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Book – III. Panacea novella
Chapter 2


– Word Theo! – The voice of Son notified speech astrophysics. Theo stood up, picked up the paper in a folder and walked slowly to the podium. Hall was staring intently at the young man with a thousand four hundred pairs of eyes. Finally, he went up to the podium. Sometime scribbled leaves rustled. In the guise of it all read that quiet confidence that comes with the wisdom of the venerable scholar.

– Dear colleagues, representatives of their planets. The issues of discussion question of finding intelligent beings … – Hall exploded with indignation, someone even whistled. As the shots rained down replica of his address. Trying to drown Hall, Theo said loudly: – I’ll give you half an hour to vote, and if the majority for, the Bureau will set out the further course of action as early as this


– He hopes to have the Presidency! Hall again buzzed like a beehive. Theo did not fold the paper in the folder, it left the platform the howling audience. In the lobby of the window, which is clearly visible from the area, found his Son.

– I warned you!

– I think our project is all over…

– You need to give the judgment of scientists. Thank God that I know you well, and you satisfied with the Presidency, but to save you is not within our power. Theo looked down. On the cheeks began to play tough nodules, hands clenched in impotent rage beating heart. Son waited, looking at Theo.

– At most times you disappear. Theo looked closely at his colleague.

– I mean canned station disappear until the passions subside. Theo sighed. The Court of scientists – a terrible punishment that deprives many privileges. Unexpected offer Son spoke about and that he would not support Theo if he does not accept that single “Straws” as salvation. The scientist looked at Son. His gray eyes sparkled bewilderment and disappointment. But we must not tarry, otherwise the Council would strike him from its ranks.

– I agree! – Theo curtly.

He came home late. Spent a long time with bulky clothing, removing warm and awkward things in the hallway. A walk in the frost-bound city has calmed somewhat shattered nerves. Theo mouth sighed as the soft dressing gown took him in his arms, and went into the bedroom. Flashing eye signals beamed and darkness of the room, calling host to the phone. Theo reluctantly came up, clicked the button, and the same moment the bell rang.

– Hello! – He said into the phone.

– Oh, is that you? Using A benefits, and we have to cut back on their rations for you!.. – Shouted the man in the tube, a hoarse voice. Theo automatically watered up. Took both hands behind his head and rubbed his temples, eyes, then pulled the cord phone, turn it off. At this time, the doorbell rang.

– A nightmare, no rest because of one stupid mistake. He abruptly pulled the bedroom door and found himself in the blink of an eye at the exit. When the doorway formed a sufficient gap it just got stranger. Hanging by a safety chain, he blurted out:

– Here lives an astrophysicist Theo? – And, looking lively brown eyes, the host continued satisfaction: – Theo, you must listen to me!

– I do not take at night. – Irritated began astrophysicist trying to slam the door. But the stranger leaned into the doorway unto and has wielded it, trying to open the door. Theo did not expect such arrogance, in utter amazement stepped of the door.

– You have to listen to me, or I crack the door! Threatened with a stranger.

– Speak! – Gave Theo. The stranger, a few calmer, began haltingly: – I am a mathematician Pontius! – These words were enough. She remembered the brilliant mathematician working in the field of theoretical modeling of spatial relationships, and Theo was carefully listened.

– I am a mathematician Pontius! – He repeated! – I was able to prove existence of unbalanced energy systems and calculate the receiver of this energy-trap. With that he brought to the door parcel gap: – Here is the model, we have to show you. The mysterious behavior of Pontius instilled in Theo hope that that the mathematician does not know anything about the incident to the Council, and he strongly rejected the chain and opened the door.

