Читать книгу Cassell's Book of In-door Amusements, Card Games, and Fireside Fun - Various - Страница 3
ОглавлениеThis Work is a companion volume to Cassell's Book of Sports and Pastimes. As the latter—with the exception of the special sections on "Recreative Science," "The Workshop," and "Home Pets"—is largely occupied with games and sports which are usually carried on out-of-doors, it will be seen that the present book, which is almost exclusively devoted to indoor games of various kinds, forms a very fitting supplement to the other.
It has been the constant aim of the different writers to convey their information in plain, accurate, direct fashion, so that readers may come to understand, on the first occasion of consulting it, that Cassell's Book of Indoor Amusements, Card Games, and Fireside Fun is a Work that deserves their confidence, and may accordingly acquire the habit of referring to it, as a matter of course, when in doubt on any point connected with their favourite games, or when desirous of learning new amusements. Reference has now and again been unavoidably made to outdoor games, either by way of comparison or suggestion for further details. In such cases the reference always has been to the companion volume already mentioned, so that readers possessing the two books will have no difficulty in following the instructions of the Author. In the section on "Parlour Magic" no trick has been described involving the use of apparatus in any degree elaborate. The one or two tricks of a formidable character which are there fully explained have been selected—as the text, in fact, expressly states—to show young conjurers what can really be done with the help of long training and expensive appliances.
In conclusion, the Editor hopes that this work may be the means of introducing many a new game to the young folk for whom it has been his happiness to cater. He will not tell them that all play and no work make Jack a stupid boy, because he has no doubt that his readers are just as fond of their lessons as they are of merry romps or quieter games.
PAGE | |
Acting Proverbs | 9 |
Acting Rhymes | 9 |
Adjectives | 10 |
Adventurers, The | 10 |
Æsop's Mission | 11 |
Alphabet Games | 11 |
Artists' Menagerie, The | 12 |
Baby Elephant, The | 12 |
Bird-catcher, The | 13 |
Blind man's Buff | 13 |
Blind Postman | 13 |
Blowing out the Candle | 13 |
Bouts Rimés | 14 |
"Brother, I'm Bobbed" | 14 |
"Buff says 'Baff'" | 14 |
Buff with the Wand | 15 |
Capping Verses | 15 |
Charades | 15 |
Clairvoyant | 17 |
Comic Concert, The | 18 |
Consequences | 18 |
Conveyances | 19 |
Crambo | 19 |
Cross Questions and Crooked Answers | 20 |
"Cupid is Coming" | 20 |
Cushion Dance, The | 20 |
Definitions | 21 |
Dumb Crambo | 21 |
Dwarf | 21 |
Elements, The | 22 |
Farmyard, The | 22 |
Feather, The | 22 |
Finding the Ring | 22 |
Flying | 23 |
Forfeits | 23 |
Giant | 28 |
Giraffe, The | 28 |
Grand Mufti, The | 28 |
Hands | 28 |
"He can do little who can't do this" | 29 |
Hiss and Clap | 29 |
"Hot Boiled Beans" | 29 |
Hot Cockles | 29 |
House Furnishers | 29 |
"How do you like your Neighbour?" | 30 |
"How, When, and Where?" | 30 |
Hunt the Ring | 30 |
Hunt the Slipper | 30 |
Hunt the Whistle | 31 |
"I Apprenticed my Son" | 31 |
"I Love my Love" | 31 |
"Jack's Alive" | 31 |
Jolly Miller, The | 32 |
Judge and Jury | 32 |
Magic Answer, The | 32 |
Magical Music | 33 |
Magic Hats, The | 33 |
