, to Jerusalem, in search of Jesus, 125:4.2 (1381.4), 125:5.1 (1382.3)to Nazareth, 123:0.4 (1356.1), 123:0.6 (1356.3)temperaments and backgrounds of, 122:5.0 (1348.1–1349.7)people of, rejection of Jesus by, 182:3.9 (1969.4)presence of, at Jesus’ graduation, 124:5.5 (1373.5)racial characteristics of, 122:1.1 (1344.4)reaction of, to the boy Jesus’ interest in the Greek city of Scythopolis, 124:3.6 (1370.4)to Gabriel’s visitation, 122:4.1 (1347.3)responsibility of, for Jesus’ intellectual and religious training, 123:2.13 (1358.10)temperament of, 122:5.1 (1348.1)as a workman in Alexandria, 123:0.1 (1355.1)Joseph, of the Old Testamenta believer in Melchizedek, 93:9.5 (1023.2)refusal by, of the military command of the Egyptian armies, 93:9.5 (1023.2)reliability of Hebrew narratives about, 93:9.8 (1023.5)sale of, into Egyptian slavery, 126:1.2 (1387.2)status of, among the Egyptians, 95:3.5 (1046.1)Joseph of Arimatheaassociation of, with Nicodemus, 142:6.9 (1603.1)as a disciple of Jesus, 175:0.1 (1905.1), 188:1.2 (2013.1)faith of, in Jesus’ promised resurrection, 188:1.2 (2013.1)the home of, the morontia Jesus at, 190:3.1 (2033.1)interrupted visit of, to Jesus at Gethsemane, 142:8.4 (1606.1)one of the bearers of Jesus’ body to the tomb, 188:1.3 (2013.2)of the few to believe in Jesus’ resurrection, 188:1.8 (2013.7)presence of, at meeting in home of Nicodemus, 164:2.1 (1810.3)request of Pilate by, for Jesus’ body, 188:0.3 (2012.3)and the twenty believing Greeks, 177:3.5 (1924.1)Joshua ben JosephAdjuster’s leave-taking of, 136:2.3 (1511.2)exhaustion by, of all spiritual values attainable in mortal experience, 109:6.6 (1200.6)Ganid’s ignorance of Jesus of Nazareth as the teacher, 133:9.4 (1481.6)human life of, one source of Christianity, 98:7.8 (1084.7)the incarnation of Michael of Nebadon, 119:7.5 (1317.1)Jesus’ earth name, 122:1.1 (1344.4), 122:8.2 (1351.6)progress from the humanity of, to the divinity of Michael of Nebadon, 117:3.4 (1281.6)the mortal Jesus, 128:1.2 (1407.7)natural human conception and birth of, 119:7.5 (1317.1)the Son of Man, 134:8.6 (1493.5)the valiant and courageous hero, an identity overlooked by some, 92:7.12 (1013.7)Josiah, the born-blind beggarabout, 164:3.7 (1812.1)do you believe in the son of God? Jesus’ question, 164:5.4 (1816.1)final testimony of, as to his healing, 164:4.11 (1814.7)Jesus’ visit to home of, 164:5.4 (1816.1)knowledge of the healing of, by the blind man Bartimeus, 171:5.1 (1873.1)Pharisees’ second questioning of, 164:4.9 (1814.5)recital by, of Jesus’ healing him of blindness, 164:3.10 (1812.4), 164:4.0 (1813.4–1815.1)subsequent status of, 164:5.6 (1816.3)Josiah, a disciple of Abnerbaptism of a lawyer by, 174:4.4 (1901.4)Josiah, of the Old Testamentattack on Necho by, 97:9.24 (1074.6)Jesus’ recall of the defeat of, by the Egyptians, 126:1.2 (1387.2)Judah’s status under the rule of, 97:9.23 (1074.5)Jotapataapostolic work in, 146:0.1 (1637.1), 156:6.2 (1741.2)Mary Magdalene’s and Rebecca’s setting apart as teachers at, 150:2.3 (1680.2)mission, distinguishing feature of the, 146:2.1 (1638.1)Jovepresent significance of, 96:1.14 (1054.4)Joy(s)apostles’ proclamation of, to fear-bound mortals, 140:3.2 (1570.3)of the assurance of sonship, Jesus’ prayer for his apostles’, 182:1.5 (1964.2)clearinghouses, 28:5.16 (312.3)in the divine spirit, of the sons of God, 147:7.2 (1655.4)early believers in Jesus filled with, 194:4.6 (2067.1)ecstatic, of Adjuster-fusion occasions, 55:2.5 (623.5)effort not always productive of, 48:7.10 (556.10)excursion, Gods not taking ascenders on an eternal, 48:8.3 (558.1)of Existence, assignment of, to Divine Counselors, 28:5.4 (310.6)functions of, 28:5.16 (312.3)and Satisfactions of Service, functioning of, 28:5.17 (312.4)a fruit of the sprit, 34:6.13 (381.7)and gladness, Jesus’ purpose to bring to men, 139:6.5 (1558.6)in heaven over repentant sinners, 159:1.2 (1762.4), 167:7.5 (1841.4), 169:1.2 (1850.9), 169:1.4 (1851.2)in the Holy Spirit, the kingdom of God, 137:8.9 (1536.6)Jesus’ promise of, in his Father’s service, 137:6.5 (1533.3)in sonship, 174:5.3 (1902.4)purpose to bring, in giving the new commandment, 180:1.2 (1944.5)proclaim, to socially downtrodden, 138:3.6 (1540.9)replace sorrow with, 149:6.5 (1675.6)words to the anointing woman to go on in the, of the kingdom of heaven, 147:5.4 (1652.1)of living, vs. the fear of existence, 86:2.5 (951.7)mutuality of experience of, in the universe, 56:8.3 (644.1)power, and glory, believers’ feeling of, after the arrival of the Spirit of Truth, 194:0.6 (2059.6)present, provision for, 169:2.2 (1853.5)prophetic, "all things work together for good," 48:4.7 (548.2)a result of spiritual growth, 100:4.3 (1097.7)of salvation, Jesus’ offer of, 162:2.7 (1792.1)scriptural promise of, to those who mourn, 190:5.4 (2035.1)and sorrow(s), conflict between, one source of a guardian seraphim’s difficulties, 111:7.5 (1223.7)human, common sources of, 108:5.6 (1192.1)in the spirit, a fruit of divine sonship, 149:5.4 (1674.6)supreme, Jesus about to experience the, 180:1.2 (1944.5)the result of loving service, 180:1.6 (1945.3)Joyouslife compatibility of a, and a realization of eternal destiny, 110:3.4 (1206.2)salvation, found by all entering the kingdom, 137:8.15 (1537.2)wings of a new and living spiritual liberty, 179:5.4 (1942.3)Jubilee(s)of eternity, occasion of the first, 27:7.8 (305.1)of jubilees, the enthronement of a Creator Son, 33:3.5 (368.5)pledge of Divine Minister at the time of, 33:3.5 (368.5)of settling of an entire local universe in light and life, 17:3.11 (201.9)the seven, of ascendant mortals, events marked by, 27:7.8 (305.1)Judahconcentration of land in the hands of a few in, 97:9.21 (1074.3)divine kingdom of, purpose of building up the fiction of, 97:9.11 (1073.1)fate of, after attack by Nebuchadnezzar, 97:9.26 (1075.2)under the rule of Manasseh, 97:9.23 (1074.5)identity of, as the remnant of the vanished northern kingdom of Israel, 97:9.21 (1074.3)king(s) of, David proclaimed the first, 97:9.7 (1072.5)destruction of records of the doings of the, 97:8.1 (1070.4)many non-Hebrew elements in, 97:9.7 (1072.5)one hundred years of