Читать книгу The Fifteen Comforts of Matrimony: Responses from Men - Various - Страница 3
Real Encouragements for all Single Persons of both Sexes to Marry as soon as ever they can get Wives and Husbands, in order to avoid the danger of leading Apes in Hell; with sutable Directions for that purpose
Dedicated to Married Men and Women
Licensed and Enter'd according to Order
LONDON, Printed and Sold by Henry Hills, in Black-Fryars, near the Water-side
The Batchelors and Maids Answer to the Fifteen Comforts of Matrimony
Answer to the First Mock Comfort
But why shou'd Marriage render Man undone?
When nothing's like it underneath the Sun.
True Pleasures in the Marriage-Bed alone,
Real Joys without it never yet was known.
The Charming Bliss in Wedlock chiefly lies,
A Single Life all Honest Men despise,
What greater Comfort can on Earth be found,
When two True Hearts are both together Crown'd.
All other Pleasures are but Pains to this,
A Married Couple only, finds the Bliss.
The Frowns of Fate, and other Worldly Cares,
Are daily lessen'd by divided Shares.
The mutual Love of Man and Wife dispense,
With all the Chances of dark Providence;
Nay, If in Prison he shou'd chance to lie,
A Loving Wife brings Comforts and Supply.
She pays him visits with Delight and Care,
And Loves him ne're the less for being there.
Answer to the Second Mock Comfort
And why shou'd not a Man adore his Wife,
Since She's the only Comfort of his Life.
A Gift presented by the Gods above,
A lively Emblem of the Charms of Love.
All o're Divine, a Heaven, here below
Man's Paradice, where Joys in Plenty flow.
No Shame, but Honour does bless'd Wedlock Crown,
And ushers in both Glory and Renown.
Sweet pretty Babes, the Product of each Charm,
In Marriage-Bed protects us from all harm,
Their Innocence like Lambs and Doves appear,
Which make our Hearts and Minds quite void of Care.
No Sorrow can lay hold of Man or Wife,
Where Love and Virtue is the Rule of Life.