– Come in, Pontius! Nervously, mathematician took off his clothes. Soon they were sitting in the bedroom Theo at the table, on which Pontius demonstrated his invention. Theo listened absently. He knew of outstanding abilities guest, but also knew about his fanatical obsession with achieving the goals. Thus, letting mathematics, decided to get rid of him, when he finally ran out. Meanwhile Pontius continued: – And deflected arrow pharmacy scales. What is this energy? I asked myself the same question … – Theo was not listening. He thought about Leah. Now that threatened his name, he had become an alcoholic in space as junk, and she, what will happen to her? Dream warned not to tell anyone, even Lee. The image of girl with green as turquoise, light brown eyes and a lush waterfall curly hair standing in the imagination of the unfortunate Theo. The words of Pontius against it heard before consciousness as the roar of the storm in the warm ocean latitudes Su.

– The light heats up … – Continued to Pontius. And then for the first time he glanced at the impassive face of Theo. On the curious, with a slightly upturned nose, the face of mathematics reflected gloomy grimace. He sat silently for a moment, studying astrophysics, then slammed

with all his might with his fist on the table. Devices jumped on the table, glass of water and poured down a bathrobe. Theo woke up: – Have you finished? – He asked harshly.

– No, I’m used to being listened to me! – Retorted Pontius. Gritting his teeth, Theo looked questioningly at the math: – Begin! – He commanded. Pontius resumed the story, which was finished in four in the morning. In parting, the mathematician said: – I left you a description of the device and your phone. I will be keep track of your actions, just try not to report to the Council about it, I guarantee you trouble.Theo said nothing, his face flashed a smile that immediately replaced the seal of bitterness… In his haste, he picked up a box with the device Pontius.

At the entrance it was waiting for the machine and Lyon. It was early morning, or rather, five hours. LeAnn huge petals hanging from the ceiling at the front door of the house. It was terrifying to watch streaming couples cloud melts into the corridor. Theo strongly pushed the front door and found himself in the bitter cold. Her cheeks burned, instantly cold fingers touched on the feet and toes, securely sheltered fur. Almost running Theo moved to the machine, and soon found himself inside. Warmth and comfort inside the car was removed from the soul Theo almost the entire gravity of the situation.

– Well, I’m not going with you! – Said by way of greeting Dream

– You know the way. By the tone of his colleagues and the intense gaze Theo realized that the last line in their relationship broke. Now that dream can have regrets about his proposal to take refuge in the station. But their actions do not return, and then Theo did not refuse, even though sleep was confident that Theo refuses, offer him asylum. Hope for Leah did not pay off. Astrophysics position in the Academic Council Theo satisfied, as can be seen, more than a feeling. With this in mind, Son leave the aircraft Theo… Plant-based platform or station was first seen small point of light among the brightest stars. But this little dot all increased our eyes, growing up in a chaotic pile heaps of metal. Individual parts of the station began to appear when Theo brought his camera at a distance of about one kilometer. The gloom prevailed in the womb of the factory buildings, only the perimeter station were burning red lights that indicate overall contours. Ten minutes later he was standing on the launch pad factory, specify the location. Finding your way around, Theo went to the apartment complex. The rhythmic steps of magnetic soles suit making it similar to a mechanical robot. Inside the apartment complex darkness reigned, except for those same red lights that marked lanes, loopholes, hatches and stairs, passages and doors. This is the so-called reference lighting helped found in the case of need a particular piece of plant-plant or the right body. At the door labeled “CONTROL” Theo paused, groping code keyboard on the left wall. Suddenly the red light above entrance door shimmered and sank, forming a black box space. Cosmonaut entered. At the same moment the door closed and heard the familiar hiss of the air-fuel mixture. Inside the “gateway” on the wall flashed word “space suit can be removed.” But Theo did not do so because of excessive precautions and went into the hallway of the residential complex. He has chosen among the many empty room with a large double bed and centrifugal gravity. Immediately turned on the unit, which regulates weight. The room swayed a little, began cranking. Blood slowly moved away from the head. In his temples pounding stopped. When the weight of Theo became such as Gaia, he took off his suit and found himself in an almost habitual terrestrial conditions. Only now, he felt completely safe, moreover, in his hands by chance was now the chairman of the Presidium of the Union of planets Dream. Pride warm wave warmed the hidden corners of selfishness. Theo started from these thoughts, he drove them, but still had an uneasy feeling in it. Tired of recent days, tension gave to know. The eyelids themselves turned a blind eye, and utterly overwhelmed by fatigue, he went to bed without removing overalls… From that moment time stood still for Theo. He did not want notice its current expectation of something unknown to him so unusual voluntary confinement. The residential unit has a library with a set of all kinds of literature, videos and live recordings. Theo was not bored. At first, he read everything that was stored there. Featuring the art of speed reading, he did it without spending much time reading every day for five hundred pages. Here’s a video discs was more difficult. And when their stock is over, Theo looked at himself in the mirror. At first he was not sure who was looking at him. Something furry with black “spade” beard and gray eyes blazing. Unwittingly recoiled. From the look he came to himself: – Yes, how much time I’ve been stuck here? He has verified the clock with an electronic stopwatch station. No cheating. It took six months, and the Son did not even ask them. Yes, he is chairman of the firm touched his consent. Again, self-esteem gently touched the breast. Pleased with himself, Theo went to the bathroom. Quoting yourself in an immaculate appearance, he decided to have a feast. And gave herself a sumptuous dinner. Instantly analyzer being issued on the scoreboard figure 12.

