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Pass Me Around Giselle Renarde


I’d never done anything so dangerous.

I blame the four-hour car trip with my cousin and her giggling gaggle of girlfriends. They annoyed the hell out of me, playing music by some stupid pop music idol I’d never heard of – same song on repeat, played seventeen times over. Yes, I was counting. Anything was better than listening to their inane conversations about makeup and fad diets and celebrity pets.

By the time we got to our campsite, I was so full of irritation I took off for a jog while the other girls pitched our tent. They weren’t too happy with me but, after so long in the car, my muscles were desperate for motion. That, and the girls’ squeaky baby-doll voices were driving me nuts.

We were lucky to get a site in what the park called ‘The Pines’, the section with the most secluded camping spots. In other areas of the campground, you could see your neighbours the minute you stepped out of your tent. My family used to come here on vacation when I was a kid, so I knew it well. In ‘The Pines’, you had to go a fair stretch to pitch your tent or park your trailer. It was nice to have all that privacy.

On my reluctant way back to my cousin and the girls, I heard voices from the campsite next to ours. Guys’ voices. Lots of them. They were laughing, joking around, having a good time. As soon as I heard the jocular tone of those men’s voices, a tingle ran through me. More than a tingle, actually – my entire belly lit up! I don’t know if I’d been spending too much time around other women or if it had just been way too long since I’d gone home with a guy, but I burned for what they had. I wanted it.

I should have checked in with my cousin and her little friends. They’d surely be wondering where I’d gone, right? Well, maybe not. My cousin and I had been penpal BFFs since we were little, but her gal pals didn’t seem to like me very much. When you’re from The Big Smoke, the rest of the country is predisposed to hating you. It’s almost like they’re jealous that you live in an economic and cultural centre, while they spend their date nights making out in their boyfriends’ trucks. Whatever the reason, I’d learned that if you lived in a big city, you would naturally become the target of widespread malice.

Maybe that’s why I lied to those guys about where I was from, once I’d worked up the courage to approach their campsite. I’m not a liar by nature, but when I walked up that long stretch of pine needles and caught sight of those six guys drinking Moosehead around the fire, I knew I had to have them.

All of them.

‘Hey,’ was all I could think to say. Stupid, but I needed to show them I wasn’t lost. I meant to be there. I knew what I was getting myself into, and I wasn’t as innocent as I appeared.

The guys all looked up at me from their folding chairs. Six men around one fire pit. Twelve eyes. All on me. I felt ravaged already.

The day had been hot, and I’d worn cut-offs and a halter top short enough to show off my belly ring. I could tell by the guys’ dark expressions that the outfit was a good choice. They just stared at me, stammering, ‘Hey’ while their jaws swept the fireside.

‘Can I bum a beer?’ I asked, grabbing a bottle from their cooler and popping the top off against the picnic table.

I watched them watching me as I took a long pull on the beer, letting a few drops slide out the side of my mouth, drizzle down my chin and drip into my cleavage. The cold liquid felt good against my overheated chest, and I could tell without looking that my braless tits were getting hard, my pink little nipples standing erect underneath my halter top. I could pass for a country girl.

One of the guys, tan and fit with a Celtic tattoo around his bicep, was smart enough to ask, ‘How old are you?’

The question made me laugh, and I let a little cascade of beer spill out of the bottle and on to my breasts, just to draw their gazes away from my face. ‘Twenty-three?’

That was such a lie. I was actually twenty-seven, but I got the feeling some of these guys might be younger than me, and the older-woman dynamic wasn’t one I wished to encourage. I wanted them thinking I was cute and naïve, just like all my cousin’s stupid friends. Maybe if I could convince them I was nice and young, they’d think this whole six-on-one situation would be something new for me.

As if!

The guys weren’t saying anything, so it was up to me to lure them in. No problem. Male energy was a sex toy, something I could pick up and roll between my fingers, something dynamic and changeable, just like a cock.

Weaving between their folding chairs, I drank my beer, sensing their eyes like sunshine all over my bare legs. I had a feeling these guys weren’t from the city, so I lied and said I lived in Huntsville, crossing my fingers that they’d have no comments or follow-up questions. Luckily, they didn’t. Or maybe they were so quiet because, as I told my lie, I bent at the hips, bent all the way down to pick a sheet of birch bark off the ground. The guys behind me would have had a nice view of the swell of my ass in those itty-bitty shorts. And the guys in front of me? They held their collective breath, waiting to see if my braless breasts might slip out of my halter top.

The sexual tension was palpable, like a thick film on the air. I could taste it, and it danced on my tongue, sweet as chocolate. More, I wanted more, more, more!

I tossed the birch bark on the fire and it went up in a tall blaze. What an amazing spectacle. I wanted to be like that, an instant flame. Touch me and I’m on fire.

