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ОглавлениеTO CHAKRAVARTY RAGHAVAN, editor of SUNS, earlier head of PTI, who woke me up to GATT in 1987; To Shri SP Shukla who as GATT Ambassador defended India’s sovereignty, and continued to lead the People’s campaign on WTO after retirement; To the late Shri Keayala who created the National working on Patent Laws and worked tirelessly with the Government and Parliament to ensure TRIPS implementation put India and her civilization values first; To the late Shri Chaturan Mishra, then Agriculture Minister, who invited me to be part of the Expert group on Plant Variety Protection and Farmers’ Rights Act as a sui generis alternative UPOV; To Shri Suresh Prabhu who as Environment Minister, and Shri BP Singh, Secretary of Environment, invited me as an expert to draft The Biodiversity Act of India; To the late Justice Krishna Iyer who guided us at every step on earth jurisprudence and the commons; To the all-party parliamentary group who ensured that Article 3, including 3(j), clearly defined what are not inventions; and to all colleagues who have continued to defend India’s sovereignty with creativity, consistency, and clarity.
This book is a product of a collective and cumulative effort.
It was first published in 1997 as The Enclosure and Recovery of the Commons and was used widely in the national and international debates on biodiversity and Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs). The new edition is being published in 2020. Much has happened in twenty years, many laws we were working towards to protect our biodiversity and were proposing in 1997 are now in place.
The Navdanya team has also changed over the last two decades. However, our dedication to resist the enclosures of the commons and creatively recover the commons has remained unchanged. To build and strengthen the struggle of our people to live peacefully and sustainably, with true abundance that comes from biodiversity.