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Book – VI. Chain reaction, novella
Chapter 6


General woke up first. On the wall clock was exactly 7:00 in the morning. In shorts and a T- shirt, he sneaked into the bathroom and there is a long dabbled in the shower. Then, refreshed and cheerful into the living room. Sobinov still sleeping on a folding chair. Garin looked at him. And quietly, so as not to wake anyone, went to the balcony. The sun was shining, the light flooding the towers of the Kremlin, be visible here, and Red Square, the cordon police patrol. Moscow was preparing for a military parade in honor of Victory Day. On this festive day in May on May 9, the sun in some special warmed by its rays Bridge Red Square, the tender leaves of blossoming buds on the trees Garden Ring and soul festively- minded people. At the bottom, where looked Garin, the company car is still did not have:

– Here’s a tomboy! – Somehow not angry, cursed by paternal General. Again he quietly made his way into the room, took out his cell phone from cover leather trousers hanging on his belt, and went back to the balcony.

The driver felt sleepy ringing cell phone, which was lying on the cabinet next to the bed:

– Hello! – In the tube the voice of General:

– Vasily, where are you? – At the driver did not hesitate to blurt out:

– ’m Stuck in a traffic jam!

– Something your plug lasts indefinitely?

– So after a holiday, all overlapped around!

– There is nothing to solder in my brain, you have a special permit, for it can even Red Square during the parade go by! Immediately, get out of bed and to me, if you do not want to lose your job! I’ll give you thirty minutes!

– Yes, Comrade General! – Nervously blurted out the driver. He listened for a minute short beeps in the tube, finally waking up. Then, quickly, on the military, jumped out of bed and, without washing, got dressed.

– You, where at this hour? – Sleepily, stretching in bed, awakened by his wife asked.

On- call, you have to be!

Again, you come, when those traits? – She growled, turning on the right side.

– Yes! I come! And where I can find a job, and to permit, and facilities, are you still reproach? – Grumbling, he hurried out of the apartment.

In the car, on the go Vasily took out the glove box and a battery- powered electric shaver started shaving. At the crossroads of his stopped patrol first:

– Your documents?

The driver showed a pass. The policeman was carefully considered little red book with solid red seals, then brought her back and gave the command. Two employees discovered the passage. Volga followed further. Exactly thirty minutes later the car drove up to the entrance of the house, where there was a flat Krazimov…

After giving the driver acceleration, Garin dialed control dacha economy. In the tube, hoarse voice of the manager:

Mayor Eremenko listening!

– Welcome, Comrade Major! Happy holiday! This is Lieutenant General Garin! I have a summer house number twenty- three. Prepare. I will stay five days with me two of my co- worker! Are there any questions? – Pausing General listened.

– Oh no! – Major blurted out – you just congratulations on the Victory! And immediately give an indication that all was as it should be prepared. Bed time, two fridges… – he started to list all that fond of the General booze and snacks, and rest in the country. But Garin has not listened to it:

«It’s time to wake up the team» – he thought about his friends, he entered the room. He put on his pants, shirt, then walked over to Peter and patted him on the cheek:

– A? What! – Peter opened his eyes. Saw a general – Comrade General, where I?

– Do not worry, you’re in good hands! – Jokingly replied Garin. Peter realized where he was and friendly laughter filled the room. At this time in the bedroom doorway seemed Leonid.

– Congratulations, my friends! – His sallow face, an expression of suffering from a hangover.

– Immediately to the kitchen! Commanded the general. All three of them, he found himself in the kitchen, looked at each other in surprise. There’s a glass on the kitchen table was a brandy. This Garin poured the remains of cognac in a crystal wine glasses, when everyone was still asleep:

– For Victory! – They had a drink together. Leonid felt like alcohol syndrome and nausea, somewhere failed and disappeared.

Well, comrades, – began to speak Garin – all about all, thirty minutes! The parade will look on the big plasma torch in my country house! All – looking for order in the wrist watch commander, ordered, – the time has gone!

The guests began to gather. The general was already ready to go:

– Leon, tell Anna that I will take away for five days, that’s an order! – Garin and headed for the door – I’ll wait in the car!

All right, we will, as soon as possible! – Leonid answered for himself and for Peter, who at that time was taking a shower in the bathroom.

– Leon! – From the bedroom he heard a sleepy voice Ani – You’ve already got?

Yes, dear! – Leonid returned to the bedroom and told his wife that he would be in the country Garinov. At that Anya said with Dima and Anna Sobinova they will live on their departmental dacha in Peredelkino…

Machine, rustling tires, raced outside Moscow highway in the direction of the village general’s Cottages. The village has arisen recently. As conceived by senior officers of the Armed Forces, this corner of privacy for the generals was a must. Since the conditions of developed capitalism, when the senior army officers to see the luxurious mansions wealthy nouveau riche, to be honest, thoughts begin to go to the citizen. And each of them is not present and think: «And after all, I could put together and more than one million militaries if I do not!» This confusion and hesitation in the minds of the generals decided to put an end once and for all. The State Duma was forced into the budget funds for the construction of a holiday village. And the luxurious mansions were built in the pine forest, near the old bed of the Moscow River, filled with clean and clear water. In this small town, surrounded by three- meter fence and guarded day and night, was laid asphalt road. And now the service for senior executives Army could seem somewhat honey. Has to want to serve, and patriotism have regained its former strength of spirit…

The mansion at number 23 was isolated and Major General Garinov for meritorious service to the Fatherland as a sign of a successful space exploration together with awarding him the next rank. Taking advantage of his position, is not Major General and Lieutenant General Garin insisted on separating cottages and Russian hero Colonel Krazimov, which was done only Krazimov dacha in Peredelkino was allocated the number 10. At his country house newly baked Lt. Gen. been rare. His frightening loneliness. Being alone with him, his soul began to creep into the sad and painful thoughts about the lost son and his wife departed early. It was becoming unbearable loneliness and stay for a day or two of his dacha three, he interrupted the holiday and returned to Baikonur to his place of service, where for a current affairs forgotten by the tragedy that fell to his lot.

