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Creation of the winds with their colours


King who ordained the eight winds

advancing without uncertainty, full of beauty,

the four prime winds He holds back,

the four fierce under-winds.

There are four other under-winds,

as learned authors say,

this should be the number, without any error,

of the winds, twelve winds.

King who fashioned the colours of the winds,

who fixed them in safe courses,

after their manner, in well-ordered disposition,

with the varieties of each manifold hue.

The white, the clear purple,

the blue, the very strong green,

the yellow, the red, sure the knowledge,

in their gentle meetings wrath did not seize them.

The black, the grey, the speckled,

the dark and the deep brown,

the dun, darksome hues,

they are not light, easily controlled.

King who ordained them over every void,

the eight wild under-winds;

who laid down without defect

the bounds of the four prime winds.

From the East, the smiling purple,

from the South, the pure white, wondrous,

from the North, the black blustering moaning wind,

from the West, the babbling dun breeze.

The red, and the yellow along with it,

both white and purple;

the green, the blue, it is brave,

both dun and the pure white.

The grey, the dark brown, hateful their harshness,

both dun and deep black;

the dark, the speckled easterly wind

both black and purple.

Rightly ordered their form,

their disposition was ordained;

with wise adjustments,[14] openly, according to their position and their fixed places.

The twelve winds,

Easterly and Westerly, Northerly and Southerly,

the King who adjusted them, He holds them back,

He fettered them with seven curbs.

King who bestowed them according to their posts,

around the world with many adjustments,

each two winds of them about a separate curb,

and one curb for the whole of them.

King who arranged them in habitual harmony,

according to their ways, without over-passing their limits;

at one time, peaceful was the space,

at another time, tempestuous.

The Poem-Book of the Gael

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