Читать книгу The Mojo Collection - Various Mojo Magazine - Страница 5
What Have We Here?
ОглавлениеMaking the best of The MOJO Collection
The albums are arranged chronologically by release date. At the rear of the book are indexes by artist and album title. This is a celebration of an art form – the pop album. We’ve selected hundreds of them from the very first vinyl pop album in 1946 to important releases from the first half of 2007 – and found out how they happened.
As well as the main text for each album, every entry of The MOJO Collection comprises the following information where available:
Album Title
If an album is known by more than one name we’ve used that of the original issue
The label the album originally appeared on in the UK
Recording Information
Location and date recorded, if known
Release Date
Date first issued in the UK
Chart Peaks
Highest album chart placing in the UK and US, if available
The key players and technicians. Abbreviations as follows:
ae = assistant engineer
ag = acoustic guitar
ar = arranger
as = alto saxophone
b = bass
bs = baritone sax
bv = backing vocals
c = cello
d = drums
db = double bass
e = engineer
ep = electric piano
g = guitar
hm = harmonica
k = keyboards
m = mixer
o = organ
p = piano
pc = percussion
ps = pedal steel guitar
rg = rhythm guitar
s = saxophone
sg = steel guitar
syn = synthesizer
t = trumpet
tb = trombone
ts = tenor sax
v = vocals
va = viola
vn = violin
More esoteric instruments – zither, vibraphone, alpine horn etc – are listed in full
Track Listing
Running order of the original UK release
Running Time
Total time of original album
Current CD
The catalogue number of the most recent CD edition of the album. If no label is shown the original label applies. If the album has been reissued on a different label, that’s here, plus the details of any bonus tracks, omissions or alterations
Further Listening
Other albums by the same artist that best complement this one, interesting solo albums or side projects
Further Reading
The best biographies (whether or not they are still in print) and/or the most informative website
Pointing you in the direction of where/whether you can download the record