Читать книгу A Hundred and Seventy Chinese Poems - Various Authors - Страница 2
Table of Contents
ОглавлениеThe Limitations of Chinese Literature
The Man-Wind and the Woman-Wind
Satire on Paying Calls in August
The Curtain of the Wedding Bed
The Scholar in the Narrow Street
The Desecration of the Han Tombs
Ballad of the Western Island in the North Country
Flowers and Moonlight on the Spring River
A Protest in the Sixth Year of Ch'ien Fu
How I sailed on the Lake till I came to the Eastern Stream
A Seventeenth-century Chinese Poem
Being on Duty all night in the Palace and dreaming of the Hsien-yu Temple
Passing T'ien-mēn Street in Ch'ang-an and seeing a distant View of Chung-nan Mountain
Rejoicing at the Arrival of Ch'ēn Hsiung
The Man who Dreamed of Fairies
The Old Man with the Broken Arm
Kept waiting in the Boat at Chiu-k'ou Ten Days by an adverse Wind
On Board Ship: Reading Yüan Chēn's Poems
Madly Singing in the Mountains
Releasing a migrant "Yen" (Wild Goose)
To a Portrait Painter who desired him to sit
Having climbed to the topmost Peak of the Incense-burner Mountain
Alarm at first entering the Yang-tze Gorges
On being removed from Hsün-yang and sent to Chung-chou
Planting Flowers on the Eastern Embankment
Being visited by a Friend during Illness
On the way to Hangchow: Anchored on the River at Night
Stopping the Night at Jung-yang
The Hat given to the Poet by Li Chien
After getting Drunk, becoming Sober in the Night
Realizing the Futility of Life
Rising Late and Playing with A-ts'ui, aged Two
On a Box containing his own Works
Climbing the Terrace of Kuan-yin and looking at the City
Climbing the Ling Ying Terrace and looking North
Going to the Mountains with a little Dancing Girl, aged Fifteen