Читать книгу Scary tales of adult life - Валентина Басан - Страница 2

The second fairy tale. Hype


Alexandra Rygotina went to Instagram and opened her profile. Million. The long-awaited million. Who are all these people? Fans? Haters? Watchers? Two million of eyes look at her every day. They watch her like a lab rat, what she eats, how she sleeps, where she goes, who she's friends with. When the rating of statistics begins to fall and views are reduced, she gives them food for little minds. And after that she watches them, their reactions, they are rats behind the glass, and from time to time she throws them a piece of meat in the form of hype. She liked this fashionable English word, she even took the time to translate it in Google translator: agiotage. It's about her. A simple girl from the village, without manners, education, or culture. She came to the district town, got a job as a waitress in the tavern "Golden chest". After sleeping with a fat and bald client, Aleksandra bought her very first iPhone, the first sign of a successful girl. And by downloading the Instagram app, she discovered a new, beautiful, glamorous, rich world of chicks who ate lobsters on yachts, drank Veuve Clicquot champagne against the backdrop of European attractions, and ordered coffee at Starbucks near Trump tower.

Scary tales of adult life

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