Читать книгу The American Missionary. Volume 52, No. 02, June, 1898 - Various - Страница 5
The South
The beginning of our Commencement Exercises occurred on Sunday morning, May 15, when Rev. J. R. McLean, of Macon, preached an able and instructive sermon to our graduating class. The speaker made very apt and telling application of his subject, which, while especially directed to the graduates, was good for all.
The examinations in the various grades took place on Wednesday, 18th, lasting through the day. They gave evidence of good, thorough work on the part of pupils and teachers, and that our school is moving upward all along the line. Much interest was manifested in the recitations and discussions by patrons and visiting friends. Although many of our visitors were unlettered people, they showed that they could keenly appreciate whatever they saw that was good.
A fine display of boys' and girls' clothing and quilts gave proof of the diligence of teacher and pupils in the sewing and dressmaking department, and of the progress made in that line both in the present and past years. A display of household furniture, including tables, stands, wash-stands, a side-board, hat racks and towel racks, showed what our boys' manual teacher and his boys have been doing. To this should be added a neat fence, built by the boys in the lower grades. The neatness and thoroughness of the work on the furniture greatly exceeds that of the same grade from a manufactory.
But our day of days came on Thursday, when a large audience from various parts of Southeastern Georgia assembled at our church to witness the exercises of graduation. Although this is only our third exercise of this kind, it has already become one of the great annual events of Liberty and neighboring counties. Notwithstanding the heat of the day and the dust, the church was packed by an audience of at least six hundred. In thought, force and plainness of expression and delivery, the orations of the young men were well up toward "high-water mark." The subjects chosen were eminently of a practical nature, and were treated in a very practical and forceful way that went right home to the understanding and appreciation of the hearers, as was manifested by the close attention that was evident on every hand. The music for the occasion was furnished by the Normal department, assisted by the grammar grades, and consisted of well-drilled choruses, a duet and a solo. The exercises closed with an appropriate address by the pastor, Rev. A. L. DeMond, and the presentation of the well-earned diplomas.
It should have been mentioned that, on Tuesday evening, a reception was given by the teachers to the members of the graduating class and the alumni, furnishing a very pleasant social occasion. On Thursday afternoon, the alumni of the school organized and held its first meeting, consisting of literary exercises; and in the evening gave a reception to the teachers at a neighboring house, thus giving a pleasant ending to the school year of 1897-8.