paying tribute to Assyria by, 97:9.22 (1074.4)the origin of the Jewish consciousness in, 97:9.2 (1071.7)Pharaoh’s later enslavement of, 97:9.17 (1073.7)princes of, and Jeremiah’s prophecies, cited by Jesus, 153:2.2 (1709.3)tribe of, added to edited story of a battle, 97:9.3 (1072.1)cosmopolitan character of David’s, 97:9.11 (1073.1)wars between Israel and, outcome, 97:9.18 (1073.8)Judahitesvs. the Ephraimites, 97:9.2 (1071.7)Judaismappeal of and objections to, to Romanized Greeks, 195:2.9 (2073.4)content of Salem teachings in, 95:1.10 (1043.5), 96:0.3 (1052.3), 131:2.1 (1444.1), 131:5.1 (1449.4)early believers in Jesus a sect within, 194:1.5 (2060.5)Greek proselytes to, the backbone of the early Christian church, 195:3.6 (2074.1)philosophic reasoning of, an ingredient in Paul’s gospel of Jesus, 121:7.9 (1340.7)influence of Zoroastrianism on, 95:6.7 (1050.3), 98:7.6 (1084.5)Jesus’ and Ganid’s selection from the teachings of, 131:2.0 (1444.1–1446.2)one of the most advanced religions of ancient times, 92:6.14 (1011.12)Pilate’s wife Claudia a partial convert to, 185:2.6 (1990.2)renaissance of, and the Greek translation of the Hebrew scriptures, 121:6.2 (1338.5)requirements of, apostles’ attempts to impose, upon converts, 194:3.9 (2064.1)rigorous moral standards of, 5:4.5 (67.3)the soil out of which Christianity grew, 97:9.29 (1075.5)theology of, an element in the Christian religion, 92:6.18 (1011.16)Judas Alpheusdrawn to Jesus because of his unostentatious humility, 139:10.7 (1564.1)identification of, 138:2.7 (1539.10)inability of, to understand Jesus’ answer to his question, 180:4.6 (1949.2)made bold and asked Jesus if he would favor the apostles, 139:10.10 (1564.4)selection of, by John Zebedee, 138:2.7 (1539.10)see also Alpheus twins; James AlpheusJudas Iscariotabout, 139:12.0 (1565.9–1567.7)absence of, from the Gethsemane camp, 178:0.1 (1929.1), 182:2.1 (1966.1)adverse reactions of, to Jesus’ triumphal entry, 172:5.12 (1886.4)age of, when chosen as an apostle, 139:12.2 (1566.1)Andrew’s awareness of impending trouble with, 139:1.8 (1549.6), 157:7.1 (1750.10)anticipated appearance of, before Sanhedrin, 186:1.2 (1997.5)apostles’ attitude toward, 139:12.5 (1566.4)the apostolic treasurer, 139:12.3 (1566.2)approach of, to accost Jesus in the garden, 183:3.2 (1973.4)attitude of, at Gilboa, concerning the kingdom, 144:1.7 (1618.1)causes of the downfall of, 193:4.0 (2055.4–2057.2)characteristics of, 139:12.5 (1566.4), 143:3.5 (1611.3)and the chief priests, 177:4.0 (1924.5–1927.1)choosing of the seat of honor at the Last Supper by, 179:1.4 (1937.2)conclusion of, as to his decision to desert the Master, 176:2.9 (1915.6), 177:4.2 (1924.6), 179:3.4 (1939.2)conference of, with the captain of the temple guards, 182:2.13 (1968.1)craving of, for worldly honor, 177:4.10 (1926.3)education of, 139:6.2 (1558.3)a faith adventure, to Jesus, 139:12.7 (1566.6)favorable attitude of, toward proclaiming Jesus king, 152:2.5 (1700.6)financial administration of, 163:2.11 (1803.2)loyalty of, 139:12.5 (1566.4), 172:5.12 (1886.4), 177:4.4 (1925.1), 178:2.10 (1933.7)first conscious thought of deserting by, 153:1.5 (1708.4)great mistake of, indulgence in fear and doubts instead of communing with spiritual forces, 157:7.4 (1751.3)identification of, 138:2.9 (1540.2)inability of, to serve as a witness at Jesus’ trial, 184:3.6 (1982.7)Jesus’ call to, 138:5.1 (1542.2)a onetime follower of John the Baptist, 139:12.1 (1565.9)reaction(s) of, to foot washing episode, 179:3.4 (1939.2)to his reward, 186:1.3 (1998.1)to Jesus’ rebuke at Simon’s banquet, 172:1.7 (1879.5)to Mary’s anointing of Jesus, 172:1.5 (1879.3)realization by, of the true nature of his sin, 186:1.6 (1998.4)secret criticism of Jesus by, 139:12.4 (1566.3)selection of, by Nathaniel, 138:2.9 (1540.2)suicide of, 139:12.13 (1567.6), 186:1.7 (1998.5)treasurer of the apostles, 138:8.1 (1545.2), 138:10.5 (1547.5)a victim of resentment, 139:12.9 (1567.2)Judas Maccabeeinfluence of, on Jewish nationalism, 121:2.7 (1334.1)removal of Jews from Perea during the times of, 165:0.3 (1817.3)restoration of Mosaic services by, 123:3.5 (1359.6)Jude, brother of Jesusabsence of, from the apostles’ study sessions, reason, 137:7.1 (1533.5)arrest of, in Jerusalem, 128:6.5 (1415.5)arrival of, at Golgotha, 187:2.7 (2007.6)attitude of, toward belligerent playmates, 127:4.5 (1401.5)baptism of, date, 135:8.6 (1504.4)belief of, in Jesus, declaration of, 137:5.2 (1531.6)following baptism experience, 137:3.3 (1527.6)in resurrection of Jesus, 190:2.5 (2032.3)birth of, 124:3.4 (1370.2)career choice of, 128:7.8 (1417.7)characteristics of, 127:4.7 (1401.7)contributions of, to Nazareth family support, 128:7.11 (1418.3), 129:2.1 (1421.6), 129:2.11 (1423.2)effects of his marriage on, 128:7.4 (1417.3)graduation of, 128:6.3 (1415.3)and John Zebedee, the only men believers present at Jesus’ death, 187:5.1 (2010.2)patriotic outbursts of, results, 128:6.7 (1415.7)recognition of Jesus’ greatness by, 129:1.13 (1421.3)support of his mother at Jesus’ cross by, 187:4.7 (2009.6)wedding of, 134:1.4 (1484.1)Judeacities of, workers sent from Abner’s center at Bethlehem to, 162:9.2 (1798.3)comparison of, with Galilee, 124:2.9 (1369.5)going of the apostles into, reason, 141:1.1 (1587.3)Judas Iscariot born in small town in southern, 139:12.1 (1565.9)the only apostle from, 138:2.9 (1540.2)relations between Jews and gentiles in, 123:5.7 (1362.8)Judeanthe stalwart, identification of, 137:1.8 (1525.5)Judge(s)of all the earth, Jesus’ telling of response of the, to those who spurn kingdom, 166:3.4 (1829.1)Jesus’ talk with the Roman judge about the, 133:4.7 (1474.7)a title of Jesus, 128:1.10 (1408.7)-Arbiter, function of, 25:2.6 (275.6)backward drift of the Hebrews’ concept of Deity under the, 96:6.1 (1059.2)degrees required of, in the continental nation, 72:8.3 (816.8)a divine, satisfaction of, according to Paul’s theology, 89:9.3 (984.2)God as a, 2:6.4 (41.2), 141:4.1 (1590.4), 166:1.4 (1826.1)integrity of, a gauge of a civilization, 70:11.14 (797.12), 132:4.8 (1462.1)of men, Andrew a good, 139:1.8 (1549.6)of mortals, angels not, 38:2.4 (419.4)righteous, functioning