The guy with the Celtic tattoo asked me what my name was, and I said, ‘Candy.’


I don’t know why I picked that one, except that it suited the way I felt in the moment. In all probability, they suspected it was a fake, or at best a nickname, but by then my head was spinning. Maybe I’d stood up too fast after bending down, or maybe it was the beer, but I couldn’t think straight. All I knew was that if I didn’t get fucked by each and every one of these guys, I’d go crazy.

Hey, who knows? Maybe I’d already gone.

Night descended quickly, and I wondered if my cousin was worried now the light was growing dim. Probably not. Our site wasn’t far away, and they could probably hear me through the trees. Maybe they were listening while I told this group of hot young studs that I was a lingerie model.

I’d never told so many lies back to back, and it scared me how easily they came. Crazy as it seemed, I’d have done anything to get those boys inside of me. Just the sight of their bodies in shades of gold and brown had my pussy pulsing against the seam of my cut-offs. Every time I shifted even a little bit, my shorts rode up my crotch, stroking my clit. The wetness defied belief.

And these boys had some of the most incredible bodies I’d ever seen. Their naked chests gleamed with sweat in the early evening heat, and their muscular arms twitched as they clung to their beers. I imagined their hands wrapped not around bottles but around the undoubtedly hard cocks beneath their swimsuits. The very image of those boys pumping their massive erections made my knees buckle.

I didn’t ask them any questions about themselves, like what their names were or where they were from. To be honest, I didn’t care. I just hoped one of them might make a move, but I guess I knew I’d have to do all the work. They were just waiting for it.

When I’d finished my first beer, I took another one and said, ‘Guys, I’m so horny. It really sucks.’ Without another word, I drank up.

The guys looked at me like I was crazy, or like I was trying to get them locked up – which I probably should have expected.

‘Is this a trick?’ the darkest of the six guys asked.

I shook my head, trying to look innocent – but not too innocent. ‘Nah, no tricks. I just need a good fuck. You guys know where I can find one?’


A few of them laughed in a way that seemed to mean, ‘Is this chick for real?’ I’m sure they had no idea, but the music of their scepticism only egged me on.

The sun was setting fast, but the guys’ faces were clearly visible by the light of the campfire, their hard chests and bare legs painted orange by the flickering flames. Suddenly one of them laughed and then pressed his hand against his lips to stifle the sound. The rest of them were quiet as church mice.

What, did I have to beg for it?

‘Come on, you guys.’ I put on a pout. ‘I really, really want it. Give a dog a bone?’

The same guy who’d laughed before laughed again, and then rose on unsteady feet. ‘Hey, I’m game,’ he said. ‘I’ll give you what I got.’

He wasn’t the hottest of the bunch – paler skin than the rest, and frizzy orange hair – but the firelight tempted me. Stepping over another guy’s feet, I went to the frizzy boy, spurred on by the heat of the fire and the humid warmth hanging on the air.

Where to begin?

The boy who’d called me over wore a snarky sort of grin, which made me want to punch him more than kiss him, so I decided to ignore his face. Instead, I zeroed in on his flat white chest and licked a nipple. It tasted salty, which was no surprise, but I was amazed at how erect his little pink bud grew as I teased it. In no time, his nipple was hard as a pencil eraser, jutting out far enough that I could actually suck it! Hopefully I was making the other guys jealous, but I couldn’t tell if my wicked ways were working through their hush.

So I looked at the next guy in the circle. His brown skin glowed with the heat of the flames, and he looked like he was hypnotised. Winking, I said to him, ‘I really want to touch your friend’s cock. Do you think he’ll let me?’

‘Shit yeah, I’ll let you!’ Just like that the frizzy-haired dude dropped his shorts and his erection sprang up to greet me. ‘You can do whatever you want to it!’

Until that moment, I hadn’t felt bashful in the least. I was play-acting after all, taking on the role of the nympho, the slut, the seductress. It wasn’t until Frizzy dropped his swim trunks that the reality hit me: I’d given myself over to six strangers and there was no turning back. Either I grabbed that dick or I ran away with my tail between my legs.

My heart seized in my chest as I stared at Frizzy’s erection, wondering if his pubes were really that red or if it was just the fire that made them look that way. Not that it mattered. I was just buying time, I realised, negotiating with myself. If I didn’t act soon, the guys would see right through me. They’d know I wasn’t Candy the lingerie model from Huntsville, and I was desperate to keep up the act. Desperate.

Without another moment’s hesitation, I took Frizzy’s nice-sized cock in hand and pumped that solid slab of meat. He groaned as I jerked him off, cupping his big fuzzy balls and squeezing gently. His arousal sparked my aggression, and suddenly I knew I could go ahead with this without fear. I could give myself over to my lust and theirs.