The situation is different now. He and his young friend’s colleagues. You can relax and consult on the future of his destiny, life expectancy in retirement. Actually this, he invited and Krazimova and Sobinova to him.

Mansion No. 23 was built in the latest Western fashion. The architecture of the building was borrowed from the American colleague’s generals who had their own public house, with a difference only in the fact that the Russian military retirement giving back to the state. On the contrary, our American colleagues, remained lifelong use.

The mansion at number 23 was shielded high fence painted in dark brown color. Metal gates with automatic opening system, led to the territory of the mansion and opened the entrance to a spacious courtyard with a garden and a lawn near the house. Under the house has a garage and a stone wall, lined with granite boulders wine cellar with a whole collection of different varieties of wine, cognac and champagne bottles with the refined. In the wine cellar you can go down a metal spiral staircase waging of a spacious living room with fireplace. This space and the interior was similar to the cottage garden Krazimov. The same bar, desk and shelves crammed with expensive drinks, reflected in the mirrored wall.

When guests came into the living room fireplace is blazing, next to the mat lay a bunch of oak firewood.

– Here is my refuge! – Widely spreading his hands, said Garin – Let’s go, I’ll show you where those who will live!

He led the friends to the second floor sweeping staircase, where there were three bedrooms. Little room, however, were small, with double beds, clean cleaned with fresh linen bed. All three went out the door into the hallway as playgrounds, topped with a window, under which was a leather sofa. On this site, a kind of corner you can read the rest, smoke a cigar, who liked to smoke, or watch interesting programs on TV, which stood in a corner under a palm tree that was growing in a decorative ceramic pot. Bedroom Garinov was twice bedrooms guests and had a balcony. That’s the whole layout of house, except for a small closet in the hallway, where they were carefully placed accessories for fishing. In the living room by the fireplace still standing bookcases with books, in lonely hours Garin loved to read, and on the coffee table that stood by the cabinet, record questions that should be addressed at the service. In the living room, except for the coffee table, next to the bookcase has been set yet, and a table with a computer connected to the Internet, standing next to a red telephone on your desk governmental communications. After inspection of the premises, guests gathered in the living room.

Nuka- and see what Major Eremenko us here prepared! – Garin went behind the bar and pulled out of the fridge- liter jar marinated meat for barbecue. Picking up the jar over his head, said:

– And here is the barbecue! Come, Let us now!

Skewers were in the bag near the refrigerator. When everyone went out into the yard, there are smoked BBQ, standing next to a table with a clean oilcloth on it.

– Nuka, friends, help!

Sobinov engaged barbecue, Garin Leonid steel string kebabs under the cheerful chirping of birds of spring, but in May the warm breeze. For these classes found their driver, who had already put the Volga River in the garage:

– Alexei h can already you do not need? – He asked shyly.

Yes, Vasily, you cannot worry about, just five days!

– Thank you, Comrade General!

– Not at all, and with the holiday, you!

– And you! – The driver said, and withdrew.

Parade begins at ten zero, now nine- thirty! – Putting kebabs with strung on skewers with meat on grill, said Garin – and have time to cook kebabs and drink for the Victory Day in our World «Capital»!

Victory Day observed all three, as it should. And watched the parade on a wide screen plasma torch hanging on the wall above the fireplace. And they talk revolved around family issues and relationships, such as why Sobinova still do not have children. Do the Krazimov to have another child, and why Elsa Eduardovna not want to leave the children in Germany and many other things, carefully avoiding talk of resignation Garinov. Was broadcast on the plasma torch is a concert of the Kremlin Palace, wall clock showed 23 hours and 30 minutes, and all sleepy, as impacted almost sleepless night. It was decided to get a good sleep. And friends, in turn, went to the shower and went from room to room.

Garin has not been able to sleep. His tormented by the question about the upcoming retirement. What will happen to him, with his pupils, the problem of torsion fields, threatening its unpredictability and recklessness of the Academic Council. Imperceptibly came a dream, and he is not feeling as strong sleep healthy sleep is not an old man of sixty- two- year…

Through the open window of the bedroom where, sprawled on the bed, still asleep sweet dream Krazimov, flew titmouse. It fluttered to the wooden headboard and knocked on wood beak back, then loudly chanted:

Civic! Chive- hic! – And flew in the window towards a radiant spring sunshine. Leonid opened his eyes. Groping found on the clothes cabinet wristwatch and saw the time. It was already 11:00 am. Realizing that for so long was asleep on his feet and went out into the corridor. In the bedroom Sobinova was not. There was no Garinov. This puzzled him. Scratched his head and waving his hand in confusion, went into the bathroom to take a shower. At this time the head of yesterday drunk alcohol does not hurt. On the contrary there was a feeling of cheerfulness and tidal forces. Leonid, standing under a shower, concluded that the clean air pine trees went in his favor, and that his wife and son would be helpful to rest in Peredelkino. While he talked like that, and getting out of the shower in the house heard voices. This Garin and Sobinov returned from a fishing trip with three weighty carp. Fish tails beat and grabbed the air, alternately opening their mouths.

Book-6. Chain reaction, novella

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