of Universal Censors as, 28:5.20 (313.2)of states of the continental nation, appointment and terms of office of, 72:2.1 (809.2)on superuniverse headquarters, execution of decrees of cessation of existence by, 2:3.3 (37.1)of survival, Magisterial Sons as, 7:6.5 (88.3)Judgment(s)the apostles’, mercy and, 140:6.9 (1577.3)assurance of justice and mercy in the time of, 147:3.3 (1649.3)concept regarding, in Hebrew theology, 95:2.10 (1045.3)day, in the teachings of the Mithraic cult, 98:5.4 (1082.5)of a new dispensation, 30:4.11 (341.1)a definition, 10:6.16 (114.17)dispensational, of the realm, at conclusion of Michael’s bestowal, 120:2.4 (1328.1)divine, a definition, 10:6.18 (115.2)fair, administration of justice dependent upon, 119:0.6 (1308.6)a benefit gained by a Creator Son through his actual creature experience, 119:1.3 (1309.4)of God, basis for, 3:2.6 (47.4)character of, 131:2.7 (1445.1), 131:9.2 (1452.6), 133:4.12 (1475.5), 143:2.1 (1609.2)nature of, 162:5.2 (1795.1)group, vs. personal bias, 159:1.6 (1764.1)of his creatures, control of, by a God of love, proof of, 54:4.6 (616.5)Jesus’ mission not one of, 162:5.2 (1795.1), 165:4.10 (1822.5), 174:5.7 (1903.4)mandates of, place of origin of, 15:12.2 (180.3)mass, by Ancients of Days, Gabriel’s relation to, 33:4.6 (370.3)narrowness of, avoidance of, 160:2.7 (1776.1)nature of God’s, 131:9.2 (1452.6), 143:2.1 (1609.2)one appearance of the word, in the Psalms, 95:2.10 (1045.3)roll call, second, of Urantia, 74:2.8 (830.3)setting of, at time of adjudication, 28:6.6 (314.5)tribunals, of Ancients of Days, and decrees of cessation of existence, 2:3.3 (37.1)unwise, a definition, 3:5.15 (52.1)Judicialactions, of Avonals on inhabited worlds, 20:2.5 (225.4), 51:7.1 (587.12), 52:4.3 (594.6)of Magisterial Sons, 20:3.3 (226.3), 51:7.1 (587.12), 52:7.8 (599.4), 55:0.2 (621.2)mechanism of Nebadon, Gabriel supervisor of, 33:7.2 (372.6)system of the local universe, beginnings of, 50:2.5 (573.6)tribunals, Lucifer’s installation of, on the system capital, 53:4.2 (604.4)trusts, on a world in light and life, 55:3.9 (625.8)work of the universe, Master Son not a participant in, 33:7.1 (372.5)Jupiterbrilliance and high temperature of, reason for, 57:5.10 (656.6)critical situation of a moon of, 57:6.5 (658.2)formation of worlds like, 41:10.1 (465.6), 57:5.10 (656.6)and origin of the asteroids, 57:6.5 (658.2)system, time of organization of the, 57:6.6 (658.3)Jupiter of the Latin pantheonidentity, 98:3.3 (1080.5)Jurassicperiod, length of, 60:2.15 (688.7)Jurisdictionof Nebadon, Immanuel’s assumption of, 120:3.11 (1330.6)Jurorssupreme, of Orvonton, 22:4.3 (247.2)Jurysystem, maladministered, a travesty of justice, 22:4.3 (247.2)JustaJesus’ sojourn in the Sidon home of, 156:2.2 (1735.6)Justiceabsolute, Siddhartha’s teaching of a universe of, 94:8.18 (1037.2)adjudication of defaults demanded by, 39:1.8 (428.2)administration of, in accordance with wisdom of the brotherhood, 159:1.6 (1764.1)a Trinity function, 10:5.1 (113.2)agents for meting out of, prior to the state, 70:10.13 (796.3)assurance