‘Any of you guys got condoms with you?’ I asked so loudly half the campground probably heard.

One guy took off to a tent, nearly tripping over his feet as he watched me stroke his buddy’s cock. He came back with a big box of condoms, which sort of made me wonder what these dudes had planned to do if I hadn’t randomly wandered onto their site.

‘Pass ’em around,’ I said, eyeing the Trojans. ‘And then when you’re done, you can pass me around.’

The guys were auspiciously silent as they suited up, kicked their swim trunks away from the flames and rearranged the camp chairs. Even the eager frizzy-haired boy whose cock I was stroking hadn’t ventured to touch me. Not once. In truth, their hesitancy put me at ease.

I looked at these gorgeous golden, bronze and brown young men standing naked in a circle, and my heartbeat fell into my pussy. I was so damn hot for them I tore out of my halter top and threw down my cut-offs and panties in one swift motion. The night was warm, and the fire baked my skin, but that was nothing compared to the blazing heat of my cunt. I wanted them in there, all of them – now!

‘Hey, what’s the hold-up?’ I met their lustful yet apprehensive gazes all around the circle. ‘What, you want me to do everything? You boys are hard and ready, so let’s go!’

I pressed Frizzy into a chair turned away from the fire, got down on my knees and slipped his dick right down my throat. He obviously wasn’t expecting me to swallow him whole, but all the other guys had already put on condoms and I never did like the flavour of latex. Summer sweat tinged with the hot aroma of man was more to my taste. I sucked that dick while he sat motionless, like what I was doing scared the life out of him. Maybe he’d never had his dick sucked before. Maybe Frizzy was a virgin! Imagine that …

I glanced quickly around the circle, and it sort of pissed me off that everyone was standing still. Didn’t they want me? Wasn’t I hot?

‘Would somebody please fuck me, already? I’m tired of waiting.’ With that, I turned my attention back to devouring the cock in front of me. I didn’t want to see who took his turn first. I wanted to get fucked completely anonymously.

The men closed in after my outburst, and every time I glanced up from Frizzy’s firm cock I saw their massive erections moving closer, bouncing against thick pillows of hairy balls as they approached. Somebody grabbed my hips then, yanking me from the dusty ground until I was standing on both feet. Guess these boys didn’t want to get their knees dirty! The motion threw me harder against Frizzy’s dick, and I swallowed it deeper than I would have thought possible. I had to grab his wiry thighs for support, afraid I’d tumble forward, knocking us both into the flames.

And then I felt it: some guy’s cock inching its way inside of me, pushing its mushroom tip slowly before filling me up with its massive shaft. I didn’t look back to see who was fucking me. I didn’t care who it was. These guys were just sexual bystanders, convenient cocks, and I was putting them to good use. I closed my eyes and concentrated on the one that was throbbing against my tongue, getting bigger by the second.

Just as soon as I started bucking back against whoever was filling my cunt, Mister Frizzy’s little thighs started to quake. ‘Oh, fuck!’ he kept saying, grasping the folding chair’s plastic arms so hard I was sure he’d break them off. ‘Oh fuck, not yet!’

I didn’t want him to come yet either, but if he insisted, I really didn’t want him to come down my throat. I pulled his big dick from my mouth and aimed his cockhead at my tits. Naked, they beckoned and waved with the motion of someone-or-other fucking me from behind. I pumped Frizzy’s dick as hard and fast as my hand would let me, hoping he’d spill his seed against my pink little nipples. He came in wild white streaks, coating my neck and one of my breasts with jizz, and that was good enough for me. I didn’t even wipe it off.

As soon as he was spent, I called out, ‘I need another dick!’

Somebody pushed the chair with Frizzy still in it out of the way and caught me as I plummeted towards the ground. This guy, one of the golden boys, held me up by my tits, one hand sliding where my breast was covered in jizz. I tore off his condom and grabbed hold of his hard ass as he slid his long cock down my throat. If I didn’t have such great control over my gag reflex, his length would have made me spew. I preferred a thick dick to a long one, but I couldn’t complain with my mouth full.

The two guys fucking me, one in my pussy and the other in my mouth, took over the motion and I just let them do as they pleased. I kept getting this weird image of my body as one of those long lumber saws and the two guys as lumberjacks at either end of me. This is what I’d wanted from the very beginning: for them to take control and use me like a toy. Took long enough to get them there!

The huge cock filling my pussy reamed me at double speed. The guy groaned, ‘Fuck yeah, I’m coming! I’m coming!’

‘Come!’ I encouraged him, speaking around the cock in my mouth. I forced my ass back into the saddle of his hips.

Digging his fingers into my ass cheeks, that guy rammed me hard. When he came, I nearly pushed Golden Boy into the woods.