– Wow! – Theo marveled. Yes, twelve pounds overweight – it’s not normal. Thoughts involuntarily began to return to Gaia. What’s going on now? The Council decided that? Nothing, even a hundredth particle of excess energy it cannot take advantage of instantly control services will fix the leak, and its seclusion will end. Emergency supply, which it uses virtually inexhaustible for the plant, as it is given the star. That’s why some external communication with Gaia is not possible.

On the third day from the very moment that they were all already read and watched Theo felt myself in a strange loneliness. And darted across the room from wall to wall, like a hunted animal.

There were moments when I wanted to howl in anguish, not care at all and return to the bitter cold. But the idea that he was waiting for industrial plants deep underground, is sobering raging consciousness. One morning he got up and, not knowing what he was doing, was put on the suit. The legs themselves at an accelerated pace and raced to the door just at the exit, he woke up.

– Stop, get back! – Ordered himself. And barely restraining himself from rush back to the room. Forced to take off the suit. Then tied himself scraps screwed to the bed sheets. So was twelve o’clock. He untied the knots.

– Just a little exercise. Oh, numb feet. He stood up. Started shivering. Large drops of sweat on his face and sunken cheeks. Now, his weight did not get and thirteen kilograms to normal. And the time has come. Theo decisive movement opened the door quickly, without a suit and headed for the airlock. Opened the door was safely in her. When the door closed behind him and air mixture with a hiss devastated the area in Theo suddenly woke up lust for life. He feverishly, in a fit of choking, stopped the pumping, losing consciousness. And he came and himself only when the fateful door was open, revealing a way out into the hallway. He got squat out of the chamber, overpowering nausea, disappointment and tears. Lying on the bed, gave vent to his feelings. Sobs choked Theo. He felt he was going mad. In a fit of rage on his feet, darted from wall to wall. This went on for quite a while, until fell prostrate on the floor, his head buried in the closet door, where was a suit. Theo came out of an uncomfortable situation. What is painfully pressed into the crown. He turned his head and saw a cardboard box with the device Pontius. He could not believe his eyes. Suddenly remembered a mathematician obsessed with his idea and the unit. Then the invention seemed somehow delusional, crazy theory utopian dreaming in one fell swoop to solve the energy crisis of the planetary system. Now the tears of joy streaming down checks. He carefully as precious cargo, opened the box and took out a voluminous notebook with a description of the device. And then, sitting on the floor and began to read. Ns soon got up and sat on the bed, then moved over desk. Since then, life changed Theo. He became calm. Followed by their actions and carefully executed routine, composed by him for himself. One day, “morning”, he left the room and returned only at the “evening”, hungry, but full of vitality and energy. Even yesterday, Theo was doomed, today he could not believe in his resurrection. Pontius invention made it possible to come back and come back a hero. And to achieve this goal, he began, not sparing himself, to carry out his plan. The station became gradually transformed. Material for the construction of an autonomous power system on the principle of the invention, Pontius was here in abundance, and after six months the plant-based platform can automatically issue a whole blocks for starships. His department could operate at full capacity, using the energy unbalanced system that got Theo, having built a receiver-transmitter. Energy drain from the Union of the planets did not register control services. A favorable conditions of a free hand. astrophysics. And it’s