Читать книгу The American Missionary. Volume 44, No. 06, June, 1890 - Various - Страница 3



As announced in the last number of the MISSIONARY, we have appointed two men as missionary teachers for the new station to be opened at Point Prince of Wales, Alaska. The names of these brethren are H.R. Thornton, of Hampden Sydney, Virginia, and W.T. Lopp, of Valley City, Indiana. The credentials furnished by these young men are very satisfactory, and they enter upon the field with the full realization of its difficulties and even dangers, and yet, cheerfully trusting themselves to the hand of God, are ready to go forward with undaunted faith. We bespeak for them the prayers of God's people. It is expected that they will leave home about the middle of May and sail from San Francisco June 1st. Dr. Sheldon Jackson and Dr. Pond will aid them in providing materials for the building and the necessary outfit. They will, therefore, be well provided for, though long months must elapse before they can again have communication with the civilized world.

The American Missionary. Volume 44, No. 06, June, 1890

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