Читать книгу The American Missionary. Volume 44, No. 03, March, 1890 - Various - Страница 6

The South



A gracious revival in Straight University, New Orleans, brings us glad tidings of the hopeful conversion of about fifty students.

Interesting reports from Talladega College give us information of a revival of religious interest in the school and church there. The college is looking forward to an enlargement of its theological study and Faculty.

Rev. Sterling N. Brown writes from Washington, D.C.: "We are in the midst of a most precious awakening. Forty-six souls have accepted the Saviour. Our meetings have been quiet, orderly and heart-searching. The Master is leading us."

Professor Payson E. Little, of McIntosh, Ga., reports an interesting work of grace in connection with the church and school at McIntosh. This is the place where the pretended Christ last summer appealed to the superstitions of the Negroes advanced in age and ignorant. It is pleasant to know that nearly all of those who were brought under the influence of this crazy fanatic, have now returned to their churches thoroughly ashamed of their experience.

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A Watch-Night Meeting

The very interesting sketch given below shows that the "old-time religion" in the South has not passed away, for this scene took place in one of the large cities and where schools have been sustained for years. The picture of the honored and worthy old preacher stands out conspicuously in the midst of this confused worship.

After the New Year's entertainment in our own church, we thought it would be interesting to some of the new teachers on our force to attend a watch-meeting at one of the churches near, so we started for a large barn-like structure bearing the imposing name of –. We found the building filled to its utmost, and instead of slipping into some seats in the rear unnoticed, as we had hoped, we found ourselves forced to the front bench where the stewards held posts of honor, which were immediately vacated for the "teachers." Many of these men then went behind the railing and stood in solemn state around the pastor as he exhorted the people in most earnest words to get their records clean before the opening of the new year.

The American Missionary. Volume 44, No. 03, March, 1890

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