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Volume 1


Table of Contents

Editor's Preface

General Introduction

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The Preface

Book I.

I. The Ancient Ballad of Chevy Chase.

II. The Battle of Otterbourne.

III. The Jew's Daughter.

IV. Sir Cauline.

V. Edward, Edward.

VI. King Estmere.

VII. Sir Patrick Spence.

VIII. Robin Hood and Guy of Gisborne.

IX. An Elegy on Henry Fourth Earl of Northumberland.

X. The Tower of Doctrine.

XI. The Child of Elle.

XII. Edom O' Gordon.

Book II. Ballads that Illustrate Shakespeare.

I. Adam Bell, Clym of the Clough, and William of Cloudesley.

II. The Aged Lover Renounceth Love.

III. Jephthah Judge of Israel.

IV. A Robyn Jolly Robyn.

V. A Song to the Lute in Musicke.

VI. King Cophetua and the Beggar-maid

VII. Take Thy Old Cloak About Thee.

VIII. Willow, Willow, Willow.

IX. Sir Lancelot Du Lake.

X. Corydon's Farewell to Phillis.

XI. Gernutus the Jew of Venice.

XII. The Passionate Shepherd to His Love.

XIII. Titus Andronicus's Complaint.

XIV. Take Those Lips Away.

XV. King Leir and His Three Daughters.

XVI. Youth and Age.

XVII. The Frolicksome Duke, or the Tinker's Good Fortune.

XVIII. The Friar of Orders Gray.

Book III.

I. The More Modern Ballad of Chevy Chace.

II. Death's Final Conquest.

III. The Rising in the North.

IV. Northumberland Betrayed by Douglas.

V. My Mind to Me a Kingdom Is.

VI. The Patient Countess.

VII. Dowsabell.

VIII. The Farewell to Love.

IX. Ulysses and the Syren.

X. Cupid's Pastime.

XI. The Character of a Happy Life.

XII. Gilderoy.

XIII. Winifreda.

XIV. The Witch of Wokey.

XV. Bryan and Pereene.

XVI. Gentle River, Gentle River.

XVII. Alcanzor and Zayda.

Appendix I. An Essay on the Ancient Minstrels in England.

Notes and Illustrations Referred to in the Foregoing Essay.

Appendix II. On the Origin of the English Stage, &c.

The Ancient English Poetry

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