Читать книгу TALMUD - Various Authors - Страница 46



MISHNA I. Concerning one who was overtaken by dusk on the eve of Sabbath while on the road. The Sabbath rest must be kept inviolate as far as one's animal is concerned, but one is not responsible for the Sabbath rest of a Gentile. An additional statement concerning the Sabbath rest, which the sages would not reveal. On the day the eighteen precautionary ordinances were instituted, according to the opinion of some, the measure of laws was made heaping full, while, according to others, it was not filled enough. The examples connected with this statement. Why R. Gamaliel allowed his ass to drop dead under a load, 363-367

MISHNAS II., III., and IV. Concerning the untieing of straw for cattle. Concerning the cramming of camels, calves, poultry, and doves. Kneading on Sabbath. The fate of those born on the different days of the week, according to the diary of R. Jehoshua ben Levi. The seven planets guiding the destiny of man. Designation (Muktza) on account of filth and on account of expensive articles. Concerning the cutting up of pumpkins and carrion, 367-376

MISHNA V. What vows may be annulled on Sabbath. Whether a vow may be annulled before the expiration of twenty-four hours after one hears it pronounced, or only during the same day. How consultation concerning vows must be had. Should a Chacham (sage) only be consulted, or will three ordinary men suffice for that purpose? How vows are to be annulled on Sabbath. By thought or by word of mouth; may one say merely: "Go, eat and drink!" The sages comply with the request of Mar Zutra and annul his vow on a Sabbath. How water for ritual purposes may be measured on Sabbath. What happened to Ula at the house of the Exilarch regarding the measuring of water in a hath, 376-378


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