time to express yourself. Again hit the laceration poor head wanderer. To bring to the Union would mean opening to be a hero, but the Dream could use the invention to their advantage. After all, he hid Theo at the station. And at any moment Son could declare this Union of Planets, and then he and Theo, and sleep becomes a hero, a poor man Pontius will remain anonymous. What a time to plant a harsh cruel laws of the struggle for survival. Theo knew that in his hands. One receiver, God knows where, takes energy and converts it into electrical power by replacing completely sufficient to power the station. How can circumvent Son, declare himself a Union that could to him? Theo did not know. He thought a long time sitting at a desk, remote control receiver. Fell as an unexpected problem out of the blue, and then there’s the ever-increasing flow of energy. Crystal converter warmed up until white. You should turn off Receiver otherwise burn unit. Theo pressed the “stop”. As soon as the finger touched a button, instant puffed from Theo piece to the wall. He hit his head hurt. When consciousness returned, it was hard to understand what happened. However, after examining the external Space cameras connection, it is clear that the receiver-transmitter of energy exploded. He frantically sorts through options, how to understand what happened. And all evolved so brilliantly! He – the owner of the secrets of energy. He hands out of breath by the crisis planets her life-giving current. As all this was real – and collapsed like a house of cards in an instant. Yes, handle it alone cannot do. Theo, groaning, standing on the chair. Aching head and speech, ill bruised areas. Do not hurry, he put on the suit and slowly walked to the gateway. A few minutes later he was standing in blown up the receiver, with interest examining eradicated pieces of metal and debris stuck in the launch pad. With undisguised concern he inspected the mine with an aircraft inside. The car remained intact, debris stuck in hermetic doors.

– And that, if you sit down and even directly to the chairman’s office? The idea is so firmly stuck into the brain, what to do with it, he could not have anything. The unrest swept Theo. Tenderly, like a gentle a living being, he stroked his flying disc. Through the transparent canopy, as if in answer to him, the flashing green status LED. Peering into their garlands, he became convinced that the machine is in order that costs him inside out and press the wrong button and… He found himself thinking that even within the disk, and that no the force of his will not stop the machine is already taxiing out of the mine Ready… Ideas put forward to save a lot. From the absurd, which cost excluded from the Council of scientists and forgetting their “parents” to practically unfeasible. These include the interesting idea of mathematics Pontius, who complained to the Presidency, that this idea has stolen Theo, Song blushed. After all, he sent astrophysics at the station, and if he announced he would be the end. Since then, sleep was afraid to think about the station, and mathematics ridiculed by all scientists, calling it a Utopian, but Pontius said then that only the opening save the Union by the disaster and proudly left the Council. Son sat in his office. Thoughts, one disturbing the other, tormented scientist. Year has passed since disappeared Key, a year has passed since the scientists’ marking time. No decisions had been taken. All that was on offer is not feasible. Sun this year has cooled further, and the temperature dropped to Gaia than the five degrees of the ancient calculus. At this very moment, and appeared on the verge of Theo. Sleep is slowly pulled up from the papers lead look and stare the newcomer. In the corner of the room evenly ticking grandfather clock, for the window was the polar silence. Bold met him a clear view Theo. Silent duel was delayed. The first could not resist sleep.

