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December 20, 1860.


Table of Contents

S. Henry Dickson.

The deed is done! the die is cast;

The glorious Rubicon is passed:

Hail, Carolina! free at last!

Strong in the right, I see her stand

Where ocean laves the shelving sand;

Her own Palmetto decks the strand.

She turns aloft her flashing eye;

Radiant, her lonely star[1] on high

Shines clear amidst the darkening sky.

Silent, along those azure deeps

Its course her silver crescent keeps,

And in soft light the landscape steeps.

Fling forth her banner to the gale!

Let all the hosts of earth assail,--

Their fury and their force shall fail.

Echoes the wide resounding shore,

With voice above th' Atlantic roar,

Her sons proclaim her free once more!

Oh, land of heroes! Spartan State!

In numbers few, in daring great,

Thus to affront the frowns of fate!

And while mad triumph rules the hour,

And thickening clouds of menace lower,

Bear back the tide of tyrant power.

With steadfast courage, faltering never,

Sternly resolved, her bonds we sever:

Hail, Carolina! free forever!

[1] The flag showed a star within a crescent or new moon.

War Poetry of the South

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