Whoever had just creamed his condom obviously knew the drill, because he cleared the path for the next guy without waiting for me to say anything. Golden Boy was obviously brought near to the edge hearing his friend’s cries of ‘Fuck yeah!’ and ‘I’m coming!’ because his breathing grew strained and his motion ceased altogether. I grabbed his shaft with one hand and sucked hard on his deep red cockhead, daring him to come.

‘On your tits!’ Golden Boy begged.

Doubling over, he pressed my boobs together so hard it hurt, but who was I to shy away from a little pain? I smooshed my face against his hot, hard pelvis so he could get close enough to shove his dick into the softness of my cleavage. Once he’d lodged his erection between my tits, I licked his belly and he came straightaway. His cream was still dripping down my front when another guy stepped forward to take his place.

And a second guy beside him. They were going to double-team my face, and all I could do was smile.

Someone had set a blanket on the ground, and every man around lowered me onto it until I was perched there on my hands and knees. I’d lost count by then. How many of these guys had fucked me? How many of them had come? Three of the six? Now there was one guy in my pussy, his dick obviously smaller than the last guy’s because the sensation barely registered, and two more shoving their cocks in my face.

If this wasn’t heaven, I didn’t know what heaven was!

The guys kneeling in front of me tore out of their condoms and aimed their cocks so close together their heads actually touched. The sight made my whole body moan. My pussy clenched tight, milking the guy who was frantically pumping inside of it. He grabbed my hips and fucked me harder.

‘You guys!’ I gasped before trying to fit my lips around two cockheads at once. ‘God, this is so fucking hot, you guys.’

‘Yeah,’ they all agreed, and I felt someone’s beer spill across my back while somebody else smacked my ass.

Sucking two dicks at once was no easy task. I was afraid my teeth might sink into their erections deep enough to cause them pain, but I was really careful and the guys made no complaints. I licked the place where their two cocks met in my mouth, all the while pumping their shafts with frenzied vigour, trying to stroke them both with just one hand.

Their cocks were just too much for me. I had to suck them in alternation, feeling all those men’s eyes on my mouth as I wrapped my lips around one cockhead and then the other. The insistent thrusting from behind forced me forward, and I swallowed so much cock that I gagged a bit. I had to steel myself against the solid bangs.

Just when I thought the four of us had developed a rhythm, the guy in my pussy pulled out. Right away, I felt his cockhead pressing against my asshole and I screamed around the hard dick in my mouth.

He didn’t ask if he should stop, which surprised me, and although I knew I’d pay with searing pain, getting fucked up the ass without proper lubrication, I wanted the sheer exhilaration more than I could bear. Still, I didn’t let myself look back. I knew how much this was going to hurt.

To my surprise, I felt a slick, familiar liquid drizzling down my ass crack. It was lube! Someone was dousing me in lube, preparing for a smooth entry. Once I was good and slick, the guy behind me, whoever he was, pressed his cockhead into my ass. He should have gone slower. He should have taken his time. It burned like hell, but I didn’t give a fuck. I bucked back against him, feeling the blaze spread until my thighs shook. He was hissing and then howling, digging his fingers into the flesh of my ass cheeks.

The guy behind me worked his dick into my asshole, thrusting relentlessly, and in time the ache shifted into pressure. I tried not to think about it. I refocused on the two dicks right in front of me, sucking one, then the other. The harder I worked at those boys, the more the pressure in my ass began to feel a lot like pleasure. Yes, it was … it was good! I pushed back against the guy behind me, giving him my ass like a gift, wanting to feel this sensation all week.

Sitting up as straight as I could, I aimed the two cocks in front of me at my tits. The pose was just too awkward with a dick up my ass, so I let the guys take over, aiming their cocks wherever they liked. They took turns feeding their erections to me and jerking off against my cheeks. I sucked so hard I thought I’d take the skin off, but they both seemed to like it. There was such a frenzy of lust that I’m not even sure who came first, but by the time it was all over there was come in my hair and dripping down both my shoulders. The guy in my ass took a while to pull, but there were no more hard cocks to satisfy me, so I didn’t mind.

When the strangers were spent and I was covered in come, they arranged their seats around the fire and tossed a few more logs on top of it to get the flames roaring again. Everyone was quiet, but the crackling flames sounded like laughter to my ears and I wondered if it was mocking me. But why would it? I knew what I wanted and I got it.

I picked up my clothes and dressed, feeling somewhat sheepish. They guys were still naked, and they all looked amazing. For a while I sat on my blanket, staring into the flames and gazing from face to face, but I was no longer the centre of attention so I decided it was time to go.

When I said my goodbyes, the guys stammered, ‘Thanks,’ and ‘See you later, Candy.’

It took a moment before I remembered that was me.

Holiday Affairs: An Erotica Collection

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