– How dare you come here? – He got up from his chair, his voice lost its usual bland baritone and hissed like a Boiling makers.

– Do not you know that we’re finished?

– Look, Son, appearing here has forced me to practice incarnation of discovery.

– And, it’s the flash? Look, here’s a telegram control service. As soon as I disable flight inspection station. After all, even a schoolboy clear that the explosions themselves do not happen.

– Yes, listen to me! – Theo suddenly yelled and slapped on the table. Sleep was taken aback by the unexpected attack, stared at Theo, then added quietly: – Why, now we get out together. And then there’s this Guy. – Try to distract Theo failed.

– A Guy? – Grasped the theory of saving Straw reconciliation.

– Out on a starship with twenty five accomplices, ignoring the Union.

– Yeah? – Held an astrophysicist! – And how do you not? -Again Theo raised his voice. Sleep dramatically stopped him

– Do you have something for us? – Deliberately making it clear that his fate is now in the hands of Theo.

– Yes! I conducted practical experiments. I was able to convert the energy into electricity unbalanced system. I even it nourishes the station regardless of the energy system of the Union.

– Is nonsense. If so, why did not you say so far?

– Have a good reason! – Rudely said Theo! – Listen to me, finally! – He pleaded. Sleep carefully listened, his head propped on his right hand.

– Current energy is increasing, but the strangest thing happened after I turned off the radio-transmitter, the explosion occurred.

– Oh, that’s the cause of the explosion. You almost ruined it himself and me.

– Look, Son, it is necessary to invite Pontius. This is his brainchild, and He, I am sure, will be able to modify the receiver.

– I do not believe it. But if this is so, then we are saved. Little that. The Union will be able to get out of the crisis, and we become heroes.

– I’m not looking laurels for himself! – Pompously said Theo, for the first time felt a part Son, and along with a firm footing. Son found Pontius easily half frozen in the basement, where he moved as a sign of excessive energy waste. The apartment where he lived, mathematician, Service control has detected the use of electricity to bypass the meter. Immediately followed by punishment. When Theo mentioned the name of mathematics. Dream a little flushed. But Theo did not notice anything, astrophysicist Son not suspect anything. And he put his hand to the survival of Pontius, as an undesirable witness his relationship with Theo. And God knows how a mathematician would end if it were not for Theo. Son grunted when he saw a cold basement hunched figure of the tenant. Pontius brown eyes flashed out of round glasses. Realizing at last, who is in front of him, got up from the old chair. Sitting at the same time issued a shrill screeching. Dream winced.

– What brings you here? – Pontius said sarcastically. His long gray scarf down on paper covered with mathematical formulas. Dream expectantly silent, letting the owner to recover. Then began.

– I came to apologize, Pontius. Before taking your invention, it was necessary to test it in practice

execution. Pontius pale eyes. His stumbled face was covered large drops of sweat. He grabbed his right hand greasy collar of his white shirt. The top button came off and plopped down at the feet of Son. He looked at her, then looked up at the math.

– Secondly it from my home! – Pontius hissed. Son turned his back and calmly walked over to the sink with a tap. He took a glass from the shelf, shook out his bunch of toothbrushes. Then, thoroughly rinsed, took some water and gave the math.

– Come on, have a drink and chill out. Pontius took a squeaky chair, draining his glass in one fell swoop. His head fell helplessly into his arms.

– Pontius, drop the personal insults, in moments, scary moments when humanity is facing imminent death, you break comedy. You are committing a crime against…

– Well, that’s enough! – Glass pieces. – You’re the chairman, a nonentity, but you’re right. Personal insults are nothing in comparison with the crisis. Come on!.. And Theo this day was especially lonely. Heart burst longing for Leah. He walked through the streets of the city. It was summer. The weather was disgusting. Frequent cold showers were followed by gusty winds. The temperature barely rose past the critical freezing point of water. The young man did not shoot the film almost transparent cloak and thick felt hat. At the entrance of the familiar home another woman waiting for him.