of, for ascending mortals, 22:3.4 (246.5)attitude of, toward what mercy can save, 54:5.3 (617.3)a cardinal virtue, according to Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle, 98:2.6 (1079.3)certainty of, in a mercy-dominated universe, 54:4.8 (616.7)child of God assured of, 147:3.3 (1649.3)of a Creator God, Moses’ teaching of, 188:4.4 (2016.9)a definition, 10:6.2 (114.3), 10:6.16 (114.17), 10:6.18 (115.2), 188:5.2 (2018.1)Deity representation in domains of, 10:6.16 (114.17)delay in execution of, justification of, 54:4.3 (616.2)disclosure of divinity as, 0:1.17 (3.4)divine, embodiment of understanding mercy in, 2:3.2 (36.7), 39:1.8 (428.2), 174:1.3 (1898.3)eternal, and fairness, 2:4.4 (38.4)evolution of, in human society, 70:10.0 (794.13–796.6)factors in, 54:1.2 (613.4)of God, 2:3.1 (36.6), 2:6.7 (41.5), 131:1.9 (1443.5)the greatness of a nation dependent upon its, 132:4.8 (1462.1)a group function, 104:2.5 (1146.1), 133:1.2 (1469.1)guides, function of, 39:4.4 (434.4)of his condemnation, confession of by the guilty one, 54:3.3 (615.5)human and divine, 133:4.12 (1475.5)inherent in sovereignty of the Paradise Trinity, 10:6.2 (114.3)Jesus’ father-brother spirit of, 127:4.4 (1401.4)man’s concept of, 70:10.1 (794.13)merciful delays of, Lucifer’s reaction to, 53:4.5 (605.2)and mercy, simultaneous ministry of, 2:4.2 (38.2), 39:4.5 (434.5)mercy not a contravention of, 2:4.5 (38.5)nature’s sole type of, 70:10.1 (794.13)of Paradise Trinity, 2:4.5 (38.5), 3:2.14 (48.6), 9:0.3 (98.3), 18:0.10 (207.10), 104:2.5 (1146.1)philosophic connection of, with truth and beauty, 44:7.2 (507.3)a plural function, 10:6.2 (114.3), 104:2.5 (1146.1)precise nature of, as reason for vesting in group, 133:1.2 (1469.1)presentation of, by Those High in Authority, 22:3.4 (246.5)prevailing of, and equality of the sexes, 84:5.3 (936.7)in the long run, 33:7.8 (373.2)occasion for, 21:5.7 (241.1), 28:6.7 (314.6)Orvonton renowned for the manner of, 15:14.2 (182.1)primitive, motives for, 70:11.14 (797.12)relation of, to righteousness, 10:6.18 (115.2)retributive, nondomination of, by divine righteousness, 2:6.6 (41.4)and righteousness, 2:3.0 (36.6–37.4)rule of, in Havona requirements, 14:5.3 (158.6)of Supremacy, and mercy, 2:4.5 (38.5)supreme, domination of, by a Father’s love, 54:5.3 (617.3)tempered by mercy, in Orvonton, 15:14.2 (182.1)tribunals of, on all planets, 50:2.5 (573.6)of the Trinity, relation of, to Universal Father’s love, 9:0.3 (98.3), 10:6.18 (115.2)Justification by faithof Abraham, 150:5.3 (1682.5)man’s, 143:2.6 (1610.1), 150:5.3 (1682.5), 196:3.4 (2094.3)Justusa nominee for the apostolic vacancy, 193:6.2 (2058.1)Justus, the merchant of Corinthplace of business of, employment of younger reformed courtesan in, 133:3.10 (1473.3)sojourns of Apostle Paul in the home of, 133:3.5 (1472.4)visits of Jesus and Ganid in the home of, 133:3.5 (1472.4)wife of, Jesus’ request of, for the two courtesans, 133:3.8 (1473.1)

The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition

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