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Who were Celestials?


I will reveal to you, Gilgamesh, a thing that is hidden, a secret of the Gods I will tell you!

From Sumerian Epic Tales

There is the ancient Knowledge, which is reflected in Sumerian and in Egyptian texts, in Slavic and in Indian Vedic texts, and even in tales of the American Indians, and the ancient Knowledge is about the technologically advanced civilization of Celestials, which existed on Earth very long time ago, together with people. Celestials had biological and physiological features similar to ours.

The ancient texts comprise multiple evidences of marriages between humans and Celestials, where both males and females were from both sides.

Mari El, an area in Russia, according to once folk tale, was given its name to commemorate the marriage between a human, who married Mari, the daughter of El the Celestial!

As a matter of fact, the word El, or Elohim, has the meaning «Saint», «Divine», and it is associated with God. This might easily be the name of one of the first rulers among Anunnaki the Celestials, who is also known as the kind God with names Ea, Enki, Poseidon, Elulim; the Slavic Vedas refer to him as to the Lel the Loveful, whose reign in Eridu lasted for 28800 years, and who has multiple progenies, including from those from the Earth women. Other rulers among Anunnaki the Celestials also reigned for tens of thousands years.

The fact, that there are peoples among those living in Russia for thousands years, who did not break their association with their ancient past, makes me proud. Those peoples are at least aware of their true origins, and their future is promising.

Mistake of Gods. Warning against experiments with human genome

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