Читать книгу Law, constant and formula of reason. Matrix. Information. Thoughts aloud. Law of Absurdity - Valery Abdullovich Asadov - Страница 26



According to the Matrix (a gang of computer programs) that life on our planet proceeded according to programs, it is necessary to compound all courses of life, all live and lifeless (though not live, too actually live) objects. Each course of life, it as highway, with signs of traffic, the prevention, interdictions, reminders. Therefore astrologists and other views of foretellers can calculate a trajectory of each object. But as there is a variation of activities of each object then, there is a certain error in predictions. The matrix can in spotted the moment (when game was at a deadlock or the undesirable variant of game has gone) to erase some courses (some years, tens years or centuries) and to prolong a new variant of game. But we will not note it, after all in this case us will erase and will copy anew, as files. The present history of mankind can be written three variants: By means of a time machine, by means of devices removing the information from objects, or by means of removal of the information from the Noosphere. But to change the future it is impossible, how, even by means of a time machine. The past too. Small updating and change of some inappreciable events is possible. But errors, and crimes it is impossible to change and correct sins in the past. My acquaintance has made experiment on the young guy. It has spent it in a trance on its antecedents, for 150 years to the past and in future to his death. But it has made a major error, he has learnt, how and when he will die. It in some years, will kill a knife in the street in a city when it will go with the girl. And here it has made still a major error. He has solved to change the future, having run away from a city. And here it it is impossible to do in no event. Now he will die (at present, for a long time already is dead) as the matrix will make it, but the death will be much more awful, than should be. But it could, as to delay or as, to change, the future. Than that to offer or strongly to fulfil, отстрадать. There is the audio record of this session very interesting and unusual enough. There is a wide experience on updatings of the past at Victor Rogozhina from Rostov the founder of “Eniologija”.

At Origena in its book “About the beginnings” (3 centuries of our era), speak better and more precisely about GOD, Jesus and the Holy Spirit, about the Trinity. But the Author has tried come up with the ideas related to some hypotheses, in something the author can to be and is wrong also it not true, but true probably somewhere nearby.

Ancient all real – God,

For he is not born.

Most perfectly – the world,

For it creation of god.

It is most,

For it объемлет all.

Most promptly,

For it runs all over all.

Most strongly – inevitability,

For it dominates all.

Most wisely,

For it opens all.


Law, constant and formula of reason. Matrix. Information. Thoughts aloud. Law of Absurdity

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