Magic Wand, The | 33 |
"The Minister's Cat" | 34 |
Mixed-up Poetry | 34 |
Musical Chair | 35 |
"My Master has sent me unto you" | 35 |
Nouns and Questions | 35 |
Object Game, The | 35 |
Old Soldier, The | 36 |
Oranges and Lemons | 36 |
Original Sketches | 37 |
"Our Old Grannie doesn't like Tea" | 37 |
Pairs | 37 |
Person and Object | 37 |
Pork-Butcher, The | 38 |
Postman's Knock | 38 |
Proverbs | 38 |
Quaker's Meeting, The | 38 |
Resting Wand, The | 39 |
Retsch's Outlines | 39 |
Reviewers, The | 40 |
Rhymes | 40 |
Rule of Contrary | 41 |
Russian Gossip | 41 |
Schoolmaster, The | 41 |
Shadow Buff | 41 |
Shouting Proverbs | 42 |
"Simon says" | 42 |
Spanish Merchant, The | 42 |
Spanish Nobleman, The | 42 |
Spelling Bee | 43 |
Spoon Music | 43 |
Stage Coach, The | 44 |
Stool of Repentance | 44 |
Tableaux Vivants | 45 |
Telescope Giant, The | 46 |
Think of a Number | 46 |
This and That | 46 |
Throwing Light | 47 |
Toilet | 47 |
Trades, The | 48 |
Traveller's Alphabet, The | 48 |
Twenty Questions | 49 |
Two Hats, The | 49 |
"What am I Doing?" | 49 |
"What is my Thought like?" | 49 |
Who was he? | 50 |
Wild Beast Show, The | 50 |
"Yes or No?" | 50 |
PAGE | |
Æolian Harp | 52 |
Animated Serpent | 52 |
Annulette | 53 |
Apple Mill | 53 |
Apple Woman | 53 |
Bandilor | 54 |
Battledore and Shuttlecock | 54 |
Bell and Hammer | 54 |
Bird Whistles | 54 |
Birds, Beasts, and Fishes | 54 |
Bombardment | 54 |
Bottle Imps | 54 |
Brother Jonathan | 55 |
Camera (Miniature) | 55 |
Cannonade | 55 |
Carpet Croquet | 56 |
Castle Bagatelle | 56 |
Common Whistle | 56 |
Crack Loo | 56 |
Cup and Ball | 56 |
Cupolette | 56 |
Cut-water | 57 |
Dancing Highlander | 57 |
Dancing Pea | 57 |
Dart and Target | 58 |
Dartelle | 58 |
Decimal Game | 58 |
Demon Bottle | 58 |
Drawing-room Archery | 59 |
Dutch Racquets | 59 |
Enfield Skittles | 59 |
Flying Cones | 59 |
French and English | 60 |
Gas Balloons | 60 |
German Balls | 60 |
German Billiards | 61 |
Hat Measurement | 61 |
Homeward Bound | 61 |
Hydraulic Dancer | 61 |
Immovable Card | 61 |
Indian Skittle Pool | 61 |
Jack-in-the-Box | 62 |
Japanese Fan | 62 |
Jerk Straws | 62 |
Le Diable | 62 |
Magic Fan | 62 |
Magic Figure | 64 |
Magic Flute | 64 |
Magician of Morocco | 64 |
Magnetic Swan | 65 |
Magnetic Wand | 65 |
Magnifying Pinhole | 66 |
Mechanical Bucephalus | 66 |
Microscope (Toy) | 66 |
Mocking Call | 67 |
Moorish Fort | 67 |
Navette | 67 |
Nine pins | 68 |
Noughts and Crosses | 68 |
Obedient Soldier | 68 |
Palada | 68 |
Paper Bellows | 69 |
Paper Boat | 69 |
Paper Boxes | 70 |
Paper Chinese Junk | 70 |
Paper Dart | 72 |
Paper Hat (Pyramidal) | 72 |
Paper Parachute | 72 |
Paper Purses | 73 |
Parlour Bowls | 74 |
Parlour Croquet | 74 |
Parlour Quoits | 74 |
Patchesi; or, Homeward Bound | 75 |
Pegasus in Flight | 75 |
Pith Dancer | 76 |
Prancing Horse | 76 |
Prophet | 76 |
Puff and Dart | 77 |
Push Pin | 78 |
Puzzle-wit | 78 |
Quintain | 78 |
Quiz | 78 |
Race Game | 78 |
Racquets (Drawing-Room) | 79 |
Revolving Ring | 79 |
Ringolette | 80 |
Ring the Bull | 80 |
Royal Star | 80 |
Schimmel | 81 |
Shovel Board | 82 |
Skittle Cannonade | 83 |
Slate Games | 84 |
Spillikins or Spelicans | 85 |
Squails | 86 |
Squeaker | 86 |
Steady Tar | 87 |
Summer Ice | 87 |
Sybil | 87 |
Table Croquet | 87 |
Targetta | 87 |
Teetotum | 88 |
Tit-tat-to | 88 |
Tournament | 88 |
Trails | 88 |
Trouble Wit | 88 |
Wonderful Trumpet | 88 |