– Hello, Theo!

– Hello, Noah!

– Heard from Lea?

– You know, Noah, how do you explain this? Well, in general, with have no connection.

She took the busy frightened eyes. Dark brown, they were especially beautiful in the blink tears trembling.

– Noah, it’s natural to understand. Within our galaxy they need to develop speed.

– No, you’re hiding something? She’s dead, I can feel it!

– Yes, Noah.

The girl burst into tears, began to tremble all over. Theo tried to calm her down.

– Noah, I do not say so. She is now in a state of suspended animation.

– What is it?

– This is an artificial retardation of the whole organism. The girl bit her handkerchief corner. Tears flowed in streams, lost in rain drops on the gun cheek. Theo suddenly wanted to gently hold her close to comfort. After all, at heart he was going the same thing, only he held bravely endured the loss.

– No, Noah, you need to try to seek salvation of us all together. After all, according to our calculations, the spaceship is scheduled to arrive in eighteen years.

– O as it is awful. After Leah was everything to me. She again hid her face under a black veil and nervously wiped her tears with a handkerchief scented.

– Noah, go for it now.

– You said to her, as if she’s waiting for?

– Let’s getting up there. There will be easier. After all, she’s alive.

– Yes, yes. – Agreed to Noah and entered the porch. Theo opened the apartment door and let the first girl, then went after him. He helped her out of her coat, the coat. Undressed himself.

– Please go to the room, and I’ll get coffee. She sat down in the chair at the coffee table and began to leaf through a photo album. When Theo came in with a tray and cups of coffee on it. November

was asleep, leaning back in his chair. Careful not to wake the girl, he put the tray on the table, but the telltale sound of cups woke her up.

– O, where I am? The girl looked around, remembered all. Again, his eyes filled with tears.

– Noah, take coffee. But she took the album. In the picture they were together. Woman dazzling good smile on the azure sea, and Theo stood in the middle. Sparkling joy was in full swing from happy faces.

– And, Su!

– Yes, the resort in Nai.

– Yes, then flatly refused to fly without you.

– And rightly so. And you’re good, I tear apart us.

– No, Noah. But understand, because I felt the third everywhere.

– Well, nothing. Yes, a woman’s heart is not clear even the its owner. Theo thought. November Leia remembered again and began to cry. Out softly falling snow. It was a wet fall weather; summer is not appropriate pore. The planet was losing heat. Theo came to his home after midnight. When he came in, his mother was waiting.

– Son, you’re going to eat?

– No, Mom. Thank you. He anxiously went to his room, splashing indoor slippers, and my mother, always restless, went to bed. Theo office looked more like a laboratory or library there was so much stuffed with everything: appliances, and books, and the wall entirely made up of a mosaic keypad. The most notable was the subject of the table. He seemed to hover in the middle of the room. But it was side, but when you look at it from above, Tabletops was a mosaic of all the same buttons and flashing lights. Theo sat on a swivel chair at this table and began consider the table.

– No, it did not cause anything. Does not anyone know? Dropped it once, he’s focused, then pressed a key. Hologram broke out of the room.

– What do you need?

– Your “child” explodes. You know it?

– Yes, but so what?

– You live in a paradise environment, eat, drink, stout out how and when will be the result?

– I did not ask to be resettled, and generally did not ask me when the discovery was stolen.

Theo flushed, frowned and was silent. Pontius had enough, and he turned off the relationship.

“What is this idiot doing?” He jumped up from his chair and nervously pacing the room. Force can only earn Pontius himself, understood it and dream. And yet, it is necessary that you take.

Suddenly, the screen flashed, and again there was a person of Pontius.

– Yeah, well, I’m listening to? – It asked absently.

Theo wasted no time, he began to speak: – What causes the system to equilibrate?

– Like what? The forces of resistance, of course.

– And what is this power?

– Do not ask a lot of children’s issues, Theo. And let’s hurry, I really want to sleep.

– I’m sorry, Pontius, these start-ups I just crazy gone.

– No, nothing, I too have over-run… The screen went out. Pontius, a sigh of relief, was able to sleep. Theo reached, then yawned. Electronic clock showed two in the morning. Tightly wrapped in a terry-cloth robe, he went Communication from the room to the bedroom.

He dreamed of wide seas, warm azure sea and Lea. Planet Su. The only place where there is warmth, their granary, and the last resting place. November grabbed her hand and pulled her into the sea. Theo rested struggling, he wanted to be with Leah, he was drawn to her, lying on the sea beach, but vise squeezing hands stronger, dragging him into the abyss of the sea. Persistent honking communication haunted until Theo opened his eyes. The receiver on the bracelet hours gave the signal. There were four in the morning. Theo was rubbing his eyes and went into his shorts in the room connection. Hologram on the screen it looked forward to Pontius.

– What is sleep?

– Fall asleep here. You gave me the task.

– So what? – Trying as much as possible indifferent asked Theo,

– And those that have a source of energy unbalanced system.

– How do you define? – Dream vanished. Theo finally woke up, turned on the attention, listening.

Extremely excited, Pontius continued: – If you turn the top next to a glass of water, the water in the glass will be heavier as long as the spinning top.

– What, then becoming the norm?

– Of course. I tried after the connection with you, and then built a mathematical model of the computer and that issued the decision.

– I wonder how to keep her in good condition?

– It’s me you should ask as astrophysics. You did after all worked with a huge number of unbalanced power systems Outer space.

– Pontius, let’s think about the cause of the explosion receiver. Is it possible to catch the limited space of the current energy? After all, it is almost limitless, and then…

– Theo did not know rejoice in the discovery or not, because the receiver is practically yet.

– Hey, Theo, while on the existence of its only react pharmacy scales, so we have a practical impact on the current gravity.

– But we do not know what gravity is, until now.

– Yes, but we can build a receiver of this energy with the stopper.

– How?

– Here is the calculation. – Triumphant voice said water them.

– You figured the project?

– While a mathematical model.

– A practical, how you can make adjustable receiver?

– While this is a project, but can be done by applying a rare mineral, or rather, a natural rock crystal spar.

– You mean the telescope?

– Yeah, something like that. To alter a bit. Like, I have not I know, but it is necessary to conduct the experiment and enter into the scheme of mineral. I mean, he’s changed and highlights the electrical energy.

– I will notify the Council.

– Theo, I’m a mathematician. This is not the instrument.

– Water them, there’s no time on the theory, we need to put into practice the ideas, the sooner the better.

– Well, Theo. But, as if it does not? Theo was not listening, he jumped up from his chair, excitedly began to pace the room. Then sat down at the console. He gathered his thoughts for a long time. Lain down on the bridge of a deep wrinkle. Lips tight succumbed, her cheeks pale. The index finger of the right hand froze on the red button that says “Contact” And, having decided finally clicked. The screen white hair Son.

– What’s so early? – Asked the chairman. His eyes were red from sleepless nights. Every mind Planets Union feverishly looking for a new kind of energy. Doing this and Son rather pretended involved.

– Pontius calculated the mathematical model of unbalanced power systems and the theoretical calculation of the receiver variable.

– Knowing you, I cannot answer it seriously.

– So, Son, please, give us the opportunity to conduct experiments in this direction.

– What is it you need?

– Just a little. Platform-factory in the cosmos, my former asylum.

– Correctly say, Theo, it is necessary to look far ahead. I and weigh everything and give you.

– When?

– In three to four days will contact the Council on the planets and give an answer

– I’m waiting. The screen faded. Theo excitedly pacing the room. He almost did not sleep that night. But the night brought him a fresh current of action.

Book-3. Panacea novella

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