Читать книгу WEST PORT MURDERS (True Crime Classic) - Various Authors - Страница 8
ОглавлениеQ. Do you remember a person of the name of Campbell, coming to live at your house during last harvest? A. Yes, Sir, Michael Campbell.
Q. How long is it since he left your house? A. On the Monday before the fast day.
Q. Do you remember a woman coming to your house to enquire after him? A. Yes, Sir.
Q. By what name did she call herself? A. She called herself Madgy Campbell, and also Duffie, which she said was the name of her former husband.
Q. She came from Glasgow? A. Yes, Sir.
Q. Did she state she came in search of her son? A. Yes.
as Produced in Court.
Published by Thomas Ireland Jun.^r Edinburgh. T. Clerk Sc.
Q. What time did she leave your house? A. I came out of the Infirmary on Thursday, and she left me on Friday, the 31st October.
Q. Did she tell you where she was going? A. She said she was going to search for her son.
Q. Do you know a person of the name of Charles M‘Lauchlan?
A. Yes, Sir; he slept with the woman’s son.
Q. Have you ever seen that woman since? A. Not till I saw her at the Police Office.
Q. What hour did she leave your house? A. I think between 7 and 8 o’clock in the morning.
Q. Do you remember when you saw the woman’s body at the Police Office? A. Yes, sir; it was on Sunday, two days after.
Q. Could you recognize the body? A. Yes, Sir.
Q. What dress did she leave your house in? A. In an old dark printed gown, much patched, short sleeves, open before, sewed with white thread in the back; black bombazet petticoat, and red striped short-gown.
Q. Would you know these things? A. Yes, Sir.
[These articles were shown to witness, and she identified the old printed gown, and short dress.]
By the Court.—Q. Do you know what her age might be?
A. Between forty and fifty.
By Counsel.—Q. What size was she? A. She was a little broad set woman.
By the Court.—Q. When she stopt in your house, was she in good health? A. Yes, my Lord.
Q. Did you ever see her drunk? A. No, my Lord.