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Have you ever heard of singing mice? There are such creatures, you must know, or you will not believe what my verses will tell you. Yes, indeed: it was only the other day that I heard of one that was kept in a little cage, like those used for squirrels, and sang so delightfully that her owner used to have her by his bedside to charm him to sleep. She was a wood-mouse. Wood-mice are the best singers. Whether the one about which you shall hear came from the woods or not, I cannot say; nor how she happened to be in my friend C.'s house: but there she certainly was; and this is the story of what she did there. I call it,


A certain friend William I have, who's so nice,

He's charming to every one,—even to mice.

You ask how I know it? Well, listen: I'll tell

Of something which proves it, that lately befell.

One night, when young William was snugly in bed,

A very queer notion came into his head.

He woke from his slumbers, quite sure that he heard

The musical warbling of some little bird.

He listened a moment: all silent, and then

The sweet little songster was singing again.

A lamp, dimly burning, gave light in the room:

Will raised his head softly, and peered through the gloom.

The door was wide open; and there, on the sill

(It's true, on my word: let them doubt it who will),

A mite of a mousie sat singing away

As sweetly as bobolink on a June day.

Erect on her haunches, her head in the air;

That Pussy might catch her she seemed not to care,

But sang till her sweet serenade was quite done;

Then ran away swiftly as mousie could run.

Now, said I not truly, that Willy's so nice,

He's charming to every one,—even to mice?

S. C. R.

The Nursery, October 1873, Vol. XIV. No. 4

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