Читать книгу The American Missionary. Volume 44, No. 02, February, 1890 - Various - Страница 5
A Beautiful Gift
ОглавлениеMr. Silas M. Rideout, of Cumberland, Maine, has presented to the American Missionary Association, through the Boston office, a most beautiful box for keepsakes. It is about 6 inches in width, 9 in length and 4 in depth, made of inlaid woods of different colors very tastefully arranged, "American Missionary" being set in the cover. The inside is lined with plush. On a card in the box the following was written by a friend: "This box was presented to the American Missionary Association by a good man living in a small town in Maine, who, like that good fisherman of whom we have heard, gives such as he had. This dear brother of four-score and two years, made this box and presented it to the American Missionary Association, with its contents $10.25, which was contributed by such of his friends as desired to have a look at the skill of their aged brother in his work of love for the cause of Christ." It was intended by our venerable friend that this box should draw other contributions and finally be sold, the proceeds to be devoted to the work of the American Missionary Association in which Mr. Rideout has been so deeply interested for many years. A gentleman in Boston offers $12 for the box. Will not some one make a better offer, and in this way recognize the remarkable skill of this aged friend in his effort to increase the income of the Association to help the needy millions among whom our missionaries labor?