Читать книгу A Widow's Hope - Vannetta Chapman - Страница 7


“I need to apologize, Jacob...”

Hannah glanced up at Jacob, and then away. “I was rude to you yesterday, and I’m very sorry. I know better than to speak harshly, let alone to someone who is being kind to us.”

“It’s my fault. I stuck my nose where it didn’t belong.”

Now she laughed outright. “Perhaps you did, but it was probably something I needed to hear.”

“Apology accepted.”


“Gem gschene.” The age-old words felt curiously intimate, shared there on the bench with the sun slanting through golden trees.

“It’s a fine line,” Hannah said. “Giving him the extra attention and care his condition requires, but not being overly protective. I’m afraid I’m still learning.”

“You’re doing a wunderbar job.”

Which caused her to smile again, and then suddenly the tension that had been between them was gone.

He realized that what Hannah was offering with her apology was a precious thing—her friendship.

For now, he needed to be satisfied with that.

